Disappointing, but pretty much what I was expecting.
They’ll get use as BG defenders but that’s it. Would gladly trade them both in for Hulk, Venom or Spider-Man but that’s not how this game works, ha ha.
Ended up with Sassy from a Paragon crystal and then Shurri and Korg from the 7* opening. Already have 6* R4 versions of Sassy @sig 100 and Korg at @sig 200. None of these were on my wanted list but eh, now I have the game back on my phone will see how it goes with them. I really need iso!
Disappointing, but pretty much what I was expecting.
They’ll get use as BG defenders but that’s it. Would gladly trade them both in for Hulk, Venom or Spider-Man but that’s not how this game works, ha ha.
Everyone wants different stuff, but I would have been fine with those pulls. G2099 has her uses, and Overseer especially is very undervalued in my opinion. Protection from nullify-type effects is very valuable, and I think his stun immunity after specials tends to get overlooked verses things like encroaching stun. Plus with a little ramp up he hits like a truck dropped from orbit.
I was supposed to part ways with the game today and this would be a great reason to do so but I was convinced by some friends to stay. Let’s hope my crystal openings get better from here.
Yeah, got my OG spiderman.....about to part ways...lol
I got three: Wong, Mantis and Hawkeye. I have all three as 6*s at r1 so I'm happy to have the chance to try them out without investing any resources, even if I suspect that I'll eventually only be using Mantis out of the three.
But I did enjoy Wong during some initial testing, and I have fond memories of Hawkeye from when I was new to the game so I will be interested to see how his buff is. I only recently pulled him as a 6* as well so I really haven't had time to test him out.
Disappointing, but pretty much what I was expecting.
They’ll get use as BG defenders but that’s it. Would gladly trade them both in for Hulk, Venom or Spider-Man but that’s not how this game works, ha ha.
Everyone wants different stuff, but I would have been fine with those pulls. G2099 has her uses, and Overseer especially is very undervalued in my opinion. Protection from nullify-type effects is very valuable, and I think his stun immunity after specials tends to get overlooked verses things like encroaching stun. Plus with a little ramp up he hits like a truck dropped from orbit.
Agree about Overseer. I have him at r4 and he is awesome. Would love to pull him as a 7s.
I don't normally spin crystals but I figured I would this time since it's a special occasion. I nearly had a heartattack on the second spin because it looked like I was going to pull Korg a second time! Not that that was inherently a bad thing for defense, but I would've hated getting two of the same champ from my first two 7* crystals.
...bonus thrill from pulling Wiccan since I don't even have him as a 6*!!!
I've only played him a little bit in ROL before leveling him up, but I'm already loving what I'm seeing. Just gotta get use to his rotations and mechanics.
One went right, one kinda went wrong, and one went really Wong.
Disappointing, but pretty much what I was expecting.
They’ll get use as BG defenders but that’s it. Would gladly trade them both in for Hulk, Venom or Spider-Man but that’s not how this game works, ha ha.
My first 4 7* sassy was the first one,
p.s i have have 6* r4 so kind of sad on the sassy pull
My pulls. No idea who to r2 (probz gunna wait for titania or overseer)
No complaints
But I did enjoy Wong during some initial testing, and I have fond memories of Hawkeye from when I was new to the game so I will be interested to see how his buff is. I only recently pulled him as a 6* as well so I really haven't had time to test him out.
Going to pause there while I calculate a few things to get me to those 2x t6cc
Knew I’d get that OG Spidey lol
I don't normally spin crystals but I figured I would this time since it's a special occasion. I nearly had a heartattack on the second spin because it looked like I was going to pull Korg a second time! Not that that was inherently a bad thing for defense, but I would've hated getting two of the same champ from my first two 7* crystals.
...bonus thrill from pulling Wiccan since I don't even have him as a 6*!!!
I've only played him a little bit in ROL before leveling him up, but I'm already loving what I'm seeing. Just gotta get use to his rotations and mechanics.
Happy with this as I didn't have him as a 6* need to learn his kit now as I have no idea how he works.
Pretty happy!
Nothing from 22 paragon crystals either