7s Release - A Swing and a Miss



  • StantonaStantona Member Posts: 125 ★★
    As a Paragon non spender I can see the argument from both sides, but non spenders will always be the dedicated gamers as more effort and time is required rather than buying our way to the top.

    Firstly, I agree that Paragon's should have access to the best rewards as we've worked our way to being the furthest progressed within the game achievements, if you want the best rewards then you need to earn them this way.
    Also, I have nothing against spenders and to be honest it wouldn't bother me if Kabam put infinite milestones if people want to spend to get there.

    What I don't agree with is the amount required to spend from casual spenders to 'whales' to gain any decent amount of rewards in these events. As a Paragon I would expect to hit some of the top milestones with using my units and 7* crystal opening, but to hit 130,000 points in the solo objectives (if I didn't have 7* to open) I would have to open 163 paragon crystals which works out at around 10 Odin's, that's a 1,000 quid! I could treat myself to a 65" TV for that!

    Now most events work the way I agree with, spend 3,000 units and complete certain objectives to receive at least some decent rewards, but to reach the best rewards you must spend 15,000 units to get them, that's fine by me.
    Its just a little disheartening to spend 3,000 units, open 2 7* crystals and not even reach 20,000 points in the solo event. It would've been nice to have the T6CC selectors available at the lower milestones. What's wrong with having 2 selectors behind say 5,000 units of crystals and then the other 2 behind the 25,000 units required. Spenders will still come out on top.

    Anyway, like I say, I agree with spending but the gap within this event just seems astronomical. Lets hope the 7* quest brings the gap a little closer for non spending/casual spenders to enjoy this 'celebration' too.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,869 ★★★★★
    Mackey said:

    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    Adevati said:

    There was a lot of hype. Kabam hyped it up. We hyped ourselves up. And then all we get is a whale event like we have never seen before. Not even an event where casual spenders or F2P could get some rewards they wanted while heavy spending gets a lot more. It was effectively nothing unless you spend A LOT. Not even a spend $10 and get some decent rewards thing.

    So I do have to agree, it was a lost opportunity to make this a memorable event in the game’s history. There could have been so much more done.

    Maybe a side quest that only allows 7-stars. Maybe a special arena that has massive points for 7-star champs. Maybe some objective that has a profile pic or title that states, “I got a 7-star champion on release day.” Maybe some objectives that require us to duel a 7-star champion. All of these could just award 6-star shards/stones. Kabam has been throwing those around like candy anyways.

    But as it was, I just opened two crystals, got my relic reward I don’t care about, and that was that. Yay?

    Hype from Kabam is not the phrase I'd use. There was a severe lack of information from yesterday.
    They posted hints and teasers of the champ pool on social media.

    They had an hour+ long live stream that spent the bulk of the live stream talking exclusively about 7-stars.

    There is a sticky banner up top that says: “ 7-Star Launch Day: Summoners! Today is the day! We are expecting today to be our biggest Crystal opening day EVER!” Can you name another event that a banner was placed that did not relate to bugs or game issues?

    Posts about 7-stars were popping up on the forums. The crystal opening thread was created more than a day before they released.

    So tell me again that this was not hyped and just another run of the mill thing.

    7* opening day day was, not the events or anything else that came along with opening 7*'s. Really, it's just a build up from November of last year. We knew we'd be able to open them, we just wanted to know the pool of champs. I would say the hype was built around just the introduction of 7*'s and not really hyping the day we could open them.

    There hasn't really been a mass opening like yesterday. We didn't have as many openings with 6*'s. With being able to open Paragon crystals and 7* crystals, the banner was needed.
    I don’t know what you’re trying to argue anymore.

    My point is that 5/8 was a significant day in MCOC history. Kabam did a lot of work and communicating about this day.

    My argument is that this would be a perfect day to celebrate the community. Or even renew waning interest.

    Instead, we just got an event that only catered to big spenders. Zilch for F2P, zilch for casual spenders. For the bulk of the player base, it was just a normal day outside of the 30 seconds it took to open crystals.

    I believe it was a missed opportunity for Kabam. I’m not interested in arguing about whether something was hyped or not. Even if it wasn’t hyped, this was still a monumental day for the game that came and went without much interest.
    Everyone gets to participate in the alliance and solo events. If you had one 7* to open, you get points and you can get some easy tiers in the events.

    Even so, why can't they celebrate spenders? Every event in this game is built for all different players but this one time when spenders have a bigger advantage, it's a problem? There's 2 big spend events a year with many of non spend events in-between. Let them have this. They keep this game running.
    You're deluded mate
    Explain how.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,105 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    They had a Full Live stream.. they created a big hype..
    Then they forgot to tell players they needed to stay in an alliance for an X ammount of days to participate in the Alliance event...basically they copy paste the Banquet and Gifting event but forgot to notify players... Now there are different stories about players being able to claim past milestones and others who couldnt.
    The mods are in complete radio silence about this issue... The only time they had an answer was this..

    No real answers about the event milestones really, just a concern about people exploiting something that wasn't even announced...
    Yeah pretty poor execution.

    That was the answer. You know how much Alliance-hopping and complaints about being kicked would come if not?
    .. rofl that was the answer?.. so they can announce it on Gifting and Banquet but not on this?...
    I know u r pro Kabam but u can't possibly be defending this....
    This is a major launch. Not a Gifting Event.
    Which is why they should have dotted every i and cross every t... And by major u mean copy pastimg the same event? 🤣... U r really trying for that forum guardian program...
    The biggest launch in years.. a big major one.. had no announcent on the event... Yeah makes total sense
    It's not the same Event, really.
    Are u even Paragon yet? Cause its a Paragon only event...
    Am I? No. Still TB. Would you like to tell me how that inhibits me from knowing what it entails, which is common information, compared to the Gifting Event? That was what my statement was about. You know, the more people use that calling out response, the more awkward it sounds over the years.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,536 ★★★★
    I do wish they could have incorporated the other progress levels with appropriate rewards to celebrate the 7* coming in. For example thronebreakers could work toward rewards which would help them in progressing from TB to Paragon. The same for the other levels as well. Just some thoughts, but I will reassess after the Shooting Star Event drops.
  • noclutchnoclutch Member Posts: 186 ★★
    I felt awful for not having enough money to spend for this thing.
    I am seeing spenders popping 7 star crystals and paragon crystals left and right.

    Event is catered to whales of the game.

    And the worst part is that now the whales will complain that there is not enough catalyst or quest for them to have fun.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    I’ve criticized Kabam for drip feeding information, and I’ll do it briefly here but I’m very happy with the event structure and rewards even as a non-spender.

    Kabam didn’t announce the Shooting Stars quest prior to Spring Cleaning iirc. They didn’t announce this launch event at all. People passed up 7-star shards from the event that might have changed what they could earn/have access to. People spent bg trophies differently than they might have otherwise.

    It frustrates me a bit but it also seems self-defeating for Kabam. Give us a reason to engage/spend.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    Coppin said:

    They had a Full Live stream.. they created a big hype..
    Then they forgot to tell players they needed to stay in an alliance for an X ammount of days to participate in the Alliance event...basically they copy paste the Banquet and Gifting event but forgot to notify players... Now there are different stories about players being able to claim past milestones and others who couldnt.
    The mods are in complete radio silence about this issue... The only time they had an answer was this..

    No real answers about the event milestones really, just a concern about people exploiting something that wasn't even announced...
    Yeah pretty poor execution.

    That was the answer. You know how much Alliance-hopping and complaints about being kicked would come if not?
    .. rofl that was the answer?.. so they can announce it on Gifting and Banquet but not on this?...
    I know u r pro Kabam but u can't possibly be defending this....
    This is a major launch. Not a Gifting Event.
    Which is why they should have dotted every i and cross every t... And by major u mean copy pastimg the same event? 🤣... U r really trying for that forum guardian program...
    The biggest launch in years.. a big major one.. had no announcent on the event... Yeah makes total sense
    It's not the same Event, really.
    Are u even Paragon yet? Cause its a Paragon only event...
    Am I? No. Still TB. Would you like to tell me how that inhibits me from knowing what it entails, which is common information, compared to the Gifting Event? That was what my statement was about. You know, the more people use that calling out response, the more awkward it sounds over the years.
    Well does the fact that there was no announcement on black out period affect u at all?.. even if u didn't switch alliances after the war season... Does the lack of information affect u while not being able to participate?..
    You can defend Kabam all you want.. tell me its not the same event.. its the same structure.. 2 crystals.. gated milestones on participation.. and the same black out period..
    The fact that they are not answering any questions about the milestones shows that they messed up...
    As of your progression level.. U can read all u want be informed.. That doesnt mean you live the situation.. I can read a cooking book doesnt make me a chef.. U can read every aspect of an event; but until u r affected you shouldn't really have an opinion about it... I guess what i am trying to say is Kabam really messed up and you are taking your usual Pro Kabam stance..CAUSE IT REALLY DOESNT AFFECT U AT ALL...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,105 ★★★★★
    Okay, that's highly dramatic.
    We're talking about a new Rarity being introduced, and an Event that is rewarding Players with a new Resource. In a game that's battling a number of forms of cheating, it's clear why that isn't something they want to make wide-open for people to take advantage of.
    Also, can we just stop with the "doesn't affect you" clause? I'm in the Event just as much as anyone else. I'm just not taking part in the 7* Quest. That's beside the point. It's a discussion. Not a testimonial.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Okay, that's highly dramatic.
    We're talking about a new Rarity being introduced, and an Event that is rewarding Players with a new Resource. In a game that's battling a number of forms of cheating, it's clear why that isn't something they want to make wide-open for people to take advantage of.
    Also, can we just stop with the "doesn't affect you" clause? I'm in the Event just as much as anyone else. I'm just not taking part in the 7* Quest. That's beside the point. It's a discussion. Not a testimonial.

    U r in the event?.. how mant Paragon crystals did u open to reach milestones?...
    Dramatic?... Fight cheating?.. They should have announced it...they didn't, guess who gets affected?... PARAGON players that switched alliances after the season ended...
    Am I against the so called "anti cheating" method? NO, I am complaining about the lack of information on the event, that U DONT BENEFIT FROM. Oh btw u can go in and clear 1 path of the so called 7* quest as a TB... And yes its a discussion and not a testimonial, u r right on that.. but u r discussing points that u can't take part of making troll comments that derail the subject. My initial post was about the lack of information.. what did u do?.. make a comment saying "its not the same event . Its a major thing".. its the same or not regardless (which it is since its a recycled event), how does your comment on an event YOU CANT EVEN PARTICIPATE have anything to do with the discussion on lack of information?... And yeah its easy to try to be smart*** when u don't get affected....
    U dont do everest content, yet u have opinions about it.. u don't compete in BGs yet y have opinions about it... U can't participate on this event yet u have opinions about it.. At some point you should be talking about stuff that U can actually do instead of throwing 2 cents on the well of things u cant do...
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,713 ★★★★★
    edited May 2023
    NearJr said:

    The event is catered towards Paragon players, that's it. Paragon players happen to be the biggest whales, there's no surprise there.

    You DON'T need to complete all the objectives.
    You DON'T need to spend.

    This is the latest stage of progression, it's not intended for everyone. I spent 50 bucks on the 10 paragon crystal offer. Then I spent 20k units that I already had saved on more paragon crystals. I don't care that I got 1 7* from all them crystals. I *wanted* the rewards. Do i absolutely, 100% need the rewards? Of course I don't, but I chose to do it.

    If you are not Paragon, I would suggest you take all this "forum energy" and spend it finishing Acts 6, 7 and 8.

    Not every piece of content is targeted for every single player.

    Tell that to my sad, what used to be 10000 unit stash 😂

    Edit: sad not dad
  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 164 ★★★
    Yeah I spent 20k and got 1 7*, not worth the 7* but absolutely worth everything else I got from the event
  • XxLoOhNuTiCkxXXxLoOhNuTiCkxX Member Posts: 68
    I opened 1 7 star crystal and bought 1200 units worth of paragon crystals (they were all 5 stars lol), and it didn't even give me the first solo milestone. I don't think that's right at all.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    mmm well kabam. that's that. can we get our compensation now for all the B.S that has happened for the past two, getting to three months now in this game?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,869 ★★★★★

    I opened 1 7 star crystal and bought 1200 units worth of paragon crystals (they were all 5 stars lol), and it didn't even give me the first solo milestone. I don't think that's right at all.

    The first milestone in the solo event is 5k. 7* crystals give 2500 points and Paragon crystals give 800 points, which 6 Paragon crystals would be 4800 points. There's no way you didn't get the first milestone.
  • BoogalooglerBoogaloogler Member Posts: 102 ★★
    Updating with the release of the Shooting Stars quest.

    This is very disappointing kabam. Most of the rewards are star rng crystals, which leaves alot to be desired. The totality of the quest only gives one 7 star champ...if I already have 5. And less gold and iso (yes, I recognize the iso is all selectors) than I'd get for exploring the TB eq.

    I was expecting everest content. Another gauntlet type event, or EoP. Something that required skill and preparation to tackle, with meaningful rewards. Instead we got scraps for doing "gimme" fights. "Gimme" fights that some of us will have to wait months to fully complete while we wait for our fifth 7 star.

    This thread is getting more attention than some of your most recent announcements, and the majority consensus here is that this was a flop.
  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 164 ★★★

    Updating with the release of the Shooting Stars quest.

    This is very disappointing kabam. Most of the rewards are star rng crystals, which leaves alot to be desired. The totality of the quest only gives one 7 star champ...if I already have 5. And less gold and iso (yes, I recognize the iso is all selectors) than I'd get for exploring the TB eq.

    I was expecting everest content. Another gauntlet type event, or EoP. Something that required skill and preparation to tackle, with meaningful rewards. Instead we got scraps for doing "gimme" fights. "Gimme" fights that some of us will have to wait months to fully complete while we wait for our fifth 7 star.

    This thread is getting more attention than some of your most recent announcements, and the majority consensus here is that this was a flop.

    They mentioned during their stream that this quest was a simple, not too difficult quest. If your expectations are sky high and you didn't bother to watch the stream or do a simple Google search, then of course you will be dissapointed.

    The quest was ok and it was intended to be just that. The big pay off comes frrom the solo and alliance event. And before you say "it's for whales only", you are not forced to get all the objectives. F2P and casual players are not it's intended target. As everything else in this game, the highest rewards require a very high dedication.
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