Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

So much for "free week of AQ"



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    GiomeGiome Posts: 170 ★★
    L8Rdays said:

    I really want to keep this thread bumped up. We have a new cycle starting soon and we need to know from Kabam what is going to happen following last round's ridiculousness, as well as what we should expect to see as defenders. Hopefully not the over-tuned garbage we got to enjoy in an already terrible game mode.

    Hey man,
    Totally agree, it would be great to know.
    They sent again a message about free AQ but nothing was said about the difficulty level.

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    hmdemerahmdemera Posts: 78
    edited May 2023
    Kabam Jax acknowledged the dramatic increase to stats with the 7* transfer, and said they were looking into it. That was on day two of last AQ series. Since then, no word. A new "Free" AQ starts in a few hours and we don't know if we're heading off onto the same cliff.
    Kabam offered no compensation for the increased item usage. Instead they offer another "Free" week and an AQ bundle for purchase. Such loyalty to your player base, Kabam.

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    We should get an update on this shortly
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    L8RdaysL8Rdays Posts: 26
    60 minutes until AQ starts and we have heard nothing still. It has been a full week since this issue arose and all we have to go on is "this was unintentional". I'd like to pretend I could keep my business running with the same tactics, but I'm pretty sure I would be out of a job if I tried it.
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    Kabam JaxKabam Jax Posts: 1,718
    Hey Summoners!

    In addition to the second free week of Maps 7 and 8 (a classic redo) we will also have a package of AQ consumables being sent out next week to all Summoners who are in an Alliance.

    Additionally, the Map 8 prestige issue has been resolved and shouldn't be a problem moving forward. Defenders have still been shifted to 7-Stars but the adjustment should be a parallel move from the standard for Map 8, as was initially intended.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,456 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners!

    In addition to the second free week of Maps 7 and 8 (a classic redo) we will also have a package of AQ consumables being sent out next week to all Summoners who are in an Alliance.

    Additionally, the Map 8 prestige issue has been resolved and shouldn't be a problem moving forward. Defenders have still been shifted to 7-Stars but the adjustment should be a parallel move from the standard for Map 8, as was initially intended.

    @Kabam Jax I spectated the map yesterday and they do seem to be much lower than last cycle.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,456 ★★★★★
    L8Rdays said:

    60 minutes until AQ starts and we have heard nothing still. It has been a full week since this issue arose and all we have to go on is "this was unintentional". I'd like to pretend I could keep my business running with the same tactics, but I'm pretty sure I would be out of a job if I tried it.

    You could have spectated the map yesterday and seen it was fixed.
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    L8RdaysL8Rdays Posts: 26

    L8Rdays said:

    60 minutes until AQ starts and we have heard nothing still. It has been a full week since this issue arose and all we have to go on is "this was unintentional". I'd like to pretend I could keep my business running with the same tactics, but I'm pretty sure I would be out of a job if I tried it.

    You could have spectated the map yesterday and seen it was fixed.
    I actually did when I set it up yesterday and it appeared to be corrected, but again, we received no actual information or communication whatsoever, so my guess regarding the difficulty update would have been speculative.
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    thanks Jax!
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,377 ★★★★★
    That solves it then. Thanks for the update Jax.
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    Darksniper240Darksniper240 Posts: 222 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners!

    In addition to the second free week of Maps 7 and 8 (a classic redo) we will also have a package of AQ consumables being sent out next week to all Summoners who are in an Alliance.

    Additionally, the Map 8 prestige issue has been resolved and shouldn't be a problem moving forward. Defenders have still been shifted to 7-Stars but the adjustment should be a parallel move from the standard for Map 8, as was initially intended.

    I'm still seeing 6 stars as the defenders on map 8.
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