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My tier list for available 7 stars now

RvzRvz Posts: 179 ★★


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    noclutchnoclutch Posts: 186 ★★
    Joe Fixit and spidergwen are very good.
    Storm X is decent.
    All three can be taken up in tiers.

    Killmonger is alright, requires high sig investment for alright dmg.
    I consider him awful as 7 star
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    RenaxqqRenaxqq Posts: 1,611 ★★★★
    Joe Fixit is a beast. He's so suicide friendly!
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,440 ★★★★
    The first batch of champions in the 7* pool are all pretty good.. they all have their own niche use and are high to mid tier.. now with next addition. There will be more champions added to the pool.. great champions as well as not so great.. imagine 7* superior ironman, ms marvel kamala khan, groot, ironman og, beast, Moonknight.. if you compare there champions I mentioned.. the initial 7* pool is awesome.. true Hawkeye is not as powerful as Killmonger, but he is good if you master the slow-mo release.. crit bleed etc.. I doubt I can open another 10k before more champions are added to the pool making it more risky or rewarding.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,526 ★★★★★
    I'd honestly say there isn't anything below a B Tier champ in the pool except maybe Korg. Who can go in a Defence only tier.
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    BeeweeBeewee Posts: 542 ★★★★
    Any champ id consider a good defense champ or solid on offense at no sig to sig 20 Id consider a great pull as theyre about on par with a r5 champ. If a champ requires high sig or more than likely a dud (VTD). It hurts
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    GamerKniteGamerKnite Posts: 181 ★★
    edited May 2023
    *Tell me you don't know what you are talking about without telling me you don't know what you are talking about*

    Insert your bad tierlist here
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,585 ★★★★★
    Beewee said:

    Any champ id consider a good defense champ or solid on offense at no sig to sig 20 Id consider a great pull as theyre about on par with a r5 champ. If a champ requires high sig or more than likely a dud (VTD). It hurts

    He's the one champ that is extremely dated. Does he have some use still? Of course, but there are others I'd rather use as a 6* that are better than wasting a roster spot on him.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,385 Guardian
    This isn’t feedback on the quality of the Tier List itself, but rather in the number of 7* posts made by same people. (re, similar to someone else recently asking why all the disagrees, when they have like 5+ different posts surrounding basically the same thing).
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    Milan1405Milan1405 Posts: 952 ★★★★
    edited May 2023

    This guy has put joe fixit below mangog! I have a 7 star mangog and there ain't no way he's better than joe fixit. Also putting the likes of rocket and hawkeye in the same tier as venom the duck is some serious disrespect.
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    HSS75HSS75 Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    what the heck is that tier list? most of the champions you rated trash are really good ones. and there are plenty that deserve A tier or even S tier.
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    ElMelloiElMelloi Posts: 101
    hate this joe downplay smh
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    KingInBlackKingInBlack Posts: 313 ★★★
    Iwim most underrated 7* apparently. I wish I could trade someone my Overseer for one, I know there'd be a line out the door to make the swap.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Why do people even consider making serious discussion with OP
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    SpaceCorpSpaceCorp Posts: 73
    0/10 As Well

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    Wilton2107Wilton2107 Posts: 5
    Lets agree to disagree. There's no trash in ALL game. Some Champs like Unstoppable Colossus and Iron Fist needs a buff. Is Just see a little opportunity to get better. I see in 7 stars pool very good champs available.
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    o_oo_o Posts: 834 ★★★★

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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,770 ★★★★★
    What makes you put Sunspot anywhere below S? I mean there are are bigger heresies, but this one caught my eye
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    KeltanKeltan Posts: 501 ★★
    There no trash champ.. those are all damn good champs..
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