Pause, Maybe?

I mean let's be real the games really, really messed up atm so why not take a few months to shut it all down and get it fixed permanently and thoroughly? Some people would probably be pissed but I'm assuming it'll be majorly appreciated. (please tell me if I'm being dumb, idk how managing a game works)
Also, your experience is not necessarily the experience everyone or even a significant percentage of players is having. Me, for example. I encounter few of the issues I read about here. This is not to dismiss your problems, just the justification to shut down the game. That would be a disaster.
They've straight up said that shutting down and redirecting all resources would not be the fix all you think it would be.
Not to mention they are under obligation from not only the higher-ups at Netmarble but also from Marvel Comics to release content to correspond with any new projects that have been announced. So they're never going to take an extended break for the game even if it is to try and fix everything.
A lot of people don't realize the behind the scenes stuff and they presume that it's as straightforward as "do one thing to fix the whole game" when it's really much more complicated than that. And for the record, I wouldn't be mad if they took time off to fix things but knowing that it doesn't really work like that, I'm not going to put my eggs all in one basket.
Developers work on a what's commonly called the "dev" version. There are other versions as well that could exist that they work in. The Beta client is another one of these.
Developers work on the Dev version where they create all the new updates and implement big fixes. They then load that version for us to download and write over the old version every month.
Shutting the game down for months would literally accomplish nothing.
Shutting the game down would be catastrophic, because many, many players wouldn't return, the company would have no income and they'd be under even greater pressure.
Also, there are issues in the game, that have been there for months or even years. I think some of these aren't fixed, because they simply can't be fixed. It's not in devs' power to fix them, not because the people would be incompetent, but because the game is so complex, that it's not in human power to find the exactly right spot.
And lastly, most games suffer from bugs,even serious ones from time to time and it's fine. Players are usually tollerant, because the developing company makes sure to communicate transparently and show the players their gratitude for patience (at least verbally, but often with a small gift). This isn't seen in mcoc, but whether it's because we barely ever see a "thanks for patience" message, or we as a community are too entitled, that I don't know.
"Did you find a bug that affect OUR ability to earn $$? OMG, we'll fix that in nanoseconds!!!"
Pausing is for "cowards" according to Whitworth and others.
Working as intended