kitty ibomb or valkyrie?

i’ve been playing with, and love all 3, however i’m no expert in any of them, and they’re all unduped. but i’m still considering them for my next R4 champions.
are there any people who play a lot of them, especially kitty and valk, champions whom i constantly feel like i’m missing something for, like i’m unable to extract the really nutty damage from.
any insight is appreciated, thanks all in advance.
are there any people who play a lot of them, especially kitty and valk, champions whom i constantly feel like i’m missing something for, like i’m unable to extract the really nutty damage from.
any insight is appreciated, thanks all in advance.
All champs are good enough to justify the resources; and you'll almost certainly get them Awakened eventually.
Plus, IMHO, Kitty doesn't need Awakened; it just makes her perfect at stuff she already does pretty well; and able to completely ruin anyone who tries to counter her phase. Totally worth the r4 even without being Awakened.
Valkyrie is missing a little bit of magic that comes with Awakening and preferably max Sig. She can still get around a lot of abilities, and do solid damage by hitting into block. It just takes a bit of practice persuading the AI to cooperate..
Valkyrie you want ideally at max sig, but her sig predominantly applies to fights where unstoppable is going to be annoying. At max sig she will ignore all unstoppable effects after hitting 11 in her combo. That’s pretty great. But her sig isn’t going to add anything significant to her offensive abilities and she’ll still be nearly as useful a champ unawakened.
Recommendation: awaken her and get some sigs in her. More fun that way.
Kitty does not NEED her dupe. Her dupe makes her cheesier. Her dupe makes her much, much better in fights where your opponent counters miss. Fights like Nick Fury, Herc, Daredevil, and many nodes, get much cheesier since she will not take damage while phased and will gain tons of power. It also helps her to take no damage from debuffs while phased as opposed to taking reduced damage, further adding to her cheese. But like Valkyrie her dupe adds more utility than it does offensive power, so it isn’t absolutely necessary.
Recommendation: awaken her. Sig 1 is fine.
Ibom would need his awakening more than the other two and I would argue that you want him awakened. It helps him to do what he does better on offense. You start with more poisons which will allow his Acid Burn phase to last longer. Add to that that all of his poisons last longer and you will be melting your opponent faster and it’s pretty great. That and free willpower healing out of the gate with a few poisons is nice.
Recommendation: awaken and get some sigs, but don’t panic about max sig.
Overall, if you can awaken one of them pick who you enjoy playing the most. Otherwise, if only unawakened, I would go with Kitty or Valkyrie, they just won’t be as usable as they would be awakened.
thanks for the advice though, i’ll have to see who i enjoy for now but thanks for the advice on awakened abilities.
All in all, a great champ unawakened, but he does get a sizable offensive boost when awakened. I believe I took mine to R3 prior to him being awakened and still enjoyed him.
Is he worth a generic gem? Well that depends on your roster and how your awakening gem flow is going. I would argue that he is easily worth a class gem at the very least.