crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42

7 hours past from the timer stop, till now i restart game over 50 times, i reinstal game 2 times and sign out and in 3 times, also open 3 paragon crystal, i still cant claim my milestone rewards from 7* celebration quest. If i dont recive my reward i cant open another 7* crystal and receive 5-th 7* hero to finish the shoting star quest

So will be unable to took that 7000 7* shards and with the shards from milestone to open another 7* also i will not open that 6 paragon crystals from the shooting stars, so i will not have enough point to take the next milestone from solo 7* celebration
so i will lose another 5000 7* shards

KABAM is 100% not my fault, its 100% your fault
Do something till the event is over


  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    crysst said:

    7 hours past from the timer stop, till now i restart game over 50 times, i reinstal game 2 times and sign out and in 3 times, also open 3 paragon crystal, i still cant claim my milestone rewards from 7* celebration quest. If i dont recive my reward i cant open another 7* crystal and receive 5-th 7* hero to finish the shoting star quest

    So will be unable to took that 7000 7* shards and with the shards from milestone to open another 7* also i will not open that 6 paragon crystals from the shooting stars, so i will not have enough point to take the next milestone from solo 7* celebration
    so i will lose another 5000 7* shards

    KABAM is 100% not my fault, its 100% your fault
    Do something till the event is over

    Did u join ur alliance after the event had already started & the alliance scored some points before u started ur contribution?
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    please see the first photo, all is clear crystal
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    and yes, the event was started when i joined the ally and ally scored some points before i join.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Send a ticket to support. You should be able to claim the milestones.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    i already did that 8 hours ago, no answer

  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    You just need to Open one more Crystal, You Will see all prizes
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    if you was reading my post you see i already opened 3 paragon crystal AFTHER THE WaAITING TIME RUNNING OUT
    3 crystal not one, i have video with the last one opened
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    Why nobody from kabam team respont? at least to tell me i am stupid and i will not receive nothing because kabam wanted that? no answer here on forum and no responce on ticket submited 12 hours ago, kabam is making fun of me, to be gentle
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    Kabam where are you, i will post this mesage till my problem will be solved, i spent alot of money in this stupid game, and demand to receive the same reaward like other players
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    crysst said:

    Kabam where are you, i will post this mesage till my problem will be solved, i spent alot of money in this stupid game, and demand to receive the same reaward like other players

    First of all, chill. The mods prob aren’t at their desks yet. Second, they can’t help with in game stuff and will likely tell you to got to support, which you did and now are waiting for a reply
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    crysst said:

    great, another useless, unwanted answer, which I did not expect, thanks for nothing, I wish the same happens to you and stay chill

    You were given an answer. Contact support through the game, mods on the forums can do nothing to help you
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    if i cant claim the milestone rewards until the quest is over, if afther that kabam will give me that rewards, i will still lose some rewards from the solo quest, rewards who i bet kabam will not give it to me, from there my frustation rise when i see i dont receive answer here or on that 2 tickets i made
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,071 Guardian
    crysst said:

    if i cant claim the milestone rewards until the quest is over, if afther that kabam will give me that rewards, i will still lose some rewards from the solo quest, rewards who i bet kabam will not give it to me, from there my frustation rise when i see i dont receive answer here or on that 2 tickets i made

    unfortunately support is the only ones who can help. Besides, this event wont affect your solo score at all.
  • This content has been removed.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,318 Guardian
    crysst said:

    17 hours from the first ticket sent and no answer.
    thanks to the kabam team for the mockery i had
    Less then 1 hour till the event is over, I will probably give up the game garbage that kabam administers

    Yesterday was the weekend and Victoria Day is today so Kabam might not be in office today. If you hadn't received the rewards, then they can still probably get you the rewards even if the event has ended. Be patient
  • BayouemBayouem Member Posts: 99
    It looks like after the first day the alliance was almost done with the event. I had the same problem, I had to wait four days to collect rewards, but I was in the alliance when the event started so after the blackout timer was over I opened one paragon crystal and collected all rewards. If you were not in the alliance before each milestone was hit you would not be able to collect the milestones in question. Your score is not the issue here, the issue is how many milestones were hit before you joined the alliance?
  • BayouemBayouem Member Posts: 99
    I’ll also add another question. Were you able to collect any milestone rewards for the alliance event?
  • Pedrof6Pedrof6 Member Posts: 189 ★★★
    Bayouem said:

    I’ll also add another question. Were you able to collect any milestone rewards for the alliance event?

    This is my current situation! I’m so nervous about this…

    24 minutes and this event ends…
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    by the way, did you see any of your statment roules write by kabam team somwere or you just asume that is because you and me and others many, hundreds, tousands players dont receive and you asume kabam cannot make mistake because kabam never do that. This game are full of bugs and this is one of manny, but this time my loss is a game change, and i cannot spend over 8k units for nothing, for bugs made by kabam & co
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    i will request back all of the money i spent on this garbage and throw where garbage are deserve to go
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    crysst said:

    i will request back all of the money i spent on this garbage and throw where garbage are deserve to go

  • BayouemBayouem Member Posts: 99
    I am sorry that you are so angry and that you felt that my comment was defending kabam in some way because that was not my intentions. I was only trying to come up with a way to identify why you have not received rewards you felt you were entitled to. My reasoning behind suggesting you hadn’t joined the alliance in time to collect all the milestones you had not received was because it’s always been that way. Pedrof6 is in the same boat as you it appears. He received milestone rewards that had not been reached prior to him joining. As much as you want to blame kabam and maybe they are to blame for not announcing the event was incoming but that’s not the issue at hand. The issue appears, I can only go off of the evidence you presented, is unfortunately you joined an alliance that jumped all over the event and reached large amounts of milestones before you joined.
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    you are wrong again, i have friends who are in my situation, when enter in ally some milestone already was full, and when the times end receive all the milestone, here is a bug mark of kabam, we are few who happend that, this is the reason kabam stay low, no anounce no nothing, if we dont see then the problem dont exist
  • crysstcrysst Member Posts: 42
    we are few who are afected, less who ask on the forum, some will have post erase, some will be baned, and the problem will pass
  • Andy3202Andy3202 Member Posts: 62
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit

    Please do right by these players. They did end up contributing a lot to the alliance milestones, and sure deserve to receive these rewards. We as officers and leaders recruited players to our alliance, in the hope that they will get these rewards.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,071 Guardian
    Andy3202 said:

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit

    Please do right by these players. They did end up contributing a lot to the alliance milestones, and sure deserve to receive these rewards. We as officers and leaders recruited players to our alliance, in the hope that they will get these rewards.

    It is a holiday in Canada so they are currently out of office.
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