This game is in the WORST state it’s ever been in, this is getting ridiculous.

Hello Kabam or whoever may be reading this particular forum post. This will be my first ever post on here, because I feel like I just can’t hold my frustrations in any longer.
For some backstory for you all, I have been playing this game pretty consistently for about 7 and a half years or so. Many of you may even know me/recognize me if you saw me in the global chat; which is why I kept my display name different than my in game user.
Anyways, to the point now.
The input issues, crashing, extreme lag, freeze frames, etc.. is starting to really get out of control.
I just played a match in BG’s where I lost simply because the opponents Hercules was on 2 bars of power (almost 3) and because my game just chose to stop letting me dex, I ate two hits to the face and he was pushed to an S3. In what universe or world is it fun to be basically punished for being a good player? Do I just have to go buy a brand new top of the line phone or something to actually play this game without issues again?
Not only just the input issues either, the A.I. has gotten to the point of pure ridiculousness to try and bait them to play into you. I literally spent 35 seconds a few BG matches ago, trying to bait a Nick Fury’s SP2. I also subsequently lost that fight as well, since I wound up timing out due to how extremely passive the A.I. was. I wasn’t given a single opening, nor an opportunity to attack.
Truthfully I know for a fact that I am one of many who keep this game FTP, as I do go pretty all out during various events; but with all these issues plaguing the game I’m seriously considering never touching this game ever again with a ten foot pole.
This isn’t the Kabam I grew up with, that always was having bug fixes and maintenance every Thursday around 2 o clock. This just seems like you’re completely taking advantage of us Kabam, and I don’t think I’ve ever been this annoyed with a game company.
I already know of many many other veteran players that called it quits for this same reason (among others) and I’ve been seriously considering doing the same.
The only reason I still play now in fact, is due to having made many friends and close friends on this game over the years. They’re the only reason I still play.
For some backstory for you all, I have been playing this game pretty consistently for about 7 and a half years or so. Many of you may even know me/recognize me if you saw me in the global chat; which is why I kept my display name different than my in game user.
Anyways, to the point now.
The input issues, crashing, extreme lag, freeze frames, etc.. is starting to really get out of control.
I just played a match in BG’s where I lost simply because the opponents Hercules was on 2 bars of power (almost 3) and because my game just chose to stop letting me dex, I ate two hits to the face and he was pushed to an S3. In what universe or world is it fun to be basically punished for being a good player? Do I just have to go buy a brand new top of the line phone or something to actually play this game without issues again?
Not only just the input issues either, the A.I. has gotten to the point of pure ridiculousness to try and bait them to play into you. I literally spent 35 seconds a few BG matches ago, trying to bait a Nick Fury’s SP2. I also subsequently lost that fight as well, since I wound up timing out due to how extremely passive the A.I. was. I wasn’t given a single opening, nor an opportunity to attack.
Truthfully I know for a fact that I am one of many who keep this game FTP, as I do go pretty all out during various events; but with all these issues plaguing the game I’m seriously considering never touching this game ever again with a ten foot pole.
This isn’t the Kabam I grew up with, that always was having bug fixes and maintenance every Thursday around 2 o clock. This just seems like you’re completely taking advantage of us Kabam, and I don’t think I’ve ever been this annoyed with a game company.
I already know of many many other veteran players that called it quits for this same reason (among others) and I’ve been seriously considering doing the same.
The only reason I still play now in fact, is due to having made many friends and close friends on this game over the years. They’re the only reason I still play.
Also please, would you be able to quantify the "many many other veteran players" who quit? I am actually curious about that.
And lastly, for me personally the worst performace issues came around the release of Darkhawk - do you remember that? What an awful time to play!
Just so you know, Kabam says there haven't been any ai changes. It's all in our collective heads.
- the AI is overtuned
- I will eat hits and specials to the face due to the above and input issues
- that kabam either cannot fix the above issues because they don’t know how or can’t.
- OR everything is working exactly as intended and they just made the game a hell of a lot harder on purpose.
- I am pretty convinced that the game changes month to month and that they change AI monthly to keep us on our toes. One month super aggressive, next month super passive etc. I have seen champs behave way too differently month to month in EQ for this to not be a thing.
I still play. But super casually. I spent some
In the past but have not for the past year. Been playing for like 7 years. My progression in the game has come to a halt and I am good with that. I quit once before and am slowly quitting again. As long as there is an active player base that is not getting smaller, nothing is going to change.
I think it’s a frame rate issue (and perhaps a priority of operations issue). The wacky combo interruptions occur as if the game has decided to ignore my input across pretty much all modes, and while I’m confident I’m tapping on my end, the game disagrees and does what it does. Dead inputs fall into this category as well.
Where I’ve been able to finish a combo and drop straight into special, I’m baffled sometimes at the defender’s ability to jump right back in when I’m continuing the cadence I’ve used for most of the past 9 years. Frame rate? Order of operations?
Not sure. But with all the tampering with what was a shoestring+bubble gum+ paper clip game engine, I’m not surprised to get head scratching results.
Dr. Zola
Thank you for your feedback on my first post, wish you a great weekend.
Now we’re dealing with so many issues it might as well be a laundry list of them. That was my reasoning for titling it this way, thank you for your feedback.
I’ve contemplated quitting on numerous occasions but pretty much have just went FTP now. If these gameplay issues ever get fixed, I may consider spending money again, maybe.
I just hate to see old friends go for the reason that they are going, beating the game and getting bored of it is one thing; but getting tired of the game being a buggy mess and calling it quits is another. I hope this reply sheds some light on what I meant.
Battlegrounds gives some gives some alright rank rewards for GC but the store is incredibly outdated. No t6cc or 7 star shards, along with incredibly overpriced rank 4 materials. The glory store falls into a similar category. Alliance War gives alright rewards but 99% of the community doesn't have the time nor will to participate in that slog. Loyalty store has been outdated since it launched and finally incursions are just....
I know they have to keep the cogs turning somehow and drive profit somehow, but at least give us some way to earn the same rewards in a similar amount. I.E new abyss, buffed stores, etc. I'm seeing people with rank 2 7 stars and already having them near max sig. (somehow) I should at least be able to get a few r5 to be able to fight back in battlegrounds, but all that's available is one random gem in EOP and some t6cc sprinkled about that maybe nets you a 2nd if you're lucky.
Example: Bahamet fight, a few minutes in, and I can see the frame rate start to get janky. Not much I can do there in the way of resetting the router or restarting my game.
What does janky mean? It’s means a sputtering, stuttering or uneven frame rate where the game appears to be skipping a frame or more, speeding up at times and slowing at others. Changes in rendering like this play havoc with timing for everything—parries become blocks, blocks become missed blocks, dex becomes a hit to the face, etc.
Why does this happen? I tend to run speeds on the 400/20 Mbps range with little packet loss or jitter. All other apps are closed down and I’m on full WiFi.
According to @DNA3000 theres no significant *chatter* between the server and the phone during fights (really?) which suggests there is something either (a) wrong with the way my phone processes the game (but only with MCoC and not with things like streaming video) or (b) there’s something wrong with the fight packet downloaded onto my phone or (c) a combination of (a) and (b) or (d) something else altogether.
As always, would be great to get some guidelines from the team on how to have a better experience.
Dr. Zola
Edit: Also noticed another one where the AI dashes forward twice in the same dash forward, so your first Dex is too short for the second magic dash forward, almost like the AI teleports forward just enough to hit you mid Dex.
Dex and parry still fail
Infact I have started facing a new issue
Most of the times when my striker is ready and I try to dash back, my striker activates...
Edit: another BG bug I found is my timer being completely invisible during fight, ie I can't see how long I have been fighting
Input issues seem to be getting worse over time. There are times I stop trying to parry altogether due to how inconsistent it is. Eating chip damage is better than combos to the face. Last while though, my block inputs just aren’t registering at all.
Bad enough there are input issues at all, but when there seems like cascading failures that make trying to adapt impossible, it gets to the point where there’s very little point in playing at all.