Inacceptable alliance’s name

I’m not a kind of person who complains about others, but these is not acceptable :
And I hope kabam will do somerhing!!!
I’m not a kind of person who complains about others, but these is not acceptable :
And I hope kabam will do somerhing!!!
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
BUT, they all seemed to be dormant, mostly not OPEN. Still exist, just with inactive members.
Think only one of them still had a handful of semi-recent active people in it.
The Chat Sensor should probably be applied to Ally Tags and Ally Names too, maybe this fell thru the cracks.
Sorry that OP here had to deal with one that seemed to be actively recruiting members.
I don’t whant say thoses names. But it’s easy to found out
I know at least 2x alliances that have an entire member list similar, and there doesn't seem to be any issues regarding that
same person that had a problem with two dudes holding hands on a loading screen
Stop. It’s an awful look for you.