6* shard BG store costs remains stubbornly high - why?

Dear all,
We were recently told how worthless 6* shards are given that they have flooded into the game and are borderline insignificant.
We were told that the +50% cost of a 7* crystal was the result of 6* shards being so common. If 6* shards are so common, then why is their price unchanged in all this time for Paragon players? We have moved to 7* champs now and view 6* as far less valuable overall.
We had the usual people furiously arguing that the 15k 7* crystal cost was a non-issue and that we will get easier access to them over time. This was a great opportunity to back up that argument and really add weight to your argument about charging us so much for a 7* crystal, but you've fallen very short of the mark.
Acting in a way that has continuity with the words you say to us means a lot, and we do carefully watch your actions to make sure that you're being straight with us.
We were recently told how worthless 6* shards are given that they have flooded into the game and are borderline insignificant.
We were told that the +50% cost of a 7* crystal was the result of 6* shards being so common. If 6* shards are so common, then why is their price unchanged in all this time for Paragon players? We have moved to 7* champs now and view 6* as far less valuable overall.
We had the usual people furiously arguing that the 15k 7* crystal cost was a non-issue and that we will get easier access to them over time. This was a great opportunity to back up that argument and really add weight to your argument about charging us so much for a 7* crystal, but you've fallen very short of the mark.
Acting in a way that has continuity with the words you say to us means a lot, and we do carefully watch your actions to make sure that you're being straight with us.
Who said that?
"If 6* shards are so common, then why is their price unchanged in all this time for Paragon players?"
Because they are already common, and we don't want to make them more common in every way.
"This was a great opportunity to back up that argument and really add weight to your argument about charging us so much for a 7* crystal"
This was an opportunity, but was not one we ever intended to use. The point we made is: there are already a lot of 6-star crystals in the game and there will be more over time, not "we will use every opportunity to make 6-star shards more available."
"Acting in a way that has continuity with the words you say to us means a lot"
I agree; I think integrity and accountability are important. But please don't try to hold us accountable for things we didn't actually say.
The cost of 7* crystals is intended at least in part to dilute the impact of 6* duplication. So it would be silly to radically increase the amount of 6* shards flowing into the game, because that would completely undo the very thing they tried to do wtih 7* crystal costs. That would be nonsensical.
The wins are the fairly massive drop in T6b and T3A as well as T6CC selectors. I’ll certainly be shifting my focus to these as my BG purchases for the foreseeable future. Now we just need the Loyalty store updating next month, the Glory store the month after then Incursion store the month after. They are seriously out of date now.
My observations:
- Point 1: You mentioned that 7* shards would scale by a factor of 1.5x, so if you would've given us 1k 7* shards at the rate of 10k per crystal, you would instead give us 15k shards.
Can you explain why we are earning 500 X 7* shards in content? Would you have given out 333.33 7* shards for 8.2 completion, for example? (Ref: exhibit A)
- Point 2: You said you know that we would want a 7* crystal to cost 4 shards. That's not kind to paint us out to be ridiculous customers like that and borders on gaslighting IMO. (Ref: exhibit B
- Point 3: In my opinion you inferred on the stream that 6* shards are in abundance. Here are some of the phrases you used:
> "Six star Shard availability is so plentiful"
> "Sheer quantity of six star shards"
> "It's just a ton of six star shards"
> "You have so many six star shards"
As you can see you really emphasised this point a lot. Now in basic microeconomics if there is an abundant supply of something, market forces compensate via a reduction in price to reach a new equilibrium. The fact that you aren't following this process, even though you've inferred that we are swimming in 6* shards lacks sound logic to me. (Ref: exhibit C)
Transcript of 7* info launch stream:
59:24 (exhibit A)
so let's just pull the Band-Aid off this real quick the cost of your shiny new Seven Stars will be 15K shards yes all right we understand that that's an increase but pause take a second and listen what we have to say to you okay the only place that that's going to affect the acquisition differently than six stars is duping your six stars yes everywhere else is scaling percentage based yes so say there was a reward that gave you five thousand six star shards it would now if it was Seven Stars give you seventy five hundred. the rewards that are giving you these shards are scaling to match the rewards that are giving you these shards are scaling to match that it's not a drastic difference
1:00:19 (exhibit B
yes um and yeah the availability is going to be there um you know increase over time and all those types of things so I know that the number uh is higher than some people want most people want I think everyone just like if we were like oh it's cost four shards I'd be like great so in that sense it's higher than what everybody wants but at the same time we saw some some people predicting a lot higher than that as well so bear with us because it's not going to be that bad
1:00:44 (exhibit C)
I know the number seems jarring but the acquisition is going to be there um so it's it's not going to be as bad as you think all right there's an additional uh amount on ton of that that in important. um yeah so basically the one note that I had written uh is that six star Shard availability is so plentiful that we don't want to reduce the Seven Star Shard availability so you're still getting your dupes which are fairly easy because of the sheer quantity of six star shards in our gaming it's just a ton of six star shards out so every
Seven Stars yeah yeah so you just think that like that seems intimidating because it's an increase but at the same time you have we have you have so many six star shards that you're going to be getting Seven Star shards quickly
7* champs are way better and should be the chase item ATM IMO:
1) Max power gain rate unlocked
2) Stat focus to tailor champs for offence and defence
3) Challenger rating of 200 smashes the 6* R5 challenger rating that is just 150
4) R1 7* is in reality as strong as a maxed 6* when you factor in the above, and just needs ISO put into them to slap straight out of the gate.
The 6* shards cost is perfectly fine as is, and the BG store will be in the best shape it will have ever been since there are many good options to choose from instead of just having sigs and 6* shards.
However, I don’t think the 7* quantity is good enough for the cost. If I’m late game and most of my 6*s are max sig and I want to maximize my 7* shards but I only have 18K tokens to spend per week, I’d want to buy the 6* shards because I’ll most likely get more than 1500 shards with the dupes and max sig crystals
So the store comes to 4500 for a 6 star crystal which gives 275 7 star shards for most paragon players plus 20 sigs and occasionally a max sig crystal (and on rare occasiona new champ). *Assuming you're not going for featureds. Vs 3700 for 300 7 star shards. That's not an update, it's a scam to think you're getting 7 star shards.
I agree that the 6 star shards were a very good deal for a while but now with this update, the rewards are going to get very stale very fast.
They said that they were going to make shards more available and this seemed like a great opportunity to do so, but this feels like a scam to make it feel like we're getting 7 star shards when in actuality it doesn't give any real update to what paragon players are getting. Especially in a mode that, I would think, they'd want to get more players involved in. Where with all the bugs and cheaters, seems to be losing more players.
Even a modest drop in the 6 star shards would make it feel better for players. 400 trophy tokens for 1k 6 star shards.
Its even worse for TB and cav players .
The increase of r4 materials was nice ,but we need shards and champions to use those materials on .
Preferably a 6s Snickers, if possible.
What needed updating was the rank-up resources. That's what we got. I'm happy with that. I'll continue getting the 6* shards when I need them, but now I have more stuff to buy in the store. That's great. No, actually legitimately awesome.