State of the Game

The current state of the game is almost making it unplayable. You made it so we cannot revive farm (50 4hr Paragon crystals opened, not 1 revive), get so very few in hourly crystals and then the controls get worse every month. You use unblockable, unstoppable and Falter nodes trying to get us to spend money and units...hoping to get our money. Every month it gets worse and worse, with no response or we are working on this this and this. There is little done except for Twitch videos that self promote how good the game is and new stuff. Well the new stuff is just as bad as the state of the game. And if you need to put unblockable on a TB Boss to make her tough...Lady Deathstrike may not be as good as the fan boys on YouTube say she is. You say you have a bunch of modders in Arenas and BGs....what about AW? I have seen people do fights, lose no health with a champion that had no business in that matter skill level at a 6* r3 against a 6* r5. Do more for the community that pays you. Do more for yourselves? We used to have server maintenance. You used to care.
I continue to play for my Alliance friends, despite you Kabam
I continue to play for my Alliance friends, despite you Kabam
Who wants to bet on whether or not in 2025 people will be missing the day when we could count on Parry being broken.
You are just bored and want something new, take a break and enjoy the summer time. Don't put your boredom on your alliance, if they are your friends then they will take you back when you get back
War season should have been canceled.
But…hyperbolic claims of “unplayability”
undermine the very real issues that exist. Is it sometimes unenjoyable? Yes. Does it frustrate when your input goes dead and you eat a combo to the face? Sure. Is it annoying when the defender seems to spring off the ground after your combo and starts in on you while your dex is stuck in quicksand? Of course.
Force quit and I have become dear, dear friends this month. The “pause, swipe up and hiss in disgust” move happens to me almost once a quest, usually after some input related issue. BGs are objectives-only because they produce some of the most laughable bloopers I’ve seen in 9 years of MCoC.
To anyone who’s not having these issues—God bless you. To those of us who are, please stick to substantive, fact-based complaints that put the team on the spot to address them.
Dr. Zola
What people need to understand is that their experience is not everyone’s experience, and just because a few people agree with you here does not necessarily indicate anything about the overall experience most players are having.
Should Kabam fix problems? Of course, and they do. We get bug fix lists every month. They update us about cheating and their efforts behind the scenes. Etc.
One needs to spend revives to complete content? Hello?
We have passive Ai inconsistencies and bugs that demand use of revives or restart.
It a nonsense metric to consider somebody' readiness to clear content.
Unstoppable, falter and unblockable nodes are rampant. So is protection but that is manageable. Revives are significantly reduced. Side quests are coming in with limited entries, so its not that you can restart, yoy either forfeit the entry item or you revive to get through
Then there is the bugs. This month's side quest shows the class but not the defender. Every run thr defender class shown in preview is wrong. Plus when they switched up a mystic defender for Peni it really threw me off because Peni needs specific counters.
Someone needs to take a wholistic look at the game or the revives need to flow freely until bugs are reduced to pre 2023
In every game mode now, it always feels like we are fighting the nodes instead of the champ, with a very small window to do a specific champ action. I wish the game was still mcoc instead of mcon (marvel contest of nodes). Sorry, but that’s how it feels now.
I used to laugh at ppl complaining for controls, thoughts it was funny ppl blame poor gameplay on controls… until last few months where they remove the beta input options and I bought a new iPhone. Now game is inputs are so bad for me I had to quit competitive war ( I was in alliance going for top3 ), stop spending and I’m just now playing out of habit with the hope kabam fixes input issues for me but so far 3 months, 3 game updates, but no update from kabam on their progress to fix input issues.
I’ve come to the conclusion they are just incapable of fixing it. They gave it a good try with building their input system from the ground up but lets face it it was a failure, they can throw that robot they built to the trash. Total failure, they know it and at this point they don’t have a solution to stabilize the inputs do they are just ignoring the topic