Is this alliance really top.5 in war, or they just have CEO luck for two seasons?

I'm in a P1 alliance (second half of P1, not even trying to push to master), we met the same alliance in both last and this season, the interesting thing is, this alliance was No.3 last season, currently is No.4 this season (they changed alliance name this season). We basically gave up and didn't try to win at all because their rank is so high, but at the end of those wars, we were also pretty sure they don't belong to their position , because it always took about 10+ deaths for them to clean the map (well, they are still better than us).
We got our master title a few months ago and we know how difficult it is, that's the reason we don't want to push again, we are very comfortable in P1. We occasionally had wars with those master alliance like L.V.T, 4Loki, DSVG, SSX-1. In my impression, they always cleaned the map with 5-10 deaths, or even less. However, this alliance, they always have over 10 deaths (I searched in youtube, they had 13 deaths against DSVG this season, and 14 deaths against NewN last season), even 10+ against us (P1 alliance) and another P3 alliance this season.
The other interesting thing is, I watched a lot of master alliance video on Youtube, and I can only find DSVG, NewN and LVT had war with them in this and the last season, no other master alliance ever met them, so I guess most of the time, they had was against P1/P2/P3 alliances.
It's just unrealistically lucky for them, I'm even wondering this is because something weird happening in the war match algorithm, or they have some trick to do this? To be honest, it has no impact on us, but it's not fair to those master alliances.
Their panel

This season
This is a P3 alliance

This is DSVG and them

This is a P1 alliance

Last season (they changed name)

We got our master title a few months ago and we know how difficult it is, that's the reason we don't want to push again, we are very comfortable in P1. We occasionally had wars with those master alliance like L.V.T, 4Loki, DSVG, SSX-1. In my impression, they always cleaned the map with 5-10 deaths, or even less. However, this alliance, they always have over 10 deaths (I searched in youtube, they had 13 deaths against DSVG this season, and 14 deaths against NewN last season), even 10+ against us (P1 alliance) and another P3 alliance this season.
The other interesting thing is, I watched a lot of master alliance video on Youtube, and I can only find DSVG, NewN and LVT had war with them in this and the last season, no other master alliance ever met them, so I guess most of the time, they had was against P1/P2/P3 alliances.
It's just unrealistically lucky for them, I'm even wondering this is because something weird happening in the war match algorithm, or they have some trick to do this? To be honest, it has no impact on us, but it's not fair to those master alliances.
Their panel

This season
This is a P3 alliance

This is DSVG and them

This is a P1 alliance

Last season (they changed name)

For what it’s worth this is something that has been raised, though what will come of it, nobody can say.
Our run in (LVT) has been ludicrous by comparison yet they’re going to finish above us unless Chaos (9th P1) pull something out of the bag in a match that likely has no impact on their rewards.
They are somehow exploiting the system.....we just don't know how
This was the 4th war of the current season (42). We had just reached tier 3 for the start of this war….. haha
Our wars were always such that the opponents gave up relatively quickly or left a lot of kills!
And it was clear that we would have problems with the "big ones"! That's why in the end it didn't really matter whether we won with 5 kills or 15!
Whoever wins only 7 out of 12 wars in the end (or 6 out of 11 this time) shouldn't be surprised not to stand on top of the champions!
To be constantly in top.5, you have to complete 10+ wars with about 5 deaths, or even less
Again, I'm not saying your alliance is not good, you guys can push to master occasionally based on what I've learnt, but be top.5? Not even close.
btw, war rating: 3314 VS 2718, you just provided another picture shows that you had waaaay tooooo many mismatches than other alliances, I guess you guys are just too lucky?
We have simply done our homework. The other, big players, didn't....
Our group 3, for example, has always pushed directly! A total of 22 kills in 12 wars... I think that's something to be proud of 🥴
But whats youre problem now ? The last war we fight each other and the alliance was good ? So what ?
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha funny guys - i like congratz
What a good matching.
What is youre wish ? The matter of fact is - The alliance win the war's - in fact ( old driver ) against you to.
Its funny dude - how many kills you have against NA ON?
why it is so important to not allow war piloting?
why it is so important to fix game bugs?
why it is so important to confirm if the war matching system is working as intended?
why it is so important to check if someone is exploiting the matching system?
They all have the same answer, you can certainly don't care any of them, or care all of them.
All of the things what you said are performance problems by kabam .....
But you are only talk about an alliance with matchmaking luck
So what do you want exactly ?
The he get banned from Master because the alliance do his job ?
Sorry NA ON
Congratz from CHAOS / Master alliance
Even If you guys really got all the lucks all the time, it's not you fault but it's definitely an issue Kabam should look into it, because the odds of top.5 matching to P2/P3 is 1/1000000, but how many times you guys have already had this kind of war matches?
And while nobody should blame you for your matchups, as you can't control that, you can control how you react to it and act about it. Making excuses and saying you deserve to be top 3 isn't going to win you many friends
You guys are probably a very good alliance, and could make masters with a good run and a proper matchmaking system, but I don't think you're a top 3 alliance (I say that knowing that I'm not in a top 3 alliance either). Don't you guys want to properly challenge yourself and figure out how strong you actually are? I know i would if i were in your position
How alliances with 113-148 deaths across a season can somehow sneak into top 10 is a joke. That’s real bottom end masters level, and looking at this season’s leaderboard, P1 standard.
You are in the Calculator chat ?
Then you see that NA ON never say we are a Master Alliance - they say we want to play against bigger alliances and know that we are a good P1 Allaince . We are in this chat - i read it by myself
I was responding to Dede saying “To deny that we are more masterful... I find that very cheeky.” and “Whoever wins only 7 out of 12 wars in the end (or 6 out of 11 this time) shouldn't be surprised not to stand on top of the champions!”
If I’ve misunderstood what they were saying then I apologise, but I read it as them saying they deserved to end where they did.
If you were on the other side of the war, will you enjoy this issue?
You see it as luck, I see it as a bug.
what's the magic?