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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

How to Link KABAM account to Gamecenter IOS

How to Link KABAM account to Gamecenter IOS; I just recently saw the updated Store on (https://store.playcontestofchampions.com/) and found out that my account has not been hooked up to Kabam; I am a lvl 60 in an active alliance. And when I sign in through Kabam I go back to my Alt account I started as a FTP on my Ipad a couple years ago. If there is anyway to fix this please let me know.


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    AjisdopeAjisdope Posts: 937 ★★★
    I am logged into the Kabam site but only see basic deals? 8 year paragon player.
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    nico69nico69 Posts: 67
    same issue as OP. got a main account that i login through game center automatically and when i try linking a kabam account to it, it just takes me to a brand new account which means my kabam id is in use for an unused account rather than my main
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    ZanyDruid0702ZanyDruid0702 Posts: 24
    I have this issue I've tried this many times but it seems to never work so I just stayed with using the game centre
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,380 Guardian
    Kabam does need to revisit that Support article and better clarify what steps you need to do, and how to answer each of the questions, related to whether you are creating a new Kabam ID, creating a new game account, or continuing to use an existing account that you have linked to Google/Apple, or continuing the game account you are in (but not linked to any outside or internal login at all yet).

    Many, many, people have a hard time trying to follow those instructions when trying to create a Kabam ID to use for their EXISTING Google/Apple Play login'd account.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,993 ★★★★★
    As far as I know, the instructions in the article / link does not work (it was changed, the procedure). Only Support can fix it.
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    Gh0st_R1d3rGh0st_R1d3r Posts: 5
    @Kabam Miike Pls can you address the Game centre/Kabam ID linking issue that so many IOS players have. The instructions in the link land up resetting our accounts to level 1 and don’t work.
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    Rajiv990Rajiv990 Posts: 3
    edited June 2023
    I am a android player and i have the same issue when i try to link with a kabam id i get sent to a brand new account
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    Crewdrew03Crewdrew03 Posts: 6
    I think it may be a good idea to add a merge option/ or a way for me to hook up my Icloud to my Kabam account. And when i merge it should say something like "Hey this account you would like to merge with already has an account" and with Kabams permission I would be able to confirm that I indeed have access to both accounts
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    nico69nico69 Posts: 67
    @Crewdrew03 did you manage to figure anything out or still got the same issue, i wonder if we’ll hear anything before july 4th as they’ll be pushing people to buy through summoners market rather than in game
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    Crewdrew03Crewdrew03 Posts: 6
    nico69 said:

    @Crewdrew03 did you manage to figure anything out or still got the same issue, i wonder if we’ll hear anything before july 4th as they’ll be pushing people to buy through summoners market rather than in game

    I was infact able to get it figured out; you need a third email to put the New one on and have the Main put onto the New one weird process but got it figured out; just make sure you open a ticket
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    nico69nico69 Posts: 67

    I was infact able to get it figured out; you need a third email to put the New one on and have the Main put onto the New one weird process but got it figured out; just make sure you open a ticket

    so do you basically need another phone number to make an email address in order to do it :/ thanks for the heads up but looks like i’ll have to carry on without it
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    UMavguyTwinUMavguyTwin Posts: 3
    edited February 12
    Its feb 2024 at the time of writing this and i'm also having the same exact issue. I've tried making a kabam acc and ofc as others have said, it creates a brand new account instead of already connecting to the existing one. Idk if kabam has a concise video on this matter, but that would be really helpful. The only vid i've been able to find was made like 8 years ago by some dude and even watching that still makes zero sense. I also don't see any place that says i can connect it with my game center account. Such a pain.
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    Wong_98Wong_98 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★

    Its feb 2024 at the time of writing this and i'm also having the same exact issue. I've tried making a kabam acc and ofc as others have said, it creates a brand new account instead of already connecting to the existing one. Idk if kabam has a concise video on this matter, but that would be really helpful. The only vid i've been able to find was made like 8 years ago by some dude and even watching that still makes zero sense. I also don't see any place that says i can connect it with my game center account. Such a pain.

    Please make a new thread instead of bringing back an old one
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    Wong_98 said:

    Its feb 2024 at the time of writing this and i'm also having the same exact issue. I've tried making a kabam acc and ofc as others have said, it creates a brand new account instead of already connecting to the existing one. Idk if kabam has a concise video on this matter, but that would be really helpful. The only vid i've been able to find was made like 8 years ago by some dude and even watching that still makes zero sense. I also don't see any place that says i can connect it with my game center account. Such a pain.

    Please make a new thread instead of bringing back an old one
    Oh, sorry, i'm a bit new to using forums. My apologies for creating this inconvenience.
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    nico69nico69 Posts: 67
    @UMavguyTwin tbh i still never managed to get mine connected, if you know the security questions that kabam support asks you then you’ve got a solid shot but otherwise it’s not looking good
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    V1p3rV1p3r Posts: 2
    I have this same problem for my main account this makes no sense why I can’t just link a new K account with my old mcoc account
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