Uncollected daily special

The current daily special crystals offer a chance at 4* champions. For many advanced players these champions are no longer relevant no matter who the champion is. There should be an uncollected daily special with a 3-5* crystal.
Guarantees a 3-5*
The UCD is a huge boost and such an improvement over the standard daily. I recognize that people want more more more, I just think it's fair and useful as it is.
The UC Arena crystal has a 5* chance. The GM Crystal as well (as previously mentioned) - those crystals require playtime to acquire (to gather units and battle chips). The UCD is a log-in crystal, so lesser reward chances are entirely appropriate.
My rating is 410k, 4* are very relevant to me still.
The only 5* I have that's worth using is my rank 4 duped SL, besides him my rank 5 4* are more relevant
I just got 4* stark spider last week and I do have awakening gem. I also have duped 5* rank 3 SL. I only have 3 class 4 tech catalayts. Once I have the alpha 2 from act 5 it is obvious I’m ranking SL. By the time I have enough tech catalysts to rank Stark he will be irrelevant. This is an extreme scenario that shows even the best 4* are mostly not worth ranking at this point.
While you're at it, why not demand to include 3-4* in daily crystals for people who are not uncollected yet?
I mean 2* are irrelevant for them too right?
No, I’m not asking them to take away the irrelevant 3&4* from the proposed uncollected daily special. Just asking that the top reward be relevant (5*). That’s the logic of the argument.
One of my alliance mates has been buying the daily deal every single day for the past 8 months...yes every day. and he would wait around and pop them open once a month. All I see he pulls was 2 & 3-stars, never 4-stars.