Are Battlechips nerfed for July 4?

I’ve opened hundreds of thousands of uncollected battlechips this week resulting in ZERO units.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? Thx!
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? Thx!
Still gotta open 1mil today. I expect to get shafted
Kabam use the front facing camera to measure the non visible light from your face, this gives the Kabam super algoirthm the ability to measure your neural brain waves and essentially read your mind.
So it's not that they nerf them, they measure what you want the most and nerf that. So today it's battle chips, when you really need a t4 mystic cat you'll get 1 for every 6 of the other classes. Infact just today I opened a paragon crystal and really wanted a 7* but the camera read my mind and gave me a 4*!
The bad RNG isn’t going to stop me from my MCOC addiction. Just figured I’d ask.
If you were getting more more before, than u were lucky.
I'm on the super bad rng side of bcs. It's rare for me to get units out of them.
2625 units, 2.7 million gold, and one 5* Punisher.
The statistical average for units from one million BC (regardless of which crystals you open: the odds for Units is identical across them) is 1800.
I got 750 at the beginning of the month.
Beginning of May it was 2250.
Beginning of April it was 1500
Mid February it was 2250.
When you open doesn't really matter. Heading into J4 last year I got 1500. Heading into CW before that I got 4125. There is no pattern whatsoever in unit drops over time correlated to big sale days or anything else. And I have individual per-crystal data going back to February 2020.
Yep checks out. Patent 42069