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4th of July and how whales are the dominant species in the battlerealm

Kabam??? What are you thinking??

I know these offers give you revenue and help sustain the game, but now whales and spenders are roaming BGs and just bullying every FTP trying to get decent placement in GC leaderboards, just watch KT1 streams, half of the time people just quit at the start when they see he's got 15 R5s and 3 R2s ?? Now me, one of these FTP players can't even touch these kids anymore because of you


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    HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Posts: 822 ★★★★
    They made 7* too strong and some people realized it very early.

    As soon as I saw the deals, it was clear that the meta had shifted. Top players are sitting at over 10 7* with some duped.

    Kabam either had to sell loads of 7* shards or give up 6r5s. None of the spenders would have bought anything if 6r4s was the offer. I’m not even a top player and have 15 6r4.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,507 ★★★★

    They made 7* too strong and some people realized it very early.

    As soon as I saw the deals, it was clear that the meta had shifted. Top players are sitting at over 10 7* with some duped.

    Kabam either had to sell loads of 7* shards or give up 6r5s. None of the spenders would have bought anything if 6r4s was the offer. I’m not even a top player and have 15 6r4.

    Top players are sitting on 10+ duped ones. I have 2 duped and 6 Unduped and I'm not a top player or a whale. I played a guy in BG that had 3 r2 duped ones and 8 more r1 duped and a handful more Unduped.
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    HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Posts: 822 ★★★★

    They made 7* too strong and some people realized it very early.

    As soon as I saw the deals, it was clear that the meta had shifted. Top players are sitting at over 10 7* with some duped.

    Kabam either had to sell loads of 7* shards or give up 6r5s. None of the spenders would have bought anything if 6r4s was the offer. I’m not even a top player and have 15 6r4.

    Top players are sitting on 10+ duped ones. I have 2 duped and 6 Unduped and I'm not a top player or a whale. I played a guy in BG that had 3 r2 duped ones and 8 more r1 duped and a handful more Unduped.
    Yeah, the game has clearly shifted to the point where mid levels need a few 6r5s to be even in the ballpark.

    This was the minimum Kabam could have offered. I think they went too far with 5 limit though.
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 914 ★★★

    Is a P2W game, honestly it wasnt surprising that this would happen ...

    You only need to spend 100$ to surprass any F2P player that has done everything

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    SilentArisSilentAris Posts: 61
    Now paragon players are complaining that they get to fight strong players when uc and cav players complained that they get very strong players in opponent in bg everyone said it's competive mode.
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    SilentArisSilentAris Posts: 61

    Now paragon players are complaining that they get to fight strong players when uc and cav players complained that they get very strong players in opponent in bg everyone said it's competive mode.

    We have to fight them from Bronze 3
    Well it's competition.
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    Manup456Manup456 Posts: 887 ★★★★
    edited July 2023
    @AMS94 This is Kabam forum and making sense is not a thing so stop it 😂
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    HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Posts: 822 ★★★★

    Now paragon players are complaining that they get to fight strong players when uc and cav players complained that they get very strong players in opponent in bg everyone said it's competive mode.

    We have to fight them from Bronze 3
    Well it's competition.
    Same to you so stop whining about it.
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    HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Posts: 822 ★★★★

    There was always the case of F2P players being a bit behind but always being able to at least compete. That ain't a possibility anymore, you 100% every bit of content in 2022/23 and buy deals with grinded units and you can have max 3x6* r5 that's with high level aq/aw rewards too, closer to 2 and a half.

    One weekend had undone years of work for ftp players as they simply can't compete now they'll have 25% of the roster a whale has.

    People who say this usually revive farmed to get through P2W content.
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    TesladonTesladon Posts: 339 ★★
    At least we all get to benefit from this new store partnership with Dollar General and CVS. But yes, it’s a bit much.
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    The_only_leaderThe_only_leader Posts: 114
    I think they ban 7*’s from BG for now. We can compete with 6*’s but not the 7’s. I have 7*’s so it would hurt me not to be able to take them in but it would make the playing field a bit more doable. Fight r6’s is hard enough. R2 7*’s destroy most anyone with champs under r4 6*’s. Like a dude said above about KT1 steam. I agree.
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    SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,548 ★★★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    Complaining about whales while cheaters botted arena and got the same unit offers by stealing is an interesting thing to be upset about

    At this stage I don't care about cheaters. They don't harm me, they harm whales. And maybe a few people that do have PARRY working.
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