From my experience of this game these are champions I really think are underestimated.

Note: just my opinion ...I would like to hear yours as well.
these champs im gonna talk about are mostly lower tier and useless characters.
but hey...all characters have something likeable right??? (sometimes anyway)
1. Luke Cage - Im gonna be honest, i was really angry when i pulled him on my 2nd opening!
and then later duping him. but when i had to verse a character (such as mephisto) this lad was helpful
as i had a 2nd life or a safeguard (tough it out) this came in helpful when i versed nearly K.O. hard bosses.
2. Gamora - I never understood why she never stood in the cosmic hall of fame. now i know ...shes not really ideal for players who are after complexity and utility. shes a plain jane but thats what i like about her. nothing random or interesting about her ... i just know that her 1st and 2nd attack slays. 100% crit chance, and an amazing bleed! besides she hits harder than most champions...most anyway. and i she really did help for a longtime when i did master.
3.Kamala Khan - dont hate on this weirdo, yeah shes a way weaker version of ms marvel and captain marvel but i have to say when i first got her starting out in this game she really did help. though now i realise there is better, i still appreciate the help she was to me, and the fact my friend couldnt beat her as my prestige character lol. her fury on L1 is still good. her L2 is actually deadly and shes poison immune. alongside a pretty good block. (and dont always see it coming...that heavy attack)
4.OG magneto - First of all, this guy makes one of the best AW defenders in my opinion. all his attacks are really hard hitting and bleeds as well. Magneto's 2nd is actually one of the hardest attacks to evade, unless ur versing him with DD or spidey etc. but raw skill to dexterity that 2nd is needed. his 2nd is mad!! healblock,bleed and armour break, if you have magneto, embrace him, use him in an unblockable 2 and watch ur magneto reck i war.
5. Winter soldier - This dudes a real beast. also my first 4* that hit more than 1k single hit. utility wise he is pretty mad, with that heavy bleed, incinerate and his ignorance over armour.also duping him makes him even more deadly with that random powerdrain...not as useful as hawkeye but when it does trigger its helpful.
6.Groot - arguably one of the most underrated characters in mcoc. he hits really hard once his I AM GROOT hatches and his becomes crazy!!! i beat rol ws with him on full health....cos of that powerful regen on his unblockable L2. and of course bleed immune, plus stun immune. in AW i usually get a few kills in. he can be painful to verse.
also im gonna mention a few other decent yet underestimated champs:
antman poison is quite good and fatige
spidergwen that L1 maybe useless in an attack but in AW it can trick opponents with that evade. and armorbreak
punisher i always get hit by him. powerful bleed and L2;3
loki buff steal is fun to play. and new synergy with hella makes him even more desirable
doctor strange still is an amazing champ, powerful regen,powergain and fury plus fatal seal...and yes kabam ruined this champ!
thanks for reading my opinion... soz for all the writing but i hope u its helped in someway...maybe?
these champs im gonna talk about are mostly lower tier and useless characters.
but hey...all characters have something likeable right??? (sometimes anyway)
1. Luke Cage - Im gonna be honest, i was really angry when i pulled him on my 2nd opening!
and then later duping him. but when i had to verse a character (such as mephisto) this lad was helpful
as i had a 2nd life or a safeguard (tough it out) this came in helpful when i versed nearly K.O. hard bosses.
2. Gamora - I never understood why she never stood in the cosmic hall of fame. now i know ...shes not really ideal for players who are after complexity and utility. shes a plain jane but thats what i like about her. nothing random or interesting about her ... i just know that her 1st and 2nd attack slays. 100% crit chance, and an amazing bleed! besides she hits harder than most champions...most anyway. and i she really did help for a longtime when i did master.
3.Kamala Khan - dont hate on this weirdo, yeah shes a way weaker version of ms marvel and captain marvel but i have to say when i first got her starting out in this game she really did help. though now i realise there is better, i still appreciate the help she was to me, and the fact my friend couldnt beat her as my prestige character lol. her fury on L1 is still good. her L2 is actually deadly and shes poison immune. alongside a pretty good block. (and dont always see it coming...that heavy attack)
4.OG magneto - First of all, this guy makes one of the best AW defenders in my opinion. all his attacks are really hard hitting and bleeds as well. Magneto's 2nd is actually one of the hardest attacks to evade, unless ur versing him with DD or spidey etc. but raw skill to dexterity that 2nd is needed. his 2nd is mad!! healblock,bleed and armour break, if you have magneto, embrace him, use him in an unblockable 2 and watch ur magneto reck i war.
5. Winter soldier - This dudes a real beast. also my first 4* that hit more than 1k single hit. utility wise he is pretty mad, with that heavy bleed, incinerate and his ignorance over armour.also duping him makes him even more deadly with that random powerdrain...not as useful as hawkeye but when it does trigger its helpful.
6.Groot - arguably one of the most underrated characters in mcoc. he hits really hard once his I AM GROOT hatches and his becomes crazy!!! i beat rol ws with him on full health....cos of that powerful regen on his unblockable L2. and of course bleed immune, plus stun immune. in AW i usually get a few kills in. he can be painful to verse.
also im gonna mention a few other decent yet underestimated champs:
antman poison is quite good and fatige
spidergwen that L1 maybe useless in an attack but in AW it can trick opponents with that evade. and armorbreak
punisher i always get hit by him. powerful bleed and L2;3
loki buff steal is fun to play. and new synergy with hella makes him even more desirable
doctor strange still is an amazing champ, powerful regen,powergain and fury plus fatal seal...and yes kabam ruined this champ!
thanks for reading my opinion... soz for all the writing but i hope u its helped in someway...maybe?
carnage i have heard is better than what ppl say @DLegend
but i have no strong opinion on him as i havent really used him a lot.
to me his a bit of a meh champion but im sure he has decent mechanics if you read his stats.
Thor (jane foster) - stun lock, pretty good crits damage duped
Venom- tank champ can dish out huge damage sig ability needs rework
Howard the duck - most people doesn't want him for god knows reason he can take a good amount of hits and has utilities that can give an edge in fight
Civil warrior - one of best defensive power control champ when used with skill also armor up stacks helps a lot
Hulkbuster - not just counter to hulk but all champs who has fury which are many also that l3 hits like crazy
If i remember more i will add them for now this is it
Can't agree more. My 2nd 4* n has served me well. Even till now I still use him for questing n aq.
yeah your list is very good too.
definitely howard and venom i believe also deserve more credit.
but the champions i listed got me to where i am now.
i still think groot is a really solid defender on certain nodes in the note that he out ranks many cosmics
especially Angela in defence.
i do believe that there is better tho.
Regarding the other champs, I could agree if we were in 2015. The fact is, there are other champions who do better than those mentioned in all the lists (except for WS who is truly amazing). Well, I wouldn't waste resources ranking up such champions at this point.
Here are some underrated champs.
Thor Jane foster perma stun lock
King groot highest hp poison perma armor break regen
Karnak shrugs off debuffs too fast and huge damage
Yj that sting sucks if u get hit
Dd 100 percent evade
Psylocke power lock power drain power burn stun
Gambit perma stun
Beast regen bleed resistance
Gully juggernaut hood all underrated
i like gamora and kamala but they are useless in hard missions, it doesnt matter the bleed or whatever, they suck in act 5
yeah rol winter soldier...I know weak right!
but I'm still sorta getting the hang of it.
I love the gtog team...I don't think gamora lets the team down either as she has a decent crit boost with drax
The champs you listed are not underrated, just because you have a personal preference it doesn't change the champions actually viability nor does it change the communities consensus when a lot of top tier players who know the most about the game and have been playing the longest have done vigorous testing with most of the characters to determine their value.
The problem with this statement is there is no acknowledged representative of "the community" there is only the average vocal voice within the community, and that average can be and often is wrong. It also changes over time even when the champion doesn't change. For example, there are a lot of people who today think Magik was always an acknowledged top tier champion, but that's completely false. Long after her abilities were changed she wasn't considered a good attacker until people's attitudes regarding power control shifted.
I personally think there are a lot of champions that are underrated, where "underrated" means what it normally means: something is better than the consensus opinion thinks it is. A champion can be a top performing champion or a bottom performing champion and still be underrated. What defines underrating is the performance of the champion compared to what people value the champion as, not the performance of the champion compared to other champions.
I still think Magik is underrated as an attacker, for example, even though opinions of her have steadily risen over time. I still hear people say she's not a good attacker unawakened, which makes little sense to me. Dr. Strange is definitely underrated: he's not as good as he was, but no way is he as worthless as the general vocal opinion tends to state. Sometimes opinion is all over the place, so a champion can be sometimes underrated and sometimes not: Elektra is in that category. Some people think she is great, some think she is meh, and there's no real consensus majority opinion.
Probably the most consistently underrated champion in my opinion is OG Vision. A lot of people claim he is interchangeable with AoU Vision, or sometimes even a lesser version of AoU Vision. To me, that's probably the widest separation between opinion and in-game performance that I personally experience.
I've seen it enough times to take note of it. Usually, the argument goes that OG has synthesis, AoU has power steal, so its similar. But having played both, that's not my experience at all. I played AoU first, and grew to really like him, so I had no reason to undervalue him. But when I got and ranked up OG, there was no comparison.