Fantastic Four

Since Disney purchased the rights to Fantastic Four, and can appear in the Marvel films again, is there any chance we could get a FF quest and characters in MCoC??!!??


  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    Since Disney purchased the rights to Fantastic Four, and can appear in the Marvel films again, is there any chance we could get a FF quest and characters in MCoC??!!??

    the ink isnt even dry on the agreement, it will take at last 12-18 months to even get this agreed with all the Government bodies etc before it is completed. Maybe better to ask this when that is all done mate, but cant see it being top of the list of things to do in 3 years time when it is finally completed (if completed at all)
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Since Disney purchased the rights to Fantastic Four, and can appear in the Marvel films again, is there any chance we could get a FF quest and characters in MCoC??!!??

    the ink isnt even dry on the agreement, it will take at last 12-18 months to even get this agreed with all the Government bodies etc before it is completed. Maybe better to ask this when that is all done mate, but cant see it being top of the list of things to do in 3 years time when it is finally completed (if completed at all)

    Yeah, but Marvel has always had the right to have FF in video games...they just chose not to in recent years due to Fox's ownership. So if Marvel/Disney becomes confident that the deal will get through that 12-18 months, it is likely they will start putting the FF into games before that.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    @Solswerd No they wont, because they wont know until it is fully accepted and finalised. Plus, like I said, not really even on the to-do list, plus the F4 are rubbish anyway!
  • Brianodom2010Brianodom2010 Member Posts: 5
    Many of the FF characters wouldn’t make the cut, but Dr. Doom or Silver Surfer would be pretty great.

    I understand it’s fresh, but was general inquiry and looking for people’s thoughts on it!
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    @Brianodom2010 is there a F4 movie planned in the next 2 years? If so, slight chance in-game, if not then no chance
  • Brianodom2010Brianodom2010 Member Posts: 5
    If Disney dropped 54 billion to gain the rights, I would assume their mix in the Marvel Cinatic universe would be quick, possibly X-men in Deadpool, and then FF after infinity wars. But as it is all new, this is all speculation.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    @Solswerd No they wont, because they wont know until it is fully accepted and finalised. Plus, like I said, not really even on the to-do list, plus the F4 are rubbish anyway!

    Lol...we will have to agree to disagree, good sir. With Fox being made up of essentially 2 companies, and the fact that Disney is only buying one of those 2...most of the potential antitrust/monopoly concerns are pretty much gone. If Disney's lawyers tell them that there is not likely going to be any issues with the sale....I have no doubt that Disney will start put the FF into games and making money off them again. (Hell, enough people have asked for FF in various Marvel games that is would be good PR) Plus, this would allow Disney to start rebuilding the FF "brand" ahead of time. I would go as far as to say that you will even see Marvel start publishing a FF comic again before the deal is finalized.

    But, time will tell...
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    @Brianodom2010 But, as I keep saying, its not even near to completion yet. They wont do anything before it is. This article may help a bit as well, to show how small MCU is in the whole deal
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2017
    @Brianodom2010 your right it is speculation. But, I would like to see a real F4 movie where Doom does not have powers. Him having electricity powers in 2005 was ok but I want to see him done correctly.

  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet

    How would Disney be risking any money? They already have the full rights to put the FF into videogames and comics without paying anyone...their whole strategy has been to avoid FF solely to keep Fox from making $$$ off of making more FF movies. If they feel confident that Fox will not make another FF movie...then their self-boycott is over. There is no financial risk to Marvel, if anything they would make money.
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    That’s for films only but it may help transition them to games due to they don’t wanna promote for F4
  • Brianodom2010Brianodom2010 Member Posts: 5
    @NovaStar yes! Essentially this post was to gain a little excitement at even the possibility of a FF movie done right, and also the awesome champs and abilities they could add to the game! Galactus was botched and the Thing could be amazing with the same things they do with Ruffalo.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Why are people flagging @Dave_the_destroyer ? He is just expressing his opinion.

  • Brianodom2010Brianodom2010 Member Posts: 5
    I’m not sure why my post got a flag as well...
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    One would think from the replies one is an inside man that has done multiple multi-billion dollar deals and is a seasoned corporate anti trust lawyer with several decades of litigation experience, or maybe he is just .....................................................

    Thanks for playing!
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2017
    @Brianodom2010 I SO want to play as the ever lovin blue eyed thing. U practically read my mind.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    I just heard some important news. Disney bought the X Men and F4!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look it up it's true.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53

  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53

    And also this.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    Since Disney purchased the rights to Fantastic Four, and can appear in the Marvel films again, is there any chance we could get a FF quest and characters in MCoC??!!??

    I would say the F4 are coming to MCOC.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    Any other opinions?
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    I hope I see the Fantastic Four soon!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Solswerd wrote: »
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet

    How would Disney be risking any money? They already have the full rights to put the FF into videogames and comics without paying anyone...their whole strategy has been to avoid FF solely to keep Fox from making $$$ off of making more FF movies. If they feel confident that Fox will not make another FF movie...then their self-boycott is over. There is no financial risk to Marvel, if anything they would make money.

    Actually, it is important to view all of these maneuvers through the appropriate lens. It wasn't Disney that shied away from promoting FF. It was Marvel Entertainment and specifically Isaac Perlmutter (president of Marvel) that apparently decided to torpedo the FF because of the conflict with Fox.

    This is important because until late 2015 Isaac Perlmutter was the one and only "final voice" in all of Marvel, as head of Marvel Entertainment. But because of his interference with the Marvel movies and conflict with Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios was removed from Marvel Entertainment and made a subsidiary of Disney Studios. Marvel Studios then became free to negotiate with other movie studios without approval from Marvel Entertainment itself. Things like the Deadpool deals and the Spiderman sharing with Sony became possibilities once Feige had the freedom to make deals free from Isaac Perlmutter's veto.

    In other words, "Marvel" was *never* going to get the rights to FF back, simply because in a very real sense "Marvel" as in Marvel Entertainment no longer really has control of the movies anymore. Legally they might have or not have production rights, but all of this is largely moot now. Whether they promote or bury the FF, Marvel Entertainment will never make a FF movie. Someone else will be doing that, whether it is a company that happens to share a part of their name or not.

    I suspect this greatly disincentivizes Marvel Entertainment and Isaac Perlmutter specifically from pursuing feuds as much as they did in the past. Nothing in it for them anymore. And clearly Disney doesn't have the same attitude as Perlmutter, as evidenced by the fact they were perfectly fine with Feige "borrowing" Spiderman from Sony. Perlmutter was willing to hurt his own company's intellectual property to fight Fox. But Disney seems to care less about who makes what money in the short term, and more about strengthening the overall intellectual property they ultimately own. The Spiderman deal with Sony undoubtedly strengthens their Marvel IP. They don't care if it also helps Sony in the short term.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet

    How would Disney be risking any money? They already have the full rights to put the FF into videogames and comics without paying anyone...their whole strategy has been to avoid FF solely to keep Fox from making $$$ off of making more FF movies. If they feel confident that Fox will not make another FF movie...then their self-boycott is over. There is no financial risk to Marvel, if anything they would make money.

    Actually, it is important to view all of these maneuvers through the appropriate lens. It wasn't Disney that shied away from promoting FF. It was Marvel Entertainment and specifically Isaac Perlmutter (president of Marvel) that apparently decided to torpedo the FF because of the conflict with Fox.

    This is important because until late 2015 Isaac Perlmutter was the one and only "final voice" in all of Marvel, as head of Marvel Entertainment. But because of his interference with the Marvel movies and conflict with Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios was removed from Marvel Entertainment and made a subsidiary of Disney Studios. Marvel Studios then became free to negotiate with other movie studios without approval from Marvel Entertainment itself. Things like the Deadpool deals and the Spiderman sharing with Sony became possibilities once Feige had the freedom to make deals free from Isaac Perlmutter's veto.

    In other words, "Marvel" was *never* going to get the rights to FF back, simply because in a very real sense "Marvel" as in Marvel Entertainment no longer really has control of the movies anymore. Legally they might have or not have production rights, but all of this is largely moot now. Whether they promote or bury the FF, Marvel Entertainment will never make a FF movie. Someone else will be doing that, whether it is a company that happens to share a part of their name or not.

    I suspect this greatly disincentivizes Marvel Entertainment and Isaac Perlmutter specifically from pursuing feuds as much as they did in the past. Nothing in it for them anymore. And clearly Disney doesn't have the same attitude as Perlmutter, as evidenced by the fact they were perfectly fine with Feige "borrowing" Spiderman from Sony. Perlmutter was willing to hurt his own company's intellectual property to fight Fox. But Disney seems to care less about who makes what money in the short term, and more about strengthening the overall intellectual property they ultimately own. The Spiderman deal with Sony undoubtedly strengthens their Marvel IP. They don't care if it also helps Sony in the short term.

    That's a loooooooooooooooooooong speech. But still, the news is the news @DNA3000.

  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet

    How would Disney be risking any money? They already have the full rights to put the FF into videogames and comics without paying anyone...their whole strategy has been to avoid FF solely to keep Fox from making $$$ off of making more FF movies. If they feel confident that Fox will not make another FF movie...then their self-boycott is over. There is no financial risk to Marvel, if anything they would make money.

    Actually, it is important to view all of these maneuvers through the appropriate lens. It wasn't Disney that shied away from promoting FF. It was Marvel Entertainment and specifically Isaac Perlmutter (president of Marvel) that apparently decided to torpedo the FF because of the conflict with Fox.

    This is important because until late 2015 Isaac Perlmutter was the one and only "final voice" in all of Marvel, as head of Marvel Entertainment. But because of his interference with the Marvel movies and conflict with Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios was removed from Marvel Entertainment and made a subsidiary of Disney Studios. Marvel Studios then became free to negotiate with other movie studios without approval from Marvel Entertainment itself. Things like the Deadpool deals and the Spiderman sharing with Sony became possibilities once Feige had the freedom to make deals free from Isaac Perlmutter's veto.

    In other words, "Marvel" was *never* going to get the rights to FF back, simply because in a very real sense "Marvel" as in Marvel Entertainment no longer really has control of the movies anymore. Legally they might have or not have production rights, but all of this is largely moot now. Whether they promote or bury the FF, Marvel Entertainment will never make a FF movie. Someone else will be doing that, whether it is a company that happens to share a part of their name or not.

    I suspect this greatly disincentivizes Marvel Entertainment and Isaac Perlmutter specifically from pursuing feuds as much as they did in the past. Nothing in it for them anymore. And clearly Disney doesn't have the same attitude as Perlmutter, as evidenced by the fact they were perfectly fine with Feige "borrowing" Spiderman from Sony. Perlmutter was willing to hurt his own company's intellectual property to fight Fox. But Disney seems to care less about who makes what money in the short term, and more about strengthening the overall intellectual property they ultimately own. The Spiderman deal with Sony undoubtedly strengthens their Marvel IP. They don't care if it also helps Sony in the short term.

    Agree with you on the distinction you are making in regards to ownership...but I do argue that even with Perlmutter gone...some of that mentality still exists. The recent Marvel vs. Capcom release on consoles may even support this with it's total absense of mutants, including Wolverine. (he is easily one of the more popular champs in that game's history.)
    I do disagree with citing Spiderman and Deadpool as examples, since Marvel never stopped publishing their books as a response to their respective film rights. The Fantastic Four situation has always been treated differently.
    The point I was trying to make was in response to @Dave_the_destroyer saying that Marvel would not change how the FF are or are not utilized in their licensed games until the Fox sale was completely finalized...I disagree and think we will see them before that.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    Solswerd wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    @Solswerd Fox have 16 main companies at least, plus maybe another 30+ associated one as well? Nothing will happen until it is 100% done. These are grade C business people on a £100 billion deal. This is not important to them at all, and they would never risk money on something that isnt theirs yet

    How would Disney be risking any money? They already have the full rights to put the FF into videogames and comics without paying anyone...their whole strategy has been to avoid FF solely to keep Fox from making $$$ off of making more FF movies. If they feel confident that Fox will not make another FF movie...then their self-boycott is over. There is no financial risk to Marvel, if anything they would make money.

    Actually, it is important to view all of these maneuvers through the appropriate lens. It wasn't Disney that shied away from promoting FF. It was Marvel Entertainment and specifically Isaac Perlmutter (president of Marvel) that apparently decided to torpedo the FF because of the conflict with Fox.

    This is important because until late 2015 Isaac Perlmutter was the one and only "final voice" in all of Marvel, as head of Marvel Entertainment. But because of his interference with the Marvel movies and conflict with Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios was removed from Marvel Entertainment and made a subsidiary of Disney Studios. Marvel Studios then became free to negotiate with other movie studios without approval from Marvel Entertainment itself. Things like the Deadpool deals and the Spiderman sharing with Sony became possibilities once Feige had the freedom to make deals free from Isaac Perlmutter's veto.

    In other words, "Marvel" was *never* going to get the rights to FF back, simply because in a very real sense "Marvel" as in Marvel Entertainment no longer really has control of the movies anymore. Legally they might have or not have production rights, but all of this is largely moot now. Whether they promote or bury the FF, Marvel Entertainment will never make a FF movie. Someone else will be doing that, whether it is a company that happens to share a part of their name or not.

    I suspect this greatly disincentivizes Marvel Entertainment and Isaac Perlmutter specifically from pursuing feuds as much as they did in the past. Nothing in it for them anymore. And clearly Disney doesn't have the same attitude as Perlmutter, as evidenced by the fact they were perfectly fine with Feige "borrowing" Spiderman from Sony. Perlmutter was willing to hurt his own company's intellectual property to fight Fox. But Disney seems to care less about who makes what money in the short term, and more about strengthening the overall intellectual property they ultimately own. The Spiderman deal with Sony undoubtedly strengthens their Marvel IP. They don't care if it also helps Sony in the short term.

    Agree with you on the distinction you are making in regards to ownership...but I do argue that even with Perlmutter gone...some of that mentality still exists. The recent Marvel vs. Capcom release on consoles may even support this with it's total absense of mutants, including Wolverine. (he is easily one of the more popular champs in that game's history.)
    I do disagree with citing Spiderman and Deadpool as examples, since Marvel never stopped publishing their books as a response to their respective film rights. The Fantastic Four situation has always been treated differently.
    The point I was trying to make was in response to @Dave_the_destroyer saying that Marvel would not change how the FF are or are not utilized in their licensed games until the Fox sale was completely finalized...I disagree and think we will see them before that.

    Exactly @Solswerd.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited December 2017
    They spent 54 billion I am sure they would wanna earn that and more back so to help out why would they not implement the fantastic 4 heroes and villains to promote them in the biggest mobile marvel game ever? Might be late but it will happen.
  • NovaStarNovaStar Member Posts: 53
    They spent 54 billion I am sure they would wanna earn that and more back so to help out why would they not implement the fantastic 4 heroes and villains to promote them in the biggest mobile marvel game ever? Might be late but it will happen.
    They spent 54 billion I am sure they would wanna earn that and more back so to help out why would they not implement the fantastic 4 heroes and villains to promote them in the biggest mobile marvel game ever? Might be late but it will happen.
    They spent 54 billion I am sure they would wanna earn that and more back so to help out why would they not implement the fantastic 4 heroes and villains to promote them in the biggest mobile marvel game ever? Might be late but it will happen.


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Solswerd wrote: »
    I do disagree with citing Spiderman and Deadpool as examples, since Marvel never stopped publishing their books as a response to their respective film rights. The Fantastic Four situation has always been treated differently.

    The point I was making is that there are articles out there that claim the various trades made between Marvel Studios and Sony (Spiderman) and Fox (Deadpool, Guardians) would not have been made under Perlmutter, and only happened after Feige was free of him. Under Perlmutter, Marvel Studios was not interested in working with anyone, and trying to regain control of the cinematic rights by any means necessary.

    This was in regard to statements made in this thread (and elsewhere) that stated or implied that the choices made regarding Marvel licensing were Disney choices. They do not seem to be Disney choices, rather Marvel Entertainment choices driven by the desire to regain control of cinematic rights. Since in a real sense they are never going to regain that control under Disney, it is possible that Marvel Studios would be allowed to work deals with Fox on the presumption that the Disney/Fox acquisition will happen, because if it doesn't happen they could still make deals to keep projects alive.

    In other words, Marvel Studios doesn't necessarily have to wait a year or more for the deal to go through. If Feige *thinks* it will go through and the head of Fox studios thinks it will go through, they could theoretically start handshake negotiations tomorrow, and Disney would not likely discourage this from happening.
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