Why do I always start with a disadvantage in battlegrounds?

Does anyone know why when choosing the characters for the battle in batlegrounds I always have to choose first? This is a disadvantage since when starting the opponent can choose in his next two characters the counters or champions that are best for him to win, this of the turns to choose should be random or at least not occur so frequently, since As I said before, between July 5 and 6 I played more than 30 games and I always have to choose first.
Is it something malicious to favor those who spend money in the game?
Is it some kind of hack or trick for some players?
Anyway, it smells bad to me and it seems to me that playing that game mode is demotivating since they attract us with good prizes this season, that type of "mistakes" makes it frustrating.
Definitely a disadvantage in most situations.
of course it is a disadvantage and in no way should it happen so often, the moderators can review my account and see that this is real and I know it happens to many other players that it happens to you more than 30 times like me it is not a coincidence
The main disadvantage comes when actually selecting defenders in each round. Choosing your defender 2nd means you can react to whatever defender your opponent has selected before you.
For example if your opponent only had 1 science champion in their draft and decided to place them on defense, and you were choosing 2nd you would be able to respond to the fact that they no longer have any science champions left, and play a mystic defender.
I am just looking for the answer of an administrator and not that of an arrogant pretentious whose answers do not help
You claim it’s a disadvantage. I counter claim it’s not. Of my last 10 matches 6 have been me choosing first. I won all 6. I have a better win ratio starting first than I do starting second. Also to put it into perspective I start second more often than not. It just happens to be that I this last run of 10 worked out to give me more starts.
Now this could just be a coincidence, I could just be better than you, or it could not even play a factor.
But you’re asking for something they won’t know the answer to and will have to go to the dev team for. And in that case it WILL take some time.
I want to say it’s RNG on who goes first but then we don’t know. If that’s the case it’s just bad luck from your point of view. It could also be who queued up first. The person who has waited longer goes second.
Either move on or keep crying you are given an unfair opportunity. Either way I don’t think they will give insight into how the order goes.
If I'm picking my defender first, that means I'll pick the last defender as well, quite often that results in a "caught with pants down" situation because even though I have the counters to my opponent's champs, he has them too and no matter who I place, the guy placing last has a distinct advantage.
If you've not experienced this, then you're playing a different game.
It's alphabetical. Duh.
You can still win away. But there is a slight disadvantage as you are more exposed, for sure.
Is it a combination of factors related to our accounts, decks, champions, etc? If so Kabam might not want to release too many specifics as it would become a system to manipulate and game into bettering our odds at getting first/second pick. Though that in itself may become a whole new strategy attached to BGs.
Or is it purely an RNG determination? The game 'flips a coin'? If so, having this represented on screen might be worth exploring. You already have us stuck waiting in lobbies for a timer to count down, even if both people have finished their fights. What would adding a few more seconds for a proverbial coin flip hurt.
Having to place first puts you at an extreme disadvantage for round 3. If I can't close out the match in the first 2 rounds, round 3 almost feels like an auto loss.