7 star economy - what's the rush?

someone will have a r3 7 star by the end of october.
the transition between r1 and r3 took 6 months (early may to late october). with 6 stars it took 2 years (january 2018 to december 2019).
it's probable that every super whale will have a profile full of r3s by the end of gifting in december.
are you trying to release 8 stars in the next two years??

the transition between r1 and r3 took 6 months (early may to late october). with 6 stars it took 2 years (january 2018 to december 2019).
it's probable that every super whale will have a profile full of r3s by the end of gifting in december.
are you trying to release 8 stars in the next two years??

Some small fragments of r3 mats on Cyber weekend, and then Banquet event is where the r3 will be available for whaling.
Depending on whether or not 8.4 is out, there is a very high chance will see the next progression title as the big bait, to encourage big whaling in the event.
If Act8 conclusion isn't released by then yet, then it's surely the spring cleaning for the next progression title, which will require a 7* at r3 (if not more).
Just my estimation though 😉
A rank 2 gem would already be an awesome prize or even an 7* awakening gem
Just think about it, we don't have rn a single piece of alfa 4 and we need 3 of them to do a 2-3 rank up, now someone will have a 2-3 gem? Just feel wrong....i know it'll be only 1 person with a rank 3 but that's how it starts and since it's way too soon, i'm concerned =/
Couldn't agree more, I was expecting them to take 7* as slow as they did with 6* and I liked it more that way cuz for a few years (a lot) it kept the game going and going but now they're rushing it
Knowing kabam they will prob screw it up tho
5% of r3 mats in Gifting crystals. So 1-2 Uber Rich players can get their early r3s.
I Guess economy Will not change in a Lot of time