Arena needs a massive overhaul

How in the world do people mange to get 20 million plus points ? I was grinding some arena for units of the past few days cause I’ve had alot of free time and over playing for numerous hours I’m only at around 8 mil points. How do people possible get 20 million points. I did a bit of math and at 25,000 points per fight you would have to complete 800 fights. Which is a large amount. And if each fight is a minute each this would equate to 13 hours. That is a ridiculous time commitment just to have a chance at a six star. Even trash six star goes for 20 mil plus. The arena mode needs major fixing. 13 hours of grinding just for a chance at getting a six star. Not to mention the massive amount of cheaters in the mode. How can anyone be expected to get a six star for arena without cheating?
Now, at 6h a day, 1000 rounds, 180mil
It’s high time for that happening for 6*s.
They are not even the highest rarity anymore, and with the speed Kabam is moving 7* economy (r3 already available by the end of the year), 6*s are going to be phased out sooner than expected.
23 minutes just now = 1 million
And that was with half the matches ramping up to 3x multiplier. So....
Arena grinders are crazy. I scored nearly 5 mil..and I was still in 11-30 percent bracket. Damn how long were y'all glued to the phone, on a daily basis?🥲
I went all 6r1s no boosts matches 1-5, all 6r2s match 6, 6r3s match 7, 6r4s match 8, all 7s match 9 and 7/6r5/6r4 boosted for match 10. Shade under 1 million. If i continued I'd run 6r4/3/2 the next 5 then run through the rest of my 6*s.
I don't even have the strongest depth, but you can see what you're up against with other accounts.
It’s expected there is a grind factor, but some of us just don’t have the time for THAT much grind. At best, without refreshing, I might be able to pull down 60-70M now. I’m Paragon with 175 6* of which maybe 40 or so are R3+, as well as 3 7* - one awakened. I don’t even bother, because work, kids, etc. Sometimes I target milestones. Sometimes I don’t bother. I honestly don’t know what my ceiling is at the moment, but I know it’s not 100M+.
Problem is, Kabam has rolled new content and we’ve seen nothing but bug after bug after bug.
So is this a fixable problem with a viable solution? Rhetorical, but something to chew on. You might even have to ask if it’s even a problem
in the scheme of things.
My collections are huge. Lots of r1 5* and 6* because I’m slow with rank up due to golds issue, but I counter it with using kamikaze style method and still get all the milestones done and then invest into levelling and ranking up more of my collections.
Today with my collections current state with 6* and 5* r1 together with suicide mastery, express mode and kamikaze style I am now able to finish all the milestones in about 8 hours combined with some resting such as eating, taking a walk and so on.
can we do something like below?
Monday: T4b + feat and basic
Tues: T1a + feat and basic
Wed: T5b + feat and basic
Thurs: T2a + feat and basic
Fri: T6b + feat and basic
Sat: T3a + feat and basic
Sun: T4c + T5c + 2* arenas for 5* and 6* shards
PS.. I'm ok if t6b, t3a and t5c is only fragments rather than full...