[Question] Who is your favourite champ and when did you get them?

J4mmy_d0dger123J4mmy_d0dger123 Member Posts: 297 ★★
edited July 2023 in General Discussion
- I think mine is either Nick or Kitty, got both this year but I’m bored and want to know


  • Night_RiderNight_Rider Member Posts: 32
    Easily Hulkbuster for me, 3rd 6* champ and 1st actually useful 6* (agent venom and og spidey were 1st and 2nd). Was my first 6* I took to r2 through r5 and I'm fairly sure I had the first r5 HB
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 951 ★★★
    Doom, got him in September right after beating 7.3, took him up as my third r3
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,243 ★★★★★
    I don't have any one favorite but I have several for different reasons.
    Fantastic Four- I am a huge F4 fan from back when I collected comic books. When the game started, Marvel had stopped making F4 comics because of their dispute with Fox and not wanting to help promote their movies etc.. Marvel didn't get those rights back until 2018/19 or something like that and then shortly after, all the F4 characters were added along with Dr Doom (F4 biggest adversary). I was so happy they were coming to the game. I now have all of them as 6*'s which is awesome. So i'll always have a soft spot for them.

    Realm Champions-
    I liked MRoC as a game and was a big supporter. Silver Centurion came along and I just really liked his play style and amount of damage you can get without much effort. All 4 Realm champs are extremely solid. I had the first R4 S.C ever as far as I know and he was my first R5.
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Quicksilver and silver surfer
    Got my first quicksilver from the second qs cav i bought when he first came out as a 5 star. Then i got 6 star qs from the featured in my first try. I was so happy. It was like a miracle.

    I got surfer before that from either a nexus or basic i think. He is my favourite character from marvel. I have both of them at 6 star rank 5 sig 200 rn.
  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 488 ★★★
    all time fav is nick and doom....pulled a 5* nick the year he was released from a featured crystal...awakened him using a generic gem i remember .... i now have a 6* r5 fury as well....doom i pulled a 6* before i pulled a 5* from a cav crystal of all things....this was before the cav chances were increased so got incredibly lucky ....
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Mine is between Silver Surfer and Dragon Man.

    Silver Surfer was one of my first 4*s and carried me so far. He is very underrated imo.
    I love Dragon Man’s play style and character design.
  • JMC2007JRJMC2007JR Member Posts: 55
    Shocker. I know it was june just not the exact date but it was after I completed act 7 and I felt lucky and decided to pop a feature and got him. He was my first r4 as well
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 585 ★★★
    Cgr last September. First r3 and will be my 2nd r4
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 435 ★★
    Human torch one of my 1st 10 six stars. So versatile and powerful and easy
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Longshots been my favourite since the 4* carried me through early game content, still yet to get him as a 6* :/
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    Scorpion who I obtained just a few days before his featured ended in October
  • Agent_7Agent_7 Member Posts: 184 ★★
    7* Hulk is an absolute cheat code. Got him about a month ago and he has been smashing and smashing and smashing ever since. My new favorite by a mile.
  • SamanunSamanun Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    Kate bishop got her a couple weeks ago just took her to r4 and awakened her
  • zernixzernix Member Posts: 82
    Rintrah, started playing the month after his release and really wanted him. Even wasted some units on his Cav crystal but didn't get him. Opened one 6 star crystal in December (think it was war rewards?) And got him. Was so hyped cause I had just 100% 8.1 and got a mystic 3-4 and mystic AG, threw both at him and haven't regretted it for a second. Ended up taking him to R5 during the 7 star release event, man's a monster.
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Favorite and best are not the same thing.

    My favorite champ to play is OG Ghost Rider. I absolutely love his rotation and think he's incredibly fun. He's not going to be my go-to in end-game content, but I regularly bring him to EQ/SQ quests and have a blast.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 7,980 Guardian
    Sersi, got her like a month after her release from one of those weekly cav nexus offers kabam did for awhile.
  • LetheLatteLetheLatte Member Posts: 115
    Guillotine, ever since I got her as a 4* way back in the early mcoc years I just liked using her
  • Bee2JayBee2Jay Member Posts: 109
    Kingpin, dont even remember when
    but only had his 4* and he helped a lot......
    hoping to pull him at 6
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 2,950 ★★★★★
    Tigra and Black Cat for me.

    I think I pulled Black Cat on the day that her featured 6* crystal released. Not only pulled, but pulled and duped. It took a while for me to learn her ways but once I realized that she was amazing at DAAR, I basically took her up as far as I could. I used to love my 5* Falcon for his DAAR back in the day but had never pulled him as a 6* so I didn't have a champ that could do what he did. With Black Cat, I suddenly had one. Been loving her ever since. She can technically deal a lot of damage even without DAAR, but I find that playstyle too...I don't know, what's the word? I find her DAAR playstyle so smooth, and her other playstyle just...not. But it can be very potent.

    With Tigra, I ranked my 5* up when I needed to burn some mystic t4cc. At that time, I was incredibly bored with the whole mystic class. I felt like every champion in it was basically doing the same old thing, with just slight variations. Tigra, however, was a breath of fresh air. She did something that no other mystic champion did. As long as you played aggressive, the opponent just didn't get any buffs. I loved that with her.

    As I moved on to 6* champions, I desperately wanted a 6* Tigra. However, I knew that I also wanted her to be max sig, which meant that I would have to both awakened her and pump her full of sigs if I actually wanted to use her. I've never been a fan of unduped/low-sig Tigra. Since this was before the recent influx of both 6* AGs and sig stones, that would have been quite a long-term investment.

    However, I pulled her from some of the early rewards when I completed Act 7, and then I got both an AG and 200 sig stones from exploring that Act. She eventually became my first 6* champion that I brought up to r4 when my resources allowed me to choose my own champion and I wasn't at the mercy of a random 3-4 gem.
  • SlayerOfGodsSlayerOfGods Member, Content Creators Posts: 545 Content Creator
    Cosmic Ghost Rider
    4-Star: 22 Oct, 2020
    5-Star: 4 Dec, 2020
    6-Star: 28 Nov, 2021
  • J4mmy_d0dger123J4mmy_d0dger123 Member Posts: 297 ★★

    Cosmic Ghost Rider
    4-Star: 22 Oct, 2020
    5-Star: 4 Dec, 2020
    6-Star: 28 Nov, 2021

  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,676 ★★★★★
    Tigra - she’s a killer
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,920 ★★★★
    Punish because I used to love reading his comic books. I don't remember when I got him as a 5 star but can't wait to get him as a 6 star one day. I'm happy with Cosmic Ghost Ridger 6 star (Frank Castle), but I still prefer the original Punisher.
  • Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    I don't have a favourite champ anymore (Although, i really prayed a lot for getting Omega Sentinel and Ibom). But pre and immediately post uncollected, I used to love my four star Corvus Glaive. I could rely him on him, for any fight. He hit really hard, and i never faced a single problem with the Grandmaster too ( back when I didn't know that dex and parry were a thing). Got him somewhere in 2018-2019, i guess, a bit blurry on the dates?

    And i still see him today, somewhere on the 9th or 10th row of my champion displays, and I sorely miss how much i could rely on a champ like that. Damn, this brought back sweet memories
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    I don’t have a specific favorite but..
    Spidey supreme: just got his 6* yesterday after searching for months
    King groot: got his 6* a couple months ago got him to sig 200 a couple days ago
    Sersi: also got her a couple months ago but I first played her as a 4* on my second account.
    Hit monkey: got him right after act 6 completion
    Spider ham: got him from a cav during shocker/sandman month.
  • Go_ToGo_To Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    Groot... I got him last year on august 23rd. I remember the day clearly because I was overjoyed.....
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 874 ★★★★
    Hard to pick a favorite, but Kingpin is probably up there, others I really enjoy are diablo, rintrah, cgr, spot, and Valk. All of them can stand on their own and are really good at what they do. If you go with full synergy teams then both agent venom and she-hulk really shine (mr. F prefights and titania at least for that, it gets pretty nutty)
    And then there is Wong, who I enjoy playing so much, just his ramp can be really annoying. He is actually really amazing for the mystic paths where he power drains when he heals, and anywhere he can get increased combat power rate.
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