a punch to FTP players face

this new battlepass ruined summoner appreciations, it used to be free and everyone could get cool stuff whether u were a contender or thronbreaker. but now it's all behind a paywall access that most player base wouldnt have it. a free 7* morbius and more for just paying and FTP wouldnt get much? this's hella discouraging....
In all seriousness this is still a lot of nice free stuff for ftp players. And a tremendous deal for medium spenders, I personally think this is one of the best events Kabam has put out for ftp and spenders alike in a while
The first ever summoner appreciation calendar had what, 6k 6* shards and maybe a thousand units? Now this new one has more crystals, almost 1,200 units (plus a few fabulous crystals for more units), 3 fully formed 6* crystals and more stuff on top of all that. But sure, complain that it used to be better.
Compare what is free today to what was free yesterday instead of devaluing what you can get because you can’t or don’t want to spend money on something better.
The Gold track rewards are solid. They're Free.
If you want more, a single purchase opens it. If you don't want to buy, don't. Simple as
But I do agree this is just yet another stupid decision by Kabam, but not that they haven't been doing so multiple times every month by now
Since I don't know how the rewards will look in the Month #2 and #3 Gold Tracks, it's hard to compare this event fully to the SACs of the past. However, I think that it's at least fair to say that this month is better than what was previously offered during the SAC years.
If the rewards are static, though, I do think people have a right to be a bit miffed. If my math is correct, the full three months' worth of rewards would result in a grand total of half a t6b and t3a (plus all the other stuff but I'm trying to make a point about those resources), and that's way too low for Paragon players in my opinion. But I also think that even doubling that, which the Platinum Track does, would be far too little. I don't think it's unreasonable to want to be able to r4 a champion after grinding objectives for 3 months.
Hopefully they pump up those rewards as we move forward through this event. For month #1, I have no problem with the rewards in the Gold Track, and as long as the Gold Track is worthwhile enough throughout these months, I see no reason to complain about the Platinum Track.
Kabam has made it clear they could care less about the balance of the game or ftp players.
First we spent years watching mercs and bots take rank rewards from away from us in events and arenas and now we get to watch as spenders buy thier way so far out in front that no matter what level of skill a frp player has, they will never get close to the top, not without a whale alliance to carry them.
But I for one saw this coming 3 years ago. Warned this was gonna be how this ended up, and here we are.
Again - not bashing the event because we get a lot of free stuff which is very good. But it used to be better, same as the compensation we used to get back then for game outages and server issues. Mcoc just isnt the same anymore but we have known this for a long time. Now we just have to accept it.
I keep hearing why MCOC isn't more like Fortnite where spending doesn't give an advantage to the player based. Well because it's not fortnite and most games aren't like fortnite. Most games will always give incentives to spend.
FTP players need to realize that the world doesn't evolve around them. Goodwill doesn't pay the bill, non spenders don't pay the bills. Even nonprofit organizations need money to keep them a float since they still have bills to pay. Stop trying to make FTP and spends equal cause it's never going to happen.
Why would you think it would be otherwise? Do you spend all day shaking your fist and being salty at the disparity of opportunities and outcomes between people willing and able to pay for them and those that aren't?