This is becoming a trend now, kabam

From last few months i would say . Whenever something new goes live in the game.. it comes with bugs/ issues or already broken launch. Then again have to wait for sometime for the fix & at time even the "actual fix" comes with bugs as well.
This is becoming a trend lately that whatever kabam launches in the game ( be it a event, deals , features or packages) comes out as bugged.
Curious to know " what's happening behind the scene? To tackle this trend.. coz this is not a 1 time thing anymore" , i would say only thing presistent in the game currently is bugs & issues than actual gameplay!
Even AI speed/ reflexes goes out of control but then again nothing been done on ai ! Now for inputs, with july & fix update, inputs drops are again becoming a trend.
Honestly saying " this trend puts a question mark on the team that take care of things behind the scenes" but we understand they are human as well.. mistakes tend to happen but NOT this frequently.
"Fellow summoners, what's your view on this trend"
This is becoming a trend lately that whatever kabam launches in the game ( be it a event, deals , features or packages) comes out as bugged.
Curious to know " what's happening behind the scene? To tackle this trend.. coz this is not a 1 time thing anymore" , i would say only thing presistent in the game currently is bugs & issues than actual gameplay!
Even AI speed/ reflexes goes out of control but then again nothing been done on ai ! Now for inputs, with july & fix update, inputs drops are again becoming a trend.
Honestly saying " this trend puts a question mark on the team that take care of things behind the scenes" but we understand they are human as well.. mistakes tend to happen but NOT this frequently.
"Fellow summoners, what's your view on this trend"
Let them try to remedy the situation, it can only go up from here surely, the worst 2/3 month period we've seen in a couple years at least.
They're pushing out plenty of new and exciting content and modes. which is nice, but we need overall stability before forcing more content into the contest.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see what they do to f up every other Tuesday.
so that as more gets added it become more messy and more confusing only making bugs ontop of bugs.
it happens mostly when something is written originally with the intent of never growing as much as it does and stuff is added ontop and added on top and added ontop and stuff ends up referencing stuff all over the place.
and then when something gets added/updated it ends up affecting something that you had no idea it ever could so never checked to realise it.
unfortunately it is a byproduct of a game getting too big beyond what it was designed for and the only option is to fully rewrite all the code. best to do so in a new game engine.
which is a huge job.
Although it's a huge job, it would be great if they had this iniciative because right now i don't feel joy playing the game like before because everything seems broken, you can never play the new eq/sq the first day because it might have a bug like the mythic crystal and everything and i don't feel like this is talk about it enough, the fact that you don't feel ''safe'' playing an event the day it releases is ridiculous, like ''yeah i need to wait like 3 days to play this just to be sure'' that's insane -.-
July offers solo event
Old champs being bugged rintrah, new champs being bugged cassie and antman
Side Eq bugged, and the rewards itself was bugged to (1250 crystals)
Root mechanic was bugged, sending RT tkts and guess what it's also bugged
AW kept getting delayed as its bugged
Gambit relic was bugged as well
And all of that was in 1 month only, that's not normal in any game or any place, so please don't try to normalize it
To list them, we have:
(1) Incorrect titan crystal vote - Clearly Claire was considered at some point, however, no one (at Kabam) gave the post/vote a second thought until "oops it's time to disappoint the community AGAIN". Like what's going on with the social media/marketing team? There should be approvals and everything before something gets sent out, especially on the brands social media page.
(2) Battlegrounds Matchmaking - At the beginning of the season, the previous season's rank had not reset, meaning anyone who started a match with elder marks prior to Kabam taking down battlegrounds, wasted their elder marks, oh well ig. Also battlegrounds isn't really in beta anymore, shouldn't these issues that recur season to season be sorted out considering it's been maybe 8-9 months since the feature dropped!?
(3) Battlegrounds Booster - Don't we normally get like some shields and signets prior to each season, like ????
(4) The July side quest - bugged on launch, allowing people to get 1250 mythic crystals, and complete all paths... Might be useful to hire some software testers/fulltime beta testers, or try things out before releasing them, especially something that's so obvious; you literally launch these quests on a monthly basis. Also, where are the approvals for 1250 mythic crystals!? It's like no one does any code review, or even tests it physically in staging or development prior to moving it to the production environment
(5) The new War system - was supposed to launch a couple weeks ago, but ig no one tested it prior to launch; and its release ended up being postponed to yesterday (July 26th), and additionally without any sort of clarification (tutorial/forums post) on how the whole system works.
(6) Sigil Exclusive Express Mode - express mode was broken, with no apparent reason why
(7) Relics were unable to be binded/unbinded - again no apparent reason why it worked before and not then
(8) An internal Memo was sent out in game, although it was retracted briefly afterwards (attached below) - seriously does no one read this stuff prior to it being sent out to everyone?
And more....
All this to say, some form of quality control is definitely needed. I understand when software expands beyond its original predicted design, stuff happens. That being being said, a lot of this can benefit from simply having some form of testing and approvals prior to moving the monthly updates and new feature releases to the production environment. Like we all (most of us) love this game, we've been here for years because it's a good game, but to keep it as a fun, enjoyable thing, something needs to be done to address the recent pattern of issues.
If you used the comp path selector is SQ to take the AG path and quit before defeating the boss,
You keep the AG. How surprising, And the path selector is not consumed in the account.
Dude got 5 AGs doing this, and they fixed it yesterday. Pretty sure nobody knows.
Arena was broken.
Side quest was broken in at least two ways.
War was broken.
AQ was impacted because champs were stuck in war defense that wasn’t actually happening.
BG alliance event points were bugged and not being awarded properly.
RDTs didn’t work.
I don’t remember this many significant issues in this short of a span before.
Side quests have been broken dozens of times. Mutant Treasure Island is the most famous and it was more devastating than this. Kabam even made it right with a comp package this time for those who didn't or could exploit the glitch.
War has been broken numerous times as well. This one hurts me the most because I love AW. I loathe AQ and it's been torture not having AW to even it out. But it's not the worst by a long shot of being broken. At least the didn't have to cut the season short like they have at least 5 times.
I don't know why anyone would put AQ champs on AW defense if they were going to use them in AQ since that's not a possibility. That's just user error.
RDTs has issues before as well. Nothing new.
Its another typical month. In two weeks we'll be back here complaining about the next set of bugs in the new update.
But like I said in an earlier post, we've hit a pretty low, low. So It can surely only look up from here and as I said we've had worse times and recovered fine.
The only issue I really have, is like you said, a lot of these issues we've had before, they keep letting avoidable repeat issues keep slipping in.