Champs with useless SP1 or even SP2 attacks

-Diablo just drink something and...????

Easily you get surprised of a possible Special but if you just punch, ends....
-Mephisto SP2 Aura for what? At least you can't reach him.
And the champs that insist to do SP1 even on hard quest modes as Vulture and Venom?

Can you remind of others? Tks
Mephisto’s aura deals passive damage and he gains power at a pretty solid rate…
Venom’s SP1 can eat buffs and regen him…
Vulture’s SP1 gives him power drain and lets him charge himself up…
May I suggest playing the game before you decide to post about it?
And if you’re strictly talking when you’re playing against them, then nearly every special in the game is useless because there’s no rule that says you have to be hit by them.
May I suggest you pay attention to the whole text when I say "even on hard quest modes"?
Of course we wont be dumb to do like the CPU.
Let me clarify...
im saying when we fight against them....
Of course we wont be dumb to do like the CPU.
Peace...It was meant to be fun
Let's try again
Vulture on a recent past sidequest, even as a Boss and on max difficulty insisted to do SP1. So he was easily defeated.
This happens when we fight against them....
Hope everyone get this time.
But with the title Lord Karnak comes to my mind. He has the most devastating sp1 in the whole game.