Emulador Android (PC)

Good night. Approximately since 2016 I have been using the Android Emulator on a PC, about 5 months ago I was permanently banned. I'm just making this post today in August 2023 because I started a new account and I got tired. Is there any way to refund my account? I understand that the forum is not for this. But seeing many videos about bans, the biggest bans are given for the use of GG and arena bots, which can only be used by cell phones. What is the reason for not being able to use an Android emulator? Since absolutely NOTHING of the game is modified, I even find it better to play from a PC than from a Cell phone. I play on PC since 2005 many games. I just really wanted to know why you get Banned for just using a [gosh darn, golly gee] android emulator on PC? Has no sense. Most are banned for using GG, and arena BOTs. It seems unfair to those of us who play on an emulator. I even have friends from my alliance who have been playing on PC for years but have not been banned. I hope you help me, the game is cute. But... NOOOOO WE ALL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE AN IPHONE OR A CELL PHONE MY GOD.
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Whether you think one is justified over the others is highly irrelevant to the business that drafted them.
You say that nothing is modified when using an Android emulator but there are a few options that would give you an unfair advantage over other players.
I'd advise you to come to terms with the situation and start a new account on a mobile device, if you have that possibility.
Play the game fairly or don’t play it.
I didn’t say you cheated, I said you broke the rules. An emulator is third party software, which is against the rules.
And of course the majority of these bans have been against players that are using cell phones, it’s a mother loving mobile game made for cell phones, not for computers. If you can’t download the game directly from Google Play or Apple Store, then the game is not meant to be played on whatever device you’re trying to skirt the system to play it on.
The longer you keep flapping in the water, the more sharks you will attract.
Also, I play on a 6-year-old phone so you have options.
Sorry, not sorry, but if you can’t afford a device that allows you to play a game then you simply don’t have access to playing that game. That’s kind of a general rule of life, and don’t act like you know mine.
You broke the rules.
Plenty of players play on cheap phones. Whether players play on cheap phones or expensive ones, every single player living in a market that has this game available for download has fair access to download and play this game. But that fair access is up to Kabam’s interpretation and not yours. You accessed the game outside of the boundaries of fairness that Kabam set and that you agreed to.
but firstly an emulator is only something pretending to be an android so anything possible on android is possible on the emulator.
secondly emulators have built in functionality to create macros.
ie, pre-recorded series of screen touches and swipes.
that can be set up to play through the process of something like selecting arena teams and fighting.
so yes emulators open the door to a whole world of cheating options.
the game does not run as smooth on an emulator as it does on a phone.
there is much much more lag.
also by using an emulator you will be using either a keyboard and mouse or a controller both of which were unintended control methods for the game.
which could provide and advantage but likely make for a worse experience.
I had an alt account that was perma banned for using an emulator.
years ago i ran multiple accounts.
i set up one for use on an emulator so i could autobattle on it while i played my other account on my phone.
if i wanted i could have set up 20+ multiple windows farming 20 accounts at once.
i did not.
i could have mad a macro and set it up to auto play arena, i did not.
all i did on it was use the emulator to autobattle.
i did this as i did not have a second device at the time.
i could have done exactly what i was doing if i had a second phone.
after a while this account got banned.
did i cry about it?
yeah i was a little upset and annoyed.
but it was the risk.
i never did it on my main account cus i did not wanna it getting banned.
and then after this ban on my alt, yes i did start another alt,
but, never used an emulator again cus i don't want it to happen again.
if you drive 100 in a 50 zone you can't then complain when you lose your license.
even if you think that it should be a 100 zone.