2bg war

BigHomieBigHomie Member Posts: 14
We enlisted for 2 bg war and I went to place my defenders and it shows 3 open bgs.


  • ShawnthemonShawnthemon Member Posts: 23
    Ya same here. We don't have a full ally for this
  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159
    Same thing is happening to my alliance.
  • CarlyleCarlyle Member Posts: 18
    I guess that you are able to prepare defence for 3 bgs, but matchmaking will take your setuped 2 bgs.
  • ShawnthemonShawnthemon Member Posts: 23
    Carlyle said:

    I guess that you are able to prepare defence for 3 bgs, but matchmaking will take your setuped 2 bgs.

    So do you think we are only supposed to place in 2 bgs ?
  • Maverick03820Maverick03820 Member Posts: 159
    So it showed us 3bgs to place in, but then cut one off and made it 2BGs when attack phase started. Did I miss some guidance related to 2 BG wars? This totally messed up war 1 for us.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    @Kabam Jax we have the same. It shows 3 BGs for placement, but we only run 2, attack phase is on, but no one knew to start, or place defenders.

    The guide in the game is completely useless and after who knows how many wars (I'm nearly 300 war MVPs, so I've done this a lot), I'm sitting here as an alliance leader, thinking this is too hard, to confusing and not at all worth it.

    Is there a video guide??

    Getting weird error messages, unable to change auto enlistment settings, unable to fix to 2 BGs, receiving odd prompts on the defender page set up saying they are not placed, when they are.

    It's a complete, confusing, mess.

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,772 Guardian
    Welcome to the discussion that first made it's rounds the very first off-season war when they first implemented Persistent Placement.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★

    Welcome to the discussion that first made it's rounds the very first off-season war when they first implemented Persistent Placement.

    And was there ever a response from Kabam about it ???

    It’s been almost 2 months
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