The Adam Warlock hype

SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
I was waiting to open featureds desperately, just to be able to test him. He’s a great champ, BUT

There are a lot of problems with the way he works. He’s quite rewarding if you manage to keep the counter up, but that’s not the problem. The biggest problem is the TAUNT. That taunt is so so weak and unreliable, on top of the fact that it’s a debuff. It’s very easy to get caught dashing in and getting hit by a special in your face, because you need to stay aggressive. The AI will sometimes pretent like it’s going passive and roght as you dash in it will special intercept. Kt1 was theorizing a potential improvement for this, making the taunt passive and stackable, but also short duration. That would offer more safety for sure.

Another thing I wanted to mention is the lack of safety nets. This is fine, you’ll definetly die if you get caught but it’s ok, since he’s meant to be risky, atleast the numbers are good.

R3 no suicides

The sp1 stun, while a nice addition, I think it’s way too short for competitive content, where there’s limber. It would be nice if its duration could not be changed, neither up nor down, that way it’ll be way more consistent.
His utility is basically being an autoblock counter and a true damage dealer. Apart from that he doesn’t have too much, except for the 60 second insinerate shock coldsnap immunity, which can come in handy.
Overall I’d say be careful if you rank this champion up, since he is really not easy to maneauver snd very stressful, if you have to deal with a node it’ll be very hard to maintain the counter… the more stressful the matchup the lesser his damage is aswell, since you’ll want to go for an sp1 to keep up the buffs instead of the ideal sp3 that gives you the most damage.
I would highly highly appreciate some quality of life improvements for him, otherwhise he’ll disappear from the interest of people so fast as soon as Gladiator comes out…

Any thoughts? Do you think he’ll stay relevant the way he is now?


  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,554 ★★★★★
    Been playing around with mine all day and that's my main issue with him too, it's the taunt, sure you can trigger the pod but you can't just spam it every single time the defender refuses to throw a special. His damage is great though, zero complaints there and I hope it stays as is.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    I think if something isnt done regarding his taunt he is going to quickly fall from his current hype in favor of the usual top cosmic options. If they let him have just a little more control over the fight i think he'd be in a very good spot. Not on the level of Herc and CGR but still a really good champ

    Exactly, would love to see that :)
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    I just realized something else aswell, opponents gain power when striking your stasis pod, so unless you have him max sig you run the danger of them hitting an sp3. They should reduce opponent offensive ability accuracy by 100% while the stasis pod is active, I’ve gotten stunned so many times while in the pod and then killed :,(

    I noticed that way back when I got the 5-star and did my usual round of testing, but didn’t post about it — the kit HAS TO BE at a very high Sig level, if you’re planning to use the Stasis Pod. It’s actually dangerous to use it in high-leverage fights
  • acp1629acp1629 Member Posts: 22
    How do you access that screen you put up showing stats on Warlock and CM?
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    He's alright, certainly not plug and play like other cosmic heavy hitters. Think I'd take Hulkling, CGR or Herc over him. Haven't used or seenVox yet.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I think they should treat attacking into the pod like attacking into a block - opponents shouldn't gain power.

    I also think the taunt should be stackable/passive - or passive and stronger.

    Otherwise, I kind of love Adam Warlock.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    I think they should treat attacking into the pod like attacking into a block - opponents shouldn't gain power.

    I also think the taunt should be stackable/passive - or passive and stronger.

    Otherwise, I kind of love Adam Warlock.

    Yeah, they shouldn’t be able to find ways to punish you when hitting the pod, these changes are nice
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Beewee said:

    I wish they changed his taunt to passive infuriate and just removed the stun on sp1 all together. Its not needed imo

    The stun is nice sometimes to chain combos and lock down, in case you need to finish the fight fast cause the enemy reached sp3 or something.

    I don’t know if infuriate would be good, but a stronger taunt would definetly benefit him.

    When playing Fantman they throw specials into your block, that’s the energy I want from Adam’s taunt.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,554 ★★★★★

    Been playing around with mine all day and that's my main issue with him too, it's the taunt, sure you can trigger the pod but you can't just spam it every single time the defender refuses to throw a special. His damage is great though, zero complaints there and I hope it stays as is.

    I was playing him in BrutalDLX and the oscillate node on Winter soldier was screwing him over so hard. The taunt will make ws immediatly throw specials when in aggro mode, but in his defensive mode he’ll pretend like he’s blocking and then randomly throw a special at completely unexpected times. If Kate and Fantman have such potent taunts he can really use one too :)
    Yeah I bet that oscillate node wasn't a lot fun with him, they really need to make his taunt more potent and also I think they should make it passive so the defender can't just shrug it off either. His playstyle is already very risky since there's no infuriate or anything to make intercepting easy like with Herc or Mantis, the least they should do is make it so the AI at least throws specials as soon as they get to a bar (just like with Kate when you have them cornered).
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    That's a losing game. Not all Champs are supposed to compare to the big yellow number Champs.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,554 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
    I've been playing him non stop in Cav EQ at r1 level 1 and yes it can be very stressful, which is a shame cause his damage is definitely there. You'd think he'd be extremely easy to use (not saying he should be but it shouldn't be this hard either) since he's unblockable the whole time but without some sort of infuriate and a stronger taunt it can be very frustrating, either the opponent will dash back hold block and light intercept you when you dash in to break their block or they'll hold block and never throw a special causing you to lose your sovereignty counter which is just as frustrating as getting clipped lol.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
    I've been playing him non stop in Cav EQ at r1 level 1 and yes it can be very stressful, which is a shame cause his damage is definitely there. You'd think he'd be extremely easy to use (not saying he should be but it shouldn't be this hard either) since he's unblockable the whole time but without some sort of infuriate and a stronger taunt it can be very frustrating, either the opponent will dash back hold block and light intercept you when you dash in to break their block or they'll hold block and never throw a special causing you to lose your sovereignty counter which is just as frustrating as getting clipped lol.
    This pretty much sums it up. He’s too damn risky… the riskiest in the game I think, because parrying isn’t an option and you have very little time to make decisions. I took him in incursions and of course he was the first to die, because mistakes happen more often with him and there’s no safety net to save you. If you get light intercepted that hp is never coming back and in zone 6 or any other more difficult content you’re dead.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,554 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
    I've been playing him non stop in Cav EQ at r1 level 1 and yes it can be very stressful, which is a shame cause his damage is definitely there. You'd think he'd be extremely easy to use (not saying he should be but it shouldn't be this hard either) since he's unblockable the whole time but without some sort of infuriate and a stronger taunt it can be very frustrating, either the opponent will dash back hold block and light intercept you when you dash in to break their block or they'll hold block and never throw a special causing you to lose your sovereignty counter which is just as frustrating as getting clipped lol.
    This pretty much sums it up. He’s too damn risky… the riskiest in the game I think, because parrying isn’t an option and you have very little time to make decisions. I took him in incursions and of course he was the first to die, because mistakes happen more often with him and there’s no safety net to save you. If you get light intercepted that hp is never coming back and in zone 6 or any other more difficult content you’re dead.
    Basically yeah, sure you could make an argument that at max sig his stasis pod can give you 10% health for free but that's nothing compared to the 50% you'll lose if the AI just decides to be a **** and back off to hold block until you attempt to break their block just to intercept you with a light, or even worse, a whole ass special.
    Bummer honestly cause Adam could potentially be my new favorite champ in the game if he wasn't this risky and stressful to play and I'm sure other people feel the same way. When the AI cooperates and plays aggressive (as it should be cause that's the only way you make his playstyle work since he can't parry and if he doesn't stay aggressive he loses his ramp up) it's extremely satisfying and really fun but when it doesn't you just want to pull your hair out lol.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
    I've been playing him non stop in Cav EQ at r1 level 1 and yes it can be very stressful, which is a shame cause his damage is definitely there. You'd think he'd be extremely easy to use (not saying he should be but it shouldn't be this hard either) since he's unblockable the whole time but without some sort of infuriate and a stronger taunt it can be very frustrating, either the opponent will dash back hold block and light intercept you when you dash in to break their block or they'll hold block and never throw a special causing you to lose your sovereignty counter which is just as frustrating as getting clipped lol.
    This pretty much sums it up. He’s too damn risky… the riskiest in the game I think, because parrying isn’t an option and you have very little time to make decisions. I took him in incursions and of course he was the first to die, because mistakes happen more often with him and there’s no safety net to save you. If you get light intercepted that hp is never coming back and in zone 6 or any other more difficult content you’re dead.
    Basically yeah, sure you could make an argument that at max sig his stasis pod can give you 10% health for free but that's nothing compared to the 50% you'll lose if the AI just decides to be a **** and back off to hold block until you attempt to break their block just to intercept you with a light, or even worse, a whole ass special.
    Bummer honestly cause Adam could potentially be my new favorite champ in the game if he wasn't this risky and stressful to play and I'm sure other people feel the same way. When the AI cooperates and plays aggressive (as it should be cause that's the only way you make his playstyle work since he can't parry and if he doesn't stay aggressive he loses his ramp up) it's extremely satisfying and really fun but when it doesn't you just want to pull your hair out lol.
    Yup, he would be my favourite aswell, it feels so good when it works and then when it doesn’t I’m faced with this bad feeling that he just isn’t practical and I can’t use him for anything…
    I had such bad games with him in incursions today… I fought Cap IW and he did an sp2 right after a 5 hit combo and it clipped me as I dodged back after he refused to use it the previous combo and then there’s also the Mr fantastic matchup where his lack of an evade counter is very apparent… for such a stressful champ that needs to be aggressive atleast a synergy against miss or evade would be useful…
  • ArmageddønArmageddøn Member Posts: 949 ★★★★
    Good thing we have rebalance program, I will like two changes in his kit

    •Passive taunt
    •Opponent not gaining power when hitting his pod and him being stun immune
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    Good thing we have rebalance program, I will like two changes in his kit

    •Passive taunt
    •Opponent not gaining power when hitting his pod and him being stun immune

    Yeah, sometimes I noticed I’ll sp2 snd they’re at 2.5 bars of power and they hit the pod and reach 3 bars. I wouldn’t go for the sp2 at that power level to be honest but they just refuse to throw theirs lol
  • tnair2015tnair2015 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    MCOC warlock is based on latest GotG , bound to be weak. Was so disappointed
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    R3'ed him last night and started testing. I agree with everything above, he's like a riskier and less useful Hulkling.
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 988 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    acp1629 said:

    How do you access that screen you put up showing stats on Warlock and CM?

    @acp1629 didn't see anyone answer your question, but from the home screen click the gear in the top left, scroll down the right side and check the option for Beta Features Opt-In
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,554 ★★★★★

    In a world full of OP damage dealers, Adam needs to be a bit more consistent and safe to be picked over Hulkling, Galan, Vox, Hercules and soon Gladiator :)
    Otherwhise he’ll be as relevant as Ihulk, a champ I love and have at r4, but find too risky to ever use…

    To this day i still can't get over the fact that if the AI simply blocks 1 single time after you finish your combo using ihulk, you lose all of your charges -.- they could've easily give an additional 1sec and everything would be fine, love the champ but almost never use because of this =/
    Atleast Ihulk can restart the charges immediatly, his weakness is most apparent when fighting stun immune, Adam on the other hand is expected to never parry and intercept naturally, but with the added CHANCE (not guarantee) of the opponent using a special immediatly. I would say his taunt works 70% of the time… which is a bit too inconsistent to be safe.
    Yeah i'm not really hyped about him because he seems quite stressful to play, with everything that has been going on with the game lately, i don't need even more stress lol
    I've been playing him non stop in Cav EQ at r1 level 1 and yes it can be very stressful, which is a shame cause his damage is definitely there. You'd think he'd be extremely easy to use (not saying he should be but it shouldn't be this hard either) since he's unblockable the whole time but without some sort of infuriate and a stronger taunt it can be very frustrating, either the opponent will dash back hold block and light intercept you when you dash in to break their block or they'll hold block and never throw a special causing you to lose your sovereignty counter which is just as frustrating as getting clipped lol.
    This pretty much sums it up. He’s too damn risky… the riskiest in the game I think, because parrying isn’t an option and you have very little time to make decisions. I took him in incursions and of course he was the first to die, because mistakes happen more often with him and there’s no safety net to save you. If you get light intercepted that hp is never coming back and in zone 6 or any other more difficult content you’re dead.
    Basically yeah, sure you could make an argument that at max sig his stasis pod can give you 10% health for free but that's nothing compared to the 50% you'll lose if the AI just decides to be a **** and back off to hold block until you attempt to break their block just to intercept you with a light, or even worse, a whole ass special.
    Bummer honestly cause Adam could potentially be my new favorite champ in the game if he wasn't this risky and stressful to play and I'm sure other people feel the same way. When the AI cooperates and plays aggressive (as it should be cause that's the only way you make his playstyle work since he can't parry and if he doesn't stay aggressive he loses his ramp up) it's extremely satisfying and really fun but when it doesn't you just want to pull your hair out lol.
    Yup, he would be my favourite aswell, it feels so good when it works and then when it doesn’t I’m faced with this bad feeling that he just isn’t practical and I can’t use him for anything…
    I had such bad games with him in incursions today… I fought Cap IW and he did an sp2 right after a 5 hit combo and it clipped me as I dodged back after he refused to use it the previous combo and then there’s also the Mr fantastic matchup where his lack of an evade counter is very apparent… for such a stressful champ that needs to be aggressive atleast a synergy against miss or evade would be useful…
    Yeah it's a great concept, and one that could potentially be completely broken so let's just hope they made him a little weak so people could test him and then if it wasn't enough they could buff him, it is easier to buff a weak champ than to nerf an op one after all (not to mention they could potentially get a lot of backlash from the players imagine if they nerfed Herc). I'm confident he's going to get buffed though I just hope it's enough, so far they have not disappointed with buffs like Shuri's and Attuma's so we'll see. His damage is definitely there but he needs more utility to be viable because of his risky playstyle, imagine playing Mantis without her infuriate lol a nightmare.
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