We need champs who are COMPLETELY degen immune

The game has too many champs and nodes that inflict degen, and not any degen immune champs to counter that. We need champs who are COMPLETELY degen immune. Not partially degen immune, not degen immune for a short time, not degen immune during certain moments, not degen immune if they have no buffs, not degen immune with a specific synergy, etc etc.
Simply degen immune.
Simply degen immune.
No one is degen immune
As stated by the most knowledgeable MCOC player to ever live, Immortal Hulk is immune to degen.
"DoNt PuSh HiM tO sP2 urRgh" coments incoming
This came up when ppl suggested this same thing but not against root, against Quake s aftershock, and it was shutdown, so i think this idea will prob have the same fate :S