What’s that ONE Animation…

…you can’t help but just appreciate!
For me it’s Wiccans Special 2, it’s just so incredible!
I’m sure there will be many more contenders, but I cant help myself launching it, just to appreciate how epic it looks!
For me it’s Wiccans Special 2, it’s just so incredible!
I’m sure there will be many more contenders, but I cant help myself launching it, just to appreciate how epic it looks!
…and Elsa’s sp1
Psycho man's sp2
Kindred rattling sound while attacking is nice, so is Howard the duck getting hit.
Vox's victory animation is quite cool.
Moondragon's SP3 is just woah, and then there's her weirdly creepy victory animation 😶
Ronin's win animation
Rogue taking her glove off in her special 1 This game has sound? 🤣