Should I expect anything good here!?

I’ve been saving mine, wondering how good they are!?
Should I be expecting anything good?
Also does anyone want to see when I open in 2 days?!

Should I be expecting anything good?
Also does anyone want to see when I open in 2 days?!

Pray you get a 7* selector.
Prepare you’re thumb and your mind buddy.
Tapping for minutes you won’t get back. It’s usually the left side but gotta watch.
I got many resources.But no luck for 7 star
I basically got a ton of 7&6* shards, a few catalysts, some mastery cores and paragon crystals along with refills etc.
I’ve got pics of my stash/shards so you can see, I already had a few 6* shards saved so don’t worry, I didn’t get 600k+ 😂
love the t6b and t3a mats. got tons of 6-star shards as well (they were immediately wasted on 3 featured champs and I wish I opened regular ones instead lol)