The arrogance of mooders

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I reported this guy, (and since he's an officer if I were in Kabam I'd check out everyone in there...) but since I never want to assume and would like to understand, do you think it's possible?
Is it possible (with the current node in bg) to win at 100%, especially with AA, without even a parry!!!?
It's almost a rhetorical question, but how can one be so shameless!!!? Not being afraid to risk a ban with 4M rating seems unbelievable to me!
I reported this guy, (and since he's an officer if I were in Kabam I'd check out everyone in there...) but since I never want to assume and would like to understand, do you think it's possible?
Is it possible (with the current node in bg) to win at 100%, especially with AA, without even a parry!!!?
It's almost a rhetorical question, but how can one be so shameless!!!? Not being afraid to risk a ban with 4M rating seems unbelievable to me!
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
And yes, that's possible. Could be a smart modder, but bishop can shred KP, AA can shred Rintrah.
Here is one of my fights yesterday.
You received 15 hits or parries (somehow you have to knock him down whit this node or not?) he 0! 0 hits received, 0 parries, can you explain to me how this is possible with AA?
Also correct me if I'm wrong I'm not expert, but do parried hits count as hits received? They don't in other modes. The only time blocked hits count is for defenders, like you'll have total hits and successful hits.
I hope kabam check or someone show me a video on how it is possible, at least I learn....
yes AA can fight rintrah without a single parry, its bery easy to do thanks to how easy it is to heavy counter rintrahs sp1
Bishop murders KP faster than that, He actually did that too slow.
and Warlock fight is one that is more skilled to do but within the limits of his kit so doesn’t look like a mod either
The OP already clearly have a certain view (as he said the question was rhetorical), which he have every right to have his opinion, and already reported to Kabam, which is the correct thing to do.
Everyone that responds kind go with seem like a slim chance but possible of a fight.
No one on the forum have any power to do or check on this player.
So we might as well let Kabam do they thing and if this player is modding, they will get ban.
Not exactly a perfect matchup and I'd say I'm of average skill so all of the fights shown in the OP seem doable to me.
Who are u trying to fool with this screenshot
He isn't actually being a jerk
He just said that if the guy thinks it's easily doable then he should replicate it and prove himself
Idk about others but the Archangel fight looks a bit sketchy
Even if the guy played perfectly he would still not be able to take down the Rintrah under 1 minute with just Sp1, intercepts and heavies as his saving grace
EDIT: wait i see my error. Definitely on the cusp of being sketchy.
All bishop has to do is sp1 and then stay close to KP, he would stack incinerates and debuffs and will quickly die due to the burst damage he takes.
Rintrah is a has a very easy sp1 counter for AA and you could use sp1 to apply poisons and neuros.
Adam is absolutely insane, I don't have him but my ally leader swears by him. That's a quick fight yes, but not impossible.
My final verdict is that this guy has mad skills and you are a sore loser. Toodles!
Unless the blurred mass of pixels with the QS pfp is a valid username.
And, by the way, I don't replicate it, because I'm not able, I don't know anyone able, and I've never seen a video of someone able to do it, otherwise I wouldn't have even made this post, so I'm asking those who say it's normal to replicate it and show it to me.