The start of something new or just a occasion?

With the Iron Man buff hitting in place of a new release for a champion, does this mean that going forward we could get full reworks as an counting additions for our champion cadence or will that just be the case for September only? Any response from kabam would be appreciated on this subject.
If this goes well, and we see a Buff perform as well (or at least... comparable to) a new Champion, then we have the potential for more in the future.
And yes, we know that most people have Iron man, and we'll take that into account when looking at the data.
Will the reworked Iron Man (and hopefully future reworked champions released similarly) also be subject to the champion tuning period? I hope they are, as that will give the team all the opportunity they need to really knock it out of the park on these iconic characters.
Sure @Kabam Miike would agreed, the poor lad deserved a bit better (especially the Blue one) 😉
So then you wanna place bets?
So then you wanna place bets?
Yes, and you'd better pray I'm right for your own sake lol I've got to give it to you though, takes some massive balls to do what you did.
So then you wanna place bets?
I bet Venom the duck but i hope for you that it is groot
Hopefully the advent of 7* champs does give your team the opportunity to improve old champions whilst still making a 'new' 7* pull.
This seems to be the first official response, so thanks - but do you have any other information/details to share?
Yours, always championing the cause for classic champion buffs,