AW Node 24 bugged?

I was using Viv Vision on node 24 which has the following nodes:
Sloped Armor
Vigorous Assault
Viv in her kit is immune to nullify and fate seal. Which is important since her armor ups play a role in her damage output. When I began the fight I immediately noticed Viv had no armor ups instead of the 16 she is suppose to have, which also meant the defender had a regen butf and went unblocklable. Neither of these events should have occurred based on Viv’s abilities. Can someone please take a look at this and see if its only impacting Viv Vision or other nullify immune champs? Thanks.

Sloped Armor
Vigorous Assault
Viv in her kit is immune to nullify and fate seal. Which is important since her armor ups play a role in her damage output. When I began the fight I immediately noticed Viv had no armor ups instead of the 16 she is suppose to have, which also meant the defender had a regen butf and went unblocklable. Neither of these events should have occurred based on Viv’s abilities. Can someone please take a look at this and see if its only impacting Viv Vision or other nullify immune champs? Thanks.

Take her v a symbiote supreme and see what happens at start of fight.
Take her on powersnack node or anything else.
All good.
This is not an issue i have seen present anywhere except this guys video here on node 24
Yes they are being nullified.
They should not be getting nullified at all.
There is an error with the node.
In no other instance are they getting nullified except for here.
Power snack, sym sup, both of these nullify buffs at the start of a fight, but neither of these nullify her armor as she is nullify immune due to her armor.
It is only this node it is happening in.
Therefore a bug in the node
For a buff to be nullified it must first appear.
And then be taken away. The armor appears, she becomes nullify immune and therefore it cannot be taken away.
Its not a wording issue.
Thats what you said it was.
And thats what i said it wasn’t.
She should not be getting nullified.
But she is.
Not a wording issue.
But a node issue.
Saying it is a wording issue implies it is working as intended but her description is wrong.
All other interactions show that her wording is correct but the interaction is wrong.
Yes it is happening here,
But shouldn't be.
This needs to be fixed.
A buff cannot be nullified until it is present.
That is not how nullify works.
That is how stagger works.
Stagger pre-nullifies a buff.
There is nothing to nullify,
Armour up appears,
Nullify is attempted
Nullify cannot be activated due to immunity
Is how it should work.
The only way that this is possible is by the node behaving like a stagger and removing it before it happens.
But this is not how buffet or buffet over time should be working.
Buffet over time works exactly as buffet does however places a regen buff rather than an instant regen.
Every single other instance of nullify does not behave like this one does.
We understand how it is working.
But it should not be working like that.
sometimes it is behaving as it should with no nullify but othertimes it is triggering.
wonder why?
wwonder what is causing it.
its a pretty bad bug.
you go in with her cus of the nullify immunity, and then because all her armors get nullified she is totally gimped for the fight