Stream Recap - September 1, 2023

September Content - Echoes in Eternity/Gladiator's Gauntlet
Side content is a series of quests, 9 in total, of increasing difficulty. Beating one will unlock the next. Final tier is a single gladiator fight, and there will be objectives to beat it with certain classes, tags, etc. Keys will be unlocked from an easy solo event, and will use the new-ish time locking feature. Details should be on the forum now.Gladiator/Iron Man Buff
Iron Man's buff takes the place of a second new champ in September. Will have all normal things for new champions, arena, featured crystals, early access bundles, etc. Complete remaster with new abilities, model, and animations. Build armor by attacking and blocking. Parrying specials pause armors. Has prowess removal, and on demand regen.Gladiator can chain heavies from his combo. He has access to unblockable, a lot of burst damage, and some DOT debuffs. Immune to power drain and burn, and has 200% ability accuracy (neutralize isn't usually effective). Self synergy for 5% attack and armor rating for team.
Deep Dives will be live over the weekend
Event Quest Changes
- •6 less paths per difficulty
- •Less nodes per quest, but higher energy cost
- •More energy for completion, less energy for exploration
- •Added relic rewards to UC and above
- •Removed item spawns in path, but better chests
Paragon Gauntlet
- •Unlocked after exploring TB
- •6 fights, each boss from the EQ
- •3 champ teams, 2 champion swaps
- •Same nodes as TB, but buffed stats
- •3k 7 star shards, 1.5k 6 star relic shards, 2x 25% t6cc (and lower rewards)
- •Walkthrough video on their Youtube channel (brief shot of some werewolf champ in there)
- •Launches Sep 6
- •In game mail will give enough for a 4/5 star ascension
- •Cap's Enlistment Event will give enough for a 6 star ascension
Cap's Enlistment Event
- •Requires being in an alliance
- •Get gift tickets from login calendar and solo objectives
- •Solo/Alliance Events for participating in each multiplayer mode
- •Max rewards include 5k Titan shards, t2 dust, full 6 star relic, 80k artifacts
- •Details should be live on the forum soon
Incursion Updates
- •Metal-Pool Meltdown
- •Goldpool/Platpool replace Doom/iDoom as bosses
- •Deadpooloids replace Doombots
- •6 sectors
- •Cooldowns DRASTICALLY reduced (6/7 stars now 20 hr)
- •7 star defenders added
- •Increased artifacts and gold
- •Added 7 star shards and t6cc to top zones
- •7 star incursions crystal, costs 400k, limit 1 per 30 days
- •Ronin, Mojo, Angela, Namor, Cap IW, Hulkbuster
AW Updates Season 44
- •New map, with less choke points
- •New nodes
- •Relics will be enabled
- •Increase in rewards and added titan shards, relics
- •7 star loyalty crystal coming Late September
- •Storm, Black Cat, Vision Aarkus, Howard the Duck, Mordo, Void
And looks like September’s gonna be another fun month.
they explained this on the stream (and in this post)- it will require slightly more energy to complete but exploration will cost significantly less energy to do.
So they’ve lessened the grind and energy required to 100% the eq
If there are less paths that means we have less EQ enemies to fight in a month without repeating paths and if it costs more energy to run a path that is less fights we can accomplish with our energy limit without having to wait for it to refill or buying refills.
This seems to be yet another example of Kabam not thinking through all the consequences of their changes, or just not caring that we get screwed in the solo events.