Unreasonable Banning Of My Account

Dylmaz66Dylmaz66 Member Posts: 2
I have just recently made a secondary account I’ve been playing for just about a week now, I was grinding non-stop and made some pretty big achievements such as cavalier… I logged in to the notice that my account has been permanently banned and after 4 Emails to Kabam support all I have gotten back is basically “you’re a cheater but we can’t tell you why”

My frustration is absolutely massive that I’m even having to go through this whole ordeal because I haven’t been cheating, if anyone has been in this situation.. please help me!!!


  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    There were people in your situation most likely but no one can help you here( a small chance they do if it's @kabam).

    You are better off starting a new account and reaching cavalier again since it will be easier because of act 4 and act 5 buffs for rewards. Also if you don't want yourself to get banned again, go find their terms of service and read it all in in order to understand what will get you banned.
    Or instead of this just don't play anymore if you don't think it's worth playing this game because of this experience.

    In the end it's your choice.

    You did what you could and now it's time for you to either start over or just walk away from it.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★

    I made a forum account after seeing this post to add my experience.

    It is definitely possible to reach 6.4 in under a week for a few reasons:

    1. My main account has been playing at the highest level for 2 years, meaning I have a good understanding of many of the champs which meant I could do fights with underlevelled champs easily
    2. Kabam changed the unit deals in act 6. At the end of each chapter now, you get offered a deal with 20 energy refills, and around 15 revives and 25 potions for just 1000 ish units. This lets you make massive amounts of progress.
    3. If you want to check my account out, it’s called Cantona2~1, which shows the cav title (as didn’t have a r3 for thronebreaker), and a 6 star r2 nova and a guilly 2099. These champs can get through lots of act 6 post nerf.

    Okay i checked and it really is true . I'm sorry for being suspicious of you but you really were suspicious i mean if you said you were 2 years into this game in those 2 years you haven't been in those forums at all right?
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,954 Guardian
    I've asked for feedback.
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    I doubt there will be a reply tbh, as there are only 2 cases listed here.
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    @pseudosane any feedback from Kabam?
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    I think there might be a flaw in the system that runs something like “anybody past X quest within Y days must be cheating, so ban.”
    Hopefully it can be resolved
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,954 Guardian
    I haven't heard anything yet, but looks like DNA is also following it up. We will update it here hopefully soon!
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    Still no response I’m guessing.
    If Kabam wants to speak to me personally about the account and the entire process I went through (so they know what’s possible), I’m completely open to that occurring.
    Better to work with them instead of being against them.
  • Dylmaz66Dylmaz66 Member Posts: 2
    They got back to me today basically just saying they can’t overturn their decision, was very disappointed.. hope they fix whatever is going on there 😞
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Dylmaz66 said:

    They got back to me today basically just saying they can’t overturn their decision, was very disappointed.. hope they fix whatever is going on there 😞

    Support is always going to say that, because support itself doesn't ban anyone. A separate independent team at Kabam handles bans, and support has no ability to reverse or alter those decisions. If Kabam is investigating this internally, front line customer support might not even be aware of this fact.

    I have no other information at the moment: I have no direct visibility into this process either, all I can do is make people aware and try to get someone to look. If I hear anything, I'll let you know, but you will probably find out long before me if a change is made.
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    Well looks like Kabam have gone dark on this issue.
    I may do another account like this towards the end of this month and record my progress incase of another ban.
    Side quest this month has guaranteed t5cc selectors and some other good bonuses such as caps enlistment and incursions buff so thronebreaker is definitely possible.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,314 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Pro tip: tell them they're wrong and to escalate the case. They'll send it to someone who can actually do something. One of my alts got banned once and this worked for me.
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    I’ve already tried this
    Sent Kabam support 3 separate messages saying it was incorrect and stated valid reasons as to how my account had got so high.
    They just said “account closed, will remain closed”
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Just an FYI, I pinged someone at Kabam about this, and this is still in the queue to look at but it may take some time unfortunately due to circumstances beyond their immediate control. However, they haven't forgotten about it, and I will try to check in periodically myself.
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    Thanks for pinging it back to Kabam @DNA3000
    Hopefully a reply can come soon
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★

    Yeah I understand, I don’t post on the forums and only come on to view new content releases and rewards, which you can do without an account.

    I've been on game for 3 years and a paragon, and I say it's practically impossible to reach 6.4 in 1 week even with lower difficulty, maybe possible for someone doing a youtube speedrun, but definitely a Normal person with life (let's say they are on vacation and play mcoc all day) , it still takes atleast 2 weeks to reach that point
  • Unstoppable12_Unstoppable12_ Member Posts: 12
    The difficulty decrease in act 5 is only part of the reason it’s possible.
    Kabam reduced the price of the unit deals across act 6 to around 1k units each (I believe they used to be like 12k or something).
    By 100% act 1,2 and 3, you get around 2500 units and a bunch of revives/energy refills.
    This lets you get through act 4 and 5 without spending actual units on items.

    So you can enter act 6 with over 3k units, and then after each chapter spend 1k units to get essentially a full inventory of potions, revives and refills.
    Then you can get through the next chapter, and repeat the process.

    Obviously you still need some luck with crystals, for example my 6.1 rewards had a 5 star symbiote supreme and a 6 star tigra. They helped carry me through difficult opponents such as 6.2.6 champion and 6.3.1 do you bleed Medusa.

    I’m currently in a masters alliance so I would say I am decently skilled at the game, which also helped towards getting through some of the tougher or longer fights that need good game control.

    Finally, I was on my summer break during this, so had a lot of time to play (which some would say is a bit sad 😅).
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 245 ★★★
    Hey guys,
    It may show up as a different name but I am unstoppable12 (player who sent the message directly above).
    I said I would do a new account challenge again to prove my point that insane progress can be made in a week to try and show Kabam that they made an incorrect ban.
    With the 9 year anniversary on, it’s a very similar time to when I did it last time during the summoner appreciation event in summer.
    Im gonna post daily updates here to show the whole process, and maybe a video or two of some interesting kills/interactions that helped me towards the goal.
    The goal is to get thronebreaker within a week, last time I only fell short due to a lack of t5cc, but this time I have some new ideas to hopefully get me over the line.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    edited December 2023

    I said I would do a new account challenge again to prove my point that insane progress can be made in a week to try and show Kabam that they made an incorrect ban.

    Do ensure the email account you are using is valid or write down your account date creation, where you created it, in-game name etc etc.
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 245 ★★★
    Thanks @winterthur, I’ve already got this information ready so that there’s nothing bannable on my end.
  • GabranthusGabranthus Member Posts: 6
    I'm cheering for you bro. Go get it done!
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 245 ★★★

    Day 1 done!
    Good progress and some pretty good pulls that should carry through act 4 and 5.
    Completed all of the summoner journey objectives, which gives 4 star nick fury as the final reward.
    Also completed the 5 star celebration arena which got me red hulk.
    Plan for tomorrow is to get to conqueror so I can unlock the 6 star celebration arena, then start to grind towards my first 6 star. Completing act 3 also opens up lots more objectives so gonna work through those as well.

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,352 Guardian

    I made a forum account after seeing this post to add my experience.
    3. If you want to check my (main) account out, it’s called Cantona2~1

    Cantona59 said:

    Hey guys,
    It may show up as a different name but I am unstoppable12 (player who sent the message directly above).

    1st, you are only allowed to have one FORUM profile. (even though you can have multiple GAME profiles, you have to post everything under just 1 here in Forums).
    Not sure why you had to create another Forum profile (Unstoppable12) to post that earlier stuff here, when your Cantona Forums profile had already been around for a while.

    2nd, if you want to document your fast progress towards achieving high level quickly (somehow “proving” (?) that since it can be done legitimately without cheating, then Kabam should not ban anyone for getting there quickly even if they see indications that cheating was indeed used)
    ...that you should do so in your own separate thread, instead of continuing on in someone else's specific account ban thread here.
    (which in addition, is NOT taking people to the bottom “new” additions here when clicking on this thread from discussion list, at least on some browsers, so acts like you have to re-read everything from beginning each time).
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,352 Guardian
    edited December 2023
    (cont..) of which, just FYI, “cheating” doesn’t necessarily have to be for what some people might only consider cheating.

    It would also cover other general “against the Terms of Service” such as when OP mentioned “grinding non-stop” might have suggested they used something like scripts, etc, to grind arena 24 hrs a day without user control. Which is against ToS.
    Was it cheating (everyone might have different definition of cheating), but definitely against the rules.

    The only legitimate “auto-play” is that which is implemented by Kabam in the game itself for advancing thru single quest at a time.

    Or having multiple people play same account at different times to accumulate things faster, etc. another type of grinding.
    Even though no “cheats” may have been used, that is also against the ToS rules.
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