Idea fo 5 star pulls, win-win for us and Kabam

Understand that you cant pick which champ you want, would ruin the game and cost Kabam a lot of money. So to help give people a bit more control on who they may get I propose that you can pick the class of 5* you get from the pull, but to do this you have to pay real money for. So you still have to grind for the shards, Kabam gets all that income from resources used etc. You still dont pick who you want, so game not ruined. You can still just take your luck, and/or save for the featured crystal (which this option will NOT be on) etc. Plus, to stop people picking one class over and over, the price goes up similar to glory store. So, 1st pick and you pick Science for example costs you £25 real money. Pick that class again in the next 3 months and the price doubles etc and so on. So more income for Kabam (a lot I would think) as well, so like I said a win-win. Kabam can even give these as rewards in quests or milestones etc later on if they wanted to
Thoughts please?
UPDATE: Please dont put as a bad idea because you personally couldn't afford to do this. I couldn't! I have 3 teenage kids, but if others want to spend their money on the game then they should be allowed to. We all benefit in the long run from the more income coming in
Thoughts please?
UPDATE: Please dont put as a bad idea because you personally couldn't afford to do this. I couldn't! I have 3 teenage kids, but if others want to spend their money on the game then they should be allowed to. We all benefit in the long run from the more income coming in
Idea fo 5 star pulls, win-win for us and Kabam 126 votes
Yeah, but f2p players dont benefit from anything others choose to spend real money on in the game do they. This is no different. The whales spend literally thousands when a new character comes out until they have them, I dont benefit from that for example? Thanks for voting though mate
where is the win here for Kabam? I realise this is a business they are running, so any suggestions to change the game cant just benefit us the players, there has to be a win for Kabam as well so they will even consider looking at what is suggested
Why should the house always win?
Because if the dont then the suggestion is ignored, simple as that. They have to see the benefits for them as well by this change
I get fed up of the many "give us me T4bs", "lets have a arena where we can practice with new players", "reduce the cost of energy refills", "give us RDTs" etc. Kabam would lose income with suggestions like this, and only the players benefit. So if you Kabam to change anything you have to show them they will benefit as well, a win-win
No offence meant at all mate, just debating, but you have to be careful on here!
No offense taken. But everything I have said was constructive and I was proposing a valid alternative.
You were mate, and thanks for that. Discussion is good!
There are 5* shard offers which could be purchased either for dollars or units, which are indirect methods for "purchasing" a 12,500 shard crystal, instead of buying it with real dollars. This would satisfy the F2P crowd and the whales.
Again, you could tweak the shard amounts as you buy more before the reset timer e.g. 13,750 shards for the next one and maybe up to 15,000. Giving a max 3 crystal purchase before the reset.
If you're saying that it "has to be real money" for there to be any incentive for Kabam then you might as well ask why bother having a 15k featured crystal. The reality is that you see a lot of players spending units to complete content just to get as many featured pulls as possible, albeit these tend to be more time critical.
Think we have t4b offer last month that was £30 (I think) or 10,000 units for example
Itll be better now than if it was done a few months ago, but everyone's (spenders) rosters would flood with mystics and mutants, and it would give better odds to dupe, better chance at 6* shards.
Yeah, that is the tendency, which I don't have an issue with. It's the way they run most of their unit vs money deals. Frankly, I just think the whales cash in on both offers. If you have the money you can spend it however you like.
But what is wrong with that mate, its their money to spend? And like I keep saying there has to be a benefit for Kabam to make changes, and the more income they get the better for all of us. Unless your a whale yourself (not you, you know what I mean!) then the fact that other whales can spend money to do this wont affect you at all. But people are getting hung up on the fact that they personally cant afford it, it wont affect players like me and them at all. One bloke on here has already spent $30K on the gifting event!! Doesn't affect me or you or 99% of the others, but Kabam make more money to grown the game
But people just wont see that Kabam has to have a win as well for any change that we want ( not a pop at you mate, you see this I know) so they just keep saying lets use more shards to do this etc. Wont happen as why would Kabam do this, it only benefits the players? Please no-one come back with "happy customers" bs, its already the no1 game and no1 for revenue as well. We all love it and play it as much as we can etc as Kabam have done an amazing job already. So any change we would like has to be balanced or it wont happen at all
Lets have more pointless threads asking for changes that only benefits the players that just get ignored then?
Thanks for all the input by the way mate, always helps!
Lol people are flagging u for absolutely nothing.
Btw, I'll stay neutral on if I believe this is a good or bad idea, I am honestly not sure.
Yeah, but f2p players dont benefit from anything others choose to spend real money on in the game do they. This is no different. The whales spend literally thousands when a new character comes out until they have them, I dont benefit from that for example? Thanks for voting though mate
They earn money from youtube so the whales can do that. U must have a thought for f2p players man, not everyone gets to use credit cards to buy in-game items. The whales produce videos for entertainment hence they spent thousands. Furrhermore your sentences are not hard to understand, phrase it better, lol.