Rankups I regret

Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
Hey guys, just wanted to see which rankups people regretted doing (either r5 6 stars or r2 7 stars). I've posted mine below so people don't make the same mistakes I did, or at least are more knowledgable before making their decision.


Rintrah - he is great for battlegrounds defence. That's it. I hate using him in questing or war where tigra, hood, doom etc all outclass him massively and he relies far too much on sp2 crits (rare) for bgs attack so I can't get any consistent wins with him in high tier bgs. Also his defensive value has dropped as people have got used to fighting him over time and the fact that time matters less now also lowers his defensive value as sometimes I see my opponent take a good 30 seconds longer than me with the likes of kingpin but wins in this scoring system as it is easy to finish at 100% health if you slow play it, same for other champs.

Sassy - very happy with my awakened 7 star, great on defence and surprisingly fun to use on offence.

Doom - mystic king, zero regrets

Abs man - mixed feelings here. Phenomenal defender a couple of seasons ago but now people regularly destroy him with hulk, titania, torch, scorp and a bunch of science champs, not to mention others like aa and even Ive seen doom nimgod kp and many others take him recently; celestial and mysterium players know how to rinse him these days. As for attack he has a fantastic amount that he can do, but in battlegrounds sadly he is only viable in specific matchups where he excels like hulklings. But with the new war structure I may need him on attack for hazard shift or something and his value may rise again. But for bgs I would say a skilled tigra player would get more wins from a r5 tigra on offence than r5 abs man attacking or defending.


Herc - simply the best champ in the game

Galan - seem to use him a bit less in bgs these days but fantastic in war and still great, no regrets

Hulkling - honestly use him much more for attack than defence these days. Can kill a bunch of champs sub 50 seconds with full health remaining, and many mystics shred him, and others like kp valk hulk, even hulkling can do hulkling. Overall very happy with ranking him up


Nimgod - mutant slayer, zero regrets

Warlock - great in bgs and insane power control as opponents always run willpower


Kitty pryde - I'm not a god at playing kitty but she is a great all round champ, really like her with the tigra synergy

AA - absolute beast and common win condition in bgs


NF - I run 5/5 deep wounds and he is ridiculous everywhere, even bgs attack where he shreds quicksilvers, spots, void and rinses electro, even does well against doom and can trick opponents who think I'll use him for defence. Absolute unit in war too and can take fights you wouldn't think possible like hazard shift nodes. Needs max DW tho to be the skill king. I would consider myself 'very high skill' with NF and he is one of my absolute favourite champions and I use him everywhere.

KP - absolute beast. Usually doesn't offer much on defence but is hugely versatile on attack, killing thing, rintrah, gorr, spot, qs, hulkling, man thing, magog and always finishes at high health, even if it takes a little while longer than the 'best counter'. Absolutely love playing him when there are debuffs.

Valkyrie - honestly am in 2 minds about her. On one hand she is hugely versatile and can handle a bunch of nodes and metas extremely well in war and bgs, however I do find her to be a bit slow in a fair portion of matchups and find myself sometimes losing by a narrow margin of under 1k points as many of the other champs Ive listed here kill opponents quicker than her, even if they can't do as many, and she offers nothing defensively. But I really do like playing her so I wouldn't say I regret the rank up, but maybe someone like kate bishop could offer more value than her?


Torch - fantastic nuke, love having him at r5

Scorp - love playing this champ and can handle a lot of different fights, finishing with respectable times and pretty much always full health, can use sp2 and health siphon if needed, great for abs man for example.

Hulk - unduped 7 star and one of my all time favourites. Kabam did a fantastic job with his buff and I love how he has different rotations you can utilise depending on the fight and all his specials have their uses. Versatile nuke in bgs killing hulklings, manthings, mangogs (most champs really) with ease. Usually ends fights very quickly and at full health, also hugely fun to play.

Spot - regret this rank up as he doesn't seem to win many matchups for me when using him to attack and he often gets steam rolled in defence by common attackers, everyone knows how to fight him these days. KP, AA, NF, herc even hulk just obliterate him in under 50 seconds. Maybe quicksilver or jessica jones or someone would have been a more useful rankup.

And that's my take on my r5 champs. Overall I would say spot is my most regretted rank up, but I can only play him 'well'. I'm fully open to the possibility that if I can upgrade my skill level to 'insanely good' with him then he might do a lot more for me on attack, but it doesn't change the fact that most people I face simply breeze past him on defence. Please let us know your least favourite rank ups, or even ones that you actively regret!


  • Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    I kinda find my 6*R3 BWCV pretty boring. Don't get me wrong, she's lovely, but too bland for me. It has become easy to use her imo, and she doesn't really dish out that great a damage on the fire immunity mode either (no i don't have the patience to bring her to 20 charges and get her the required death touch, for damage increase).

    I also kinda regret ranking up my awakened Wiccan...in my defense I only ever considered him for the reverse control phase of the Grandmaster fight....and i genuinely wish I could have gone for my, Hood or Chavez.

    Ibom. I practically begged the RNG to give me him....and I rarely ever use him now. Way too many poison immune to set him in his place. Also, Spider-ham won it for me, instead of him.

    Also, Bishop. I really don't like his mechanics...he's a great defender and attacker, but i fancy my Kitty, AA and Sunspot way more. And I really don't know what got me to r3 him over the others, because I just stopped using him.

    The fact that I regret ranking these champions, do not mean that I hate them....they are definitely really really good champions, but I just don't find any spark or fondness towards them. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. XD
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,827 ★★★★★
    My r5 are Doom and Herc. My r2 is Bishop. Don't regret any of them, but how do people have so many r5 and r2?
  • Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★

    My r5 are Doom and Herc. My r2 is Bishop. Don't regret any of them, but how do people have so many r5 and r2?

    I dunno bout R5, but even at Cav it's not at all impossible to get many many R2s or R3s. And I'm assuming, you are beyond the TB title...
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,827 ★★★★★

    My r5 are Doom and Herc. My r2 is Bishop. Don't regret any of them, but how do people have so many r5 and r2?

    I dunno bout R5, but even at Cav it's not at all impossible to get many many R2s or R3s. And I'm assuming, you are beyond the TB title...
    I was going on the assumption that r5 and r3 refers to 6*r5 and 7*r2 like OP was suggesting. He seems to suggest he has 18.
  • JustWantTheRewardsJustWantTheRewards Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Spot. He's always banned in BGs, which is the only mode I think he's useful for.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,502 ★★★★★
    I regret taking Adam to r3, I was so sure he'd get some small tweaks to make him a little more viable then nothing, rip.
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    I just gotta say, how do you find valk slow? She's my fav r4 and I just juggle combo sp2 into block, 3-5 hits and pretty much everything is a goner.

    Also I regret r5 kp just a bit, just like moon dragon more😂
    My r2 Sam is performing amazingly whenever he isn't banned, but I wish I could've duped him
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,141 ★★★★★
    Milan1405 said:

    Hey guys, just wanted to see which rankups people regretted doing (either r5 6 stars or r2 7 stars). I've posted mine below so people don't make the same mistakes I did, or at least are more knowledgable before making their decision.


    Rintrah - he is great for battlegrounds defence. That's it. I hate using him in questing or war where tigra, hood, doom etc all outclass him massively and he relies far too much on sp2 crits (rare) for bgs attack so I can't get any consistent wins with him in high tier bgs. Also his defensive value has dropped as people have got used to fighting him over time and the fact that time matters less now also lowers his defensive value as sometimes I see my opponent take a good 30 seconds longer than me with the likes of kingpin but wins in this scoring system as it is easy to finish at 100% health if you slow play it, same for other champs.

    Sassy - very happy with my awakened 7 star, great on defence and surprisingly fun to use on offence.

    Doom - mystic king, zero regrets

    Abs man - mixed feelings here. Phenomenal defender a couple of seasons ago but now people regularly destroy him with hulk, titania, torch, scorp and a bunch of science champs, not to mention others like aa and even Ive seen doom nimgod kp and many others take him recently; celestial and mysterium players know how to rinse him these days. As for attack he has a fantastic amount that he can do, but in battlegrounds sadly he is only viable in specific matchups where he excels like hulklings. But with the new war structure I may need him on attack for hazard shift or something and his value may rise again. But for bgs I would say a skilled tigra player would get more wins from a r5 tigra on offence than r5 abs man attacking or defending.


    Herc - simply the best champ in the game

    Galan - seem to use him a bit less in bgs these days but fantastic in war and still great, no regrets

    Hulkling - honestly use him much more for attack than defence these days. Can kill a bunch of champs sub 50 seconds with full health remaining, and many mystics shred him, and others like kp valk hulk, even hulkling can do hulkling. Overall very happy with ranking him up


    Nimgod - mutant slayer, zero regrets

    Warlock - great in bgs and insane power control as opponents always run willpower


    Kitty pryde - I'm not a god at playing kitty but she is a great all round champ, really like her with the tigra synergy

    AA - absolute beast and common win condition in bgs


    NF - I run 5/5 deep wounds and he is ridiculous everywhere, even bgs attack where he shreds quicksilvers, spots, void and rinses electro, even does well against doom and can trick opponents who think I'll use him for defence. Absolute unit in war too and can take fights you wouldn't think possible like hazard shift nodes. Needs max DW tho to be the skill king. I would consider myself 'very high skill' with NF and he is one of my absolute favourite champions and I use him everywhere.

    KP - absolute beast. Usually doesn't offer much on defence but is hugely versatile on attack, killing thing, rintrah, gorr, spot, qs, hulkling, man thing, magog and always finishes at high health, even if it takes a little while longer than the 'best counter'. Absolutely love playing him when there are debuffs.

    Valkyrie - honestly am in 2 minds about her. On one hand she is hugely versatile and can handle a bunch of nodes and metas extremely well in war and bgs, however I do find her to be a bit slow in a fair portion of matchups and find myself sometimes losing by a narrow margin of under 1k points as many of the other champs Ive listed here kill opponents quicker than her, even if they can't do as many, and she offers nothing defensively. But I really do like playing her so I wouldn't say I regret the rank up, but maybe someone like kate bishop could offer more value than her?


    Torch - fantastic nuke, love having him at r5

    Scorp - love playing this champ and can handle a lot of different fights, finishing with respectable times and pretty much always full health, can use sp2 and health siphon if needed, great for abs man for example.

    Hulk - unduped 7 star and one of my all time favourites. Kabam did a fantastic job with his buff and I love how he has different rotations you can utilise depending on the fight and all his specials have their uses. Versatile nuke in bgs killing hulklings, manthings, mangogs (most champs really) with ease. Usually ends fights very quickly and at full health, also hugely fun to play.

    Spot - regret this rank up as he doesn't seem to win many matchups for me when using him to attack and he often gets steam rolled in defence by common attackers, everyone knows how to fight him these days. KP, AA, NF, herc even hulk just obliterate him in under 50 seconds. Maybe quicksilver or jessica jones or someone would have been a more useful rankup.

    And that's my take on my r5 champs. Overall I would say spot is my most regretted rank up, but I can only play him 'well'. I'm fully open to the possibility that if I can upgrade my skill level to 'insanely good' with him then he might do a lot more for me on attack, but it doesn't change the fact that most people I face simply breeze past him on defence. Please let us know your least favourite rank ups, or even ones that you actively regret!

    I feel for you. Rintrah seems like a good r5 candidate since hes such a tank on defense, but the r5 will come back to bite you in the rear as you continue duping him. His high sig combined with 5/5 MD causes you to build up power too fast and not stack as many ruptures
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    I agree with Rintrah, he is r4 for me but unduped. I have no intention of duping him unless rng gives it to me. He is not a r5 candidate for me but im milking it for r4, he is still my first choice mystic until i r4 my Doom and Tigra.

    I r4 sig 200 my Abs Man and no regrets. He doesnt go everywhere but with those immunities alone, i can take him against some irritating defenders like Vision Aarkus, Knull and Skrull without worry. He works very well as an all round attacker but wont be my first choice for damage.

    The biggest regret for me is Spot. He is good but i find him a bit slow and the portal block is a stall tactic with AI going for heavy all the time.

    Biggest surprise is Shuri. I ranked her to r2 based on people's positive reviews, r3 her based on alliance quest damage and then r4 her after seeing her destroy some difficult defenders..plus more recently she killed the gladiator paragon objectivr if defeating him 5 times with a tech. I ended battles with 80-90% health.

  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★
    If we're talking regrets for Rank Ups

    R3 Zemo - aside from the Root Nerf.... I mean Root Fix.... he's been a pretty underwhelming champion. I see some folks destroy with him, but to me personally, he's lacking oomph. He's annoying as a defender, when nodes are there to assist with his annoying kit, but as a player controlled champ, it's just... not there.

    R3 Colossus - I finally awakened the big metal lug, but even then, when his entire damage relies on crits, and he gets one once a month on SP2. He's become a "I'll use him when I have to deal with Freezer Burn nodes or Incinerate/Coldsnap."
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    I took Antman to Rank 3 before his buff...
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★

    Spot. He's always banned in BGs, which is the only mode I think he's useful for.

    I'm getting some good mileage from him on the side quest this month, Mojo's sp1 has a lot of hits and is easy to portal block, as long as you only MM after you can get 30k+ reds per hit on his specials after gaining that many spots in one block. Mainly depends on the defender, anyone with a special that has a ton of hits is great for him, and he is relatively sustainable with willpower as he has an on demand buff immunity self debuff.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★

    I just gotta say, how do you find valk slow? She's my fav r4 and I just juggle combo sp2 into block, 3-5 hits and pretty much everything is a goner.

    The problem with Valk is that many champs with annoying unstoppable effects are really, really chonky. Rintrahs, Kingpins etc. In those matches, I think she can be a bit slow as well. When you go up against a big Rintrah, that fight is just going to take time no matter what. Especially since you have to be careful so that you're never neutralized. Kingpin is a little easier but is ultimately a chonky boy as well.

    However, she really shines in metas such as those we've recently seen in BG, where less-chonky champs become unstoppable all the time. If the defender doesn't have an absolutely absurd health pool, she's amazing. Easily one of my favorite Skill champions at the moment.

    To answer OP's question: I would have to say Rintrah and Spot. I don't "regret" ranking up Rintrah in the sense that I think it was a really bad decision and haven't gotten anything out of it, but I wouldn't have minded ranking up Absorbing Man instead since I think he's a better (or at least more often used as a) two-way champion. Rintrah almost always ends up on defense for me. That's fine since he has netted me a bunch of wins there, but I'd prefer if my first r5s were attackers. After all, placing defenders isn't "fun" in the same way as playing well offensively is.

    As for Spot, I need to really learn how to play him to his max potential, I think. He's not as useful on defense as I had hoped and I don't know how to play him well enough on attack to win matches. That's probably more of a me problem than a him problem, but it's a problem nonetheless.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,718 ★★★★★
    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense

    I think valk is just a bit too slow to compete with all the r5 archangels, torches and other nukes. Abs man is great for war but in bgs doom wins me more fights than him as he is better for galans, ebony maws, abs man, himself and just in general walks past a lot defenders. I also must say tho that perhaps some of my dislike for abs man on attack is due to the AI. 9/10 times I'll light intercept with him fine but occasionally the AI will wiff or stutter or just in general do some nonsense and hit me after waiting out my light which really annoys me and I lose due to health lost in bgs. In war and questing this doesn't matter as he is tanky but it does cost a few points in bgs and I hate losing in those scenarios. But yeah I don't think I explicitly regret abs man but I do think tigra is a much stronger attacker, even killing my havok in sub 40 seconds, as well as many other defenders. I think she will be my next r5 mystic (not my 7 star duped mangog as her offensive power is just so good).
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Rasilover said:

    Professor x kinda useless with recoils 😬

    Thanks for the insight
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,141 ★★★★★
    Milan1405 said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense

    I think valk is just a bit too slow to compete with all the r5 archangels, torches and other nukes. Abs man is great for war but in bgs doom wins me more fights than him as he is better for galans, ebony maws, abs man, himself and just in general walks past a lot defenders. I also must say tho that perhaps some of my dislike for abs man on attack is due to the AI. 9/10 times I'll light intercept with him fine but occasionally the AI will wiff or stutter or just in general do some nonsense and hit me after waiting out my light which really annoys me and I lose due to health lost in bgs. In war and questing this doesn't matter as he is tanky but it does cost a few points in bgs and I hate losing in those scenarios. But yeah I don't think I explicitly regret abs man but I do think tigra is a much stronger attacker, even killing my havok in sub 40 seconds, as well as many other defenders. I think she will be my next r5 mystic (not my 7 star duped mangog as her offensive power is just so good).
    @Milan1405 @Emilia90

    Piggybacking off the Valk being too slow, do you think she’d need/benefit more than KP for the r5 in BGs?

    Is the too slow because of the time it takes to build up the pierce/bulwark? Or because she sometimes doesn’t get the kill after the first sp2 and combo (the fury expiring before enemy dies)
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense

    I think valk is just a bit too slow to compete with all the r5 archangels, torches and other nukes. Abs man is great for war but in bgs doom wins me more fights than him as he is better for galans, ebony maws, abs man, himself and just in general walks past a lot defenders. I also must say tho that perhaps some of my dislike for abs man on attack is due to the AI. 9/10 times I'll light intercept with him fine but occasionally the AI will wiff or stutter or just in general do some nonsense and hit me after waiting out my light which really annoys me and I lose due to health lost in bgs. In war and questing this doesn't matter as he is tanky but it does cost a few points in bgs and I hate losing in those scenarios. But yeah I don't think I explicitly regret abs man but I do think tigra is a much stronger attacker, even killing my havok in sub 40 seconds, as well as many other defenders. I think she will be my next r5 mystic (not my 7 star duped mangog as her offensive power is just so good).
    @Milan1405 @Emilia90

    Piggybacking off the Valk being too slow, do you think she’d need/benefit more than KP for the r5 in BGs?

    Is the too slow because of the time it takes to build up the pierce/bulwark? Or because she sometimes doesn’t get the kill after the first sp2 and combo (the fury expiring before enemy dies)
    Yes, she usually doesn't have the reach to kill an opponent with one sp2, even at r5. She's extremely versatile but to even her out a bit I think Kabam didn't make the damage as high as they could have. My mantis and hulk can take a similar breath of fights and they do it far quicker.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,141 ★★★★★
    Milan1405 said:

    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense

    I think valk is just a bit too slow to compete with all the r5 archangels, torches and other nukes. Abs man is great for war but in bgs doom wins me more fights than him as he is better for galans, ebony maws, abs man, himself and just in general walks past a lot defenders. I also must say tho that perhaps some of my dislike for abs man on attack is due to the AI. 9/10 times I'll light intercept with him fine but occasionally the AI will wiff or stutter or just in general do some nonsense and hit me after waiting out my light which really annoys me and I lose due to health lost in bgs. In war and questing this doesn't matter as he is tanky but it does cost a few points in bgs and I hate losing in those scenarios. But yeah I don't think I explicitly regret abs man but I do think tigra is a much stronger attacker, even killing my havok in sub 40 seconds, as well as many other defenders. I think she will be my next r5 mystic (not my 7 star duped mangog as her offensive power is just so good).
    @Milan1405 @Emilia90

    Piggybacking off the Valk being too slow, do you think she’d need/benefit more than KP for the r5 in BGs?

    Is the too slow because of the time it takes to build up the pierce/bulwark? Or because she sometimes doesn’t get the kill after the first sp2 and combo (the fury expiring before enemy dies)
    Yes, she usually doesn't have the reach to kill an opponent with one sp2, even at r5. She's extremely versatile but to even her out a bit I think Kabam didn't make the damage as high as they could have. My mantis and hulk can take a similar breath of fights and they do it far quicker.
    Well if her shortcomings are still present at r5, then i may as well r5 KP
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Though it's not a 6* r5 or a 7* r2, I deeply regret taking up Peni when she first came out. I thought she was an OP champ, so I used my resources to r4 her. There's just so much more champs that do her job better.
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    Polygon said:

    Milan1405 said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Valk is a super safe option. She definitely isn’t as fast as champs like Kate, but she shuts down a lot and if you place the right defender, she can still come out on top with a lot of points

    I think AM has a lot of value and can handle more fights than Doom in Battlegrounds well. I’d say Hood, Tigra, and Juggs take the cake when it comes to overall versatility, but AM puts in a ton of work. He’s always been super useful for war and Lags took him for 90% of the fights this past war season. He handles fights that I didn’t even think he would handle

    I’m gonna have to agree with Rintrah though. He still wins me a lot of battlegrounds matches on defense, but I can’t think of the last time I needed him on offense over all the other mystics I mentioned. If he had guaranteed sp2 crits/higher crit chance, he’d be so reliable on offense

    I think valk is just a bit too slow to compete with all the r5 archangels, torches and other nukes. Abs man is great for war but in bgs doom wins me more fights than him as he is better for galans, ebony maws, abs man, himself and just in general walks past a lot defenders. I also must say tho that perhaps some of my dislike for abs man on attack is due to the AI. 9/10 times I'll light intercept with him fine but occasionally the AI will wiff or stutter or just in general do some nonsense and hit me after waiting out my light which really annoys me and I lose due to health lost in bgs. In war and questing this doesn't matter as he is tanky but it does cost a few points in bgs and I hate losing in those scenarios. But yeah I don't think I explicitly regret abs man but I do think tigra is a much stronger attacker, even killing my havok in sub 40 seconds, as well as many other defenders. I think she will be my next r5 mystic (not my 7 star duped mangog as her offensive power is just so good).
    @Milan1405 @Emilia90

    Piggybacking off the Valk being too slow, do you think she’d need/benefit more than KP for the r5 in BGs?

    Is the too slow because of the time it takes to build up the pierce/bulwark? Or because she sometimes doesn’t get the kill after the first sp2 and combo (the fury expiring before enemy dies)
    Yes, she usually doesn't have the reach to kill an opponent with one sp2, even at r5. She's extremely versatile but to even her out a bit I think Kabam didn't make the damage as high as they could have. My mantis and hulk can take a similar breath of fights and they do it far quicker.
    Well if her shortcomings are still present at r5, then i may as well r5 KP
    Yes, my r5 KP has served me better than r5 valk. I can see people disagreeing with me and others who are saying valk is too slow to compete at the very top of battlegrounds, but I'm seeing no evidence to the contrary. I would love it if my valk was winning matchups for me in bgs but she just isnt except for thing and a couple of other matchups. Am very open to seeing a valk god post her doing 50k+ in bgs tho. Would love to see some screenshots of her tackling tougher defenders tho like rintrah, manthing, sassy, attuma etc, and then some info on how to play her against those champs to finish fights quick.
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★

    Though it's not a 6* r5 or a 7* r2, I deeply regret taking up Peni when she first came out. I thought she was an OP champ, so I used my resources to r4 her. There's just so much more champs that do her job better.

    She is a decent NF counter tbf, but on defence she just gets shredded by everyone these days. Everyone has hulkling, galan, gorr etc.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    For me it's spot. I'll start off that I'm prob not skilled enough playing him.

    I use him in bg's on offense and the main rotation I'm using (block 5 hits to go untouchable, get lots of rupture charges, build block again to sp2 then untouchable punish heavy with medium sp2) just doesn't kill them in 1 rotation. And that's a problem when his rotation is already so long. Maybe I should add a sp1 for more rupture charges idk what it is but I just don't use him anymore and barely put him on def.

    Also hes sig200 r4 btw.
  • TheTrueBeast10TheTrueBeast10 Member Posts: 126 ★★★
    Zekir said:

    If we're talking regrets for Rank Ups

    R3 Zemo - aside from the Root Nerf.... I mean Root Fix.... he's been a pretty underwhelming champion. I see some folks destroy with him, but to me personally, he's lacking oomph. He's annoying as a defender, when nodes are there to assist with his annoying kit, but as a player controlled champ, it's just... not there.

    R3 Colossus - I finally awakened the big metal lug, but even then, when his entire damage relies on crits, and he gets one once a month on SP2. He's become a "I'll use him when I have to deal with Freezer Burn nodes or Incinerate/Coldsnap."

    Colossus is completely dependent on the Omega Red synergy. With it, he's one of the hardest hitting mutants in the game with a decent amount of utility. Without it, he's pretty easily replaced. My Colossus is currently rank 4 along with a rank 3 Omega Red and he gets plenty of use
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