Namor needs to go back to what he was day 37

Day 37 of asking for namor to be rebalanced to what he used to be.
Return the 30% chance to inflict bleed
Remove the nerf on regen.
It honestly makes no sense. He wouldn’t be no broken champion in today’s game even if he returned to what he was
Return the 30% chance to inflict bleed
Remove the nerf on regen.
It honestly makes no sense. He wouldn’t be no broken champion in today’s game even if he returned to what he was
Yeah that Namor nerf seems goofy in the rearview mirror.
He definitely needs to go back to his original state, in order to be relevant in the current state of the game.
Wouldn't be opposed to the "buff," though.
Speaking of, I really need to start investing in my 6*. I keep forgetting to sig him up more.