Skill champs purifying Apoc's debuffs
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Apocalypse reduces purification ability accuracy by -100% so how come Zemo, Jabari Panther, Black cat and other champs with cleanse passives can purify his debuffs? Do cleanse passives have 200% ability accuracy or are they immune to ability accuracy reduction
Apocalypse reduces purify AAR by 100%, effectively shutting it down.
Cleanse, while fundamentally does the same thing, is in fact a different mechanic.
Similar to Stagger vs Neutralize. On the surface, they both prevent buffs, but they're different mechanics, so while one champ may be immune to stagger, a champ that applies neutralize may still work, and vice versa.
Apocalypse can reduce the champions ability to immediately Purify, through abilities like Tenacity.
He can't reduce the opponents ability to generate a charge of Cleanse.
The fact that Cleanse happens to subsequently remove debuffs is pure coincidence.
It was the same thing as naming Dargonman's power gain buff as "power charge" so that it isn't affected by Doom's sig ability
There is an Ability called Purify and there is an effect called purify.
It's a little confusing that their names are the same, so I'm trying to use Bold/Italics to help increase clarity...
You use the Ability Purify to generate the effect of purify.
You can also use the Ability Cleanse to activate the effect, purify.
Apocalypse reduces the Ability Accuracy of the Ability called Purify. He doesn't interact with the effect, which is also called purify. He therefore can't interact with Cleanse at all, which is a different Ability.
Bishop interacts with the effect called purify. He therefore inflicts bursts of damage any time his opponent generated the Effect, purify; regardless of whether it was caused through the Ability Cleanse or the Ability, Purify.
Clear as mud?
It's all complexity that has grown over time as counters to counters to counters grow and enter the contest.