It's a chat app, so like line or whatsapp, just programmed for the need of a mcoc player, it has prestige calc, stickers, aq management and so on.
You can reach me in line with the id ajar1900
and on clan hq join the trucos notification bot click on the link to the global trucos chat and you found me. For me directly in Clan hq Ajar1900#F6gr.
Hola, mi nombre es Jacquestime, soy líder de El Equipo de Kang [KG17ñ] y estoy buscando aliados activos para Gestas 4 y 5 (mínimo mapa 3) y Guerras. Estamos con la idea de armar los 3 grupos ya que por el momento hacemos solo uno por falta de miembros, necesitamos ayuda realmente, así que si te interesa sumarte, me escribes y listo o me buscas en el juego o a mi alianza, serás bienvenid@. Pedimos wsp ya que por ahí coordinamos todo. Gracias!!
@Jacques_time ¿Por qué has resucitado un hilo antiguo para reclutar? Recomendaría hacer un hilo dedicado en la sección Alianza de Reclutamiento del foro. ¡Mucha suerte en encontrar a alguien adecuado!
This app has actually been out for a while now. It's just no one uses it because Line is so much more easier and more universally know in the mcoc community. Switching to clan HQ would just be a needless hassle for most alliances
No, clan hq is not spying on you, and it does not pull any game data. But it's very helpful.
It's avaiable on the app store, you can find the link on the trucos facebook page.
This app is a normal app and you can get it at the play store and app store.
Follow the link below:
It's a chat app, so like line or whatsapp, just programmed for the need of a mcoc player, it has prestige calc, stickers, aq management and so on.
You can reach me in line with the id ajar1900
and on clan hq join the trucos notification bot click on the link to the global trucos chat and you found me. For me directly in Clan hq Ajar1900#F6gr.
Link for trucos notification on clan hq