October Thronebreaker EQ

Looking for some tips for 2.2 EQ at TB difficulty. I just completed act 7 for the first run and wanted to 100% the TB EQ for my third R4 to get Paragon. The beast boss is fine. But every path is a pile of suck. I have done both paths to the left. But man that Mordo, IMIW, Hype back to back is awful.
Thanks for the input.
(used iAbom mostly)
For IMIW, I used iBom, just be ready to dash back when he has one bar of power. Bait his heavy and save your power for special two, then special one which you are in acid wash mode.
For Hype, I used Scorpion after accidentally clicked on iBom (Hyperion is poison immune). I find that it is easier to get a taunt to draw specials from him. Obviously don’t use the poison default and pick shock or ruptures pre fights.
I have them all at rank 4 but you should boost up before you go in which will push the champs up a rank or two depending on your boost.
Hope this helps. I am also an average player but with a bigger roster.
3.2 is OG Guilly’s food, so you will save revives there. 100% should be do-able this month. Good luck mate.
Ibomb is enough... I did all paths with ibom as mvp. He is tanky asf and you can block specials all day.
Yeah for sure. Pulling him 2 days ago was a gift from kabam. All the other champs everyone mentioned I don’t have other than Luke. I like Luke, but I really could not convince myself to rank him up for one path. IBomb I could justify as I did not have a champ that did poison either.
Kabam forums for the win. Thanks again everyone for the tips and positivity. Yo
For IMIW anyone is fine really, but Void is still useful due to his DoT (so you can avoid the last 15% entirely)
Ik you've already done it, just a tip for anyone else