Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

The buff that never launched

ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★

It’s been a year and a half… can we have that buff announced/go live yet?


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    UnOriginalUnOriginal Posts: 727 ★★★

    Who's the champion?

    Most likely
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    Skydad23Skydad23 Posts: 555 ★★★
    Who was it?
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    GogiGogi Posts: 471 ★★★
    Kraven or Red guardian
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    laserjohn26laserjohn26 Posts: 1,529 ★★★★★
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    It was Red Guardian
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    TyphoonTyphoon Posts: 1,772 ★★★★★
    cur53d said:

    Well he is immune to buffs...

    you won
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    UnOriginalUnOriginal Posts: 727 ★★★
    edited October 2023
    Maratox said:


    Who's the champion?

    Most likely
    Completely unsure if this is sarcasm or not. If it’s not, that’s 100% not the champion because it’s someone linked to Russia.
    I didnt read the full screenshot :/ despite being circled
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    vsknight89vsknight89 Posts: 55

    Hey there,

    We have no plans to release this update for that Champion at this time. It was built with certain AW Buffs and Nodes in mind, but that content was also never released, so the Buff isn't much of anything at the moment.

    I wouldn't expect to ever see this particular buff released.

    Can we know the champion name now please, atleast to douse all our curiosity. 😊
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    ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★

    Hey there,

    We have no plans to release this update for that Champion at this time. It was built with certain AW Buffs and Nodes in mind, but that content was also never released, so the Buff isn't much of anything at the moment.

    I wouldn't expect to ever see this particular buff released.

    Thank u for the communication on this!

    If it was Red Guardian, let me say this though… he was initially designed as a perfect counter to the original 7.1 beta. He was almost a must have. Then the vision for Act 7 changed. Your update just told us that the next plan was War based, and now that content plan changed as well, leaving the buff in the lurch. It’s cool that plans changed, but I do hope a some sort of buff happens because he’s got a really good potential kit, just needs tweaking. A lot of work into that champ for him to just be sitting, collecting dust on most people’s bench right now.

    If it wasn’t Red Guardian, nevermind everything I just said lol.
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    Manup456Manup456 Posts: 887 ★★★★
    I believe it was BPCW because he was talked about as getting a buff and nothing ever happened.
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    ShoNuff29ShoNuff29 Posts: 420 ★★★
    Manup456 said:

    I believe it was BPCW because he was talked about as getting a buff and nothing ever happened.

    Different buff that was discussed… but yea, we’re STILL hoping, n wishing, n praying, for that one…
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★

    Hey there,

    We have no plans to release this update for that Champion at this time. It was built with certain AW Buffs and Nodes in mind, but that content was also never released, so the Buff isn't much of anything at the moment.

    I wouldn't expect to ever see this particular buff released.

    Can we know the champion name now please, atleast to douse all our curiosity. 😊
    I think the capital "C" in "Champion" is telling in this situation.
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    BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Posts: 307 ★★
    So this possibly can be Red Guardian, Rhino, Kraven, or Black Widow (cuz she is the Russian aswell).
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    DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Posts: 504 ★★★
    What the hell even is this? Did they really hold up IN GAME STUFF because of REAL WORLD EVENTS?! Wth
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    Akki_94Akki_94 Posts: 51
    What about black panther civil war buff ? Any info on him would be good
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,857 ★★★★
    edited October 2023
    I wonder why would they hype something that never happened. Maybe they still have a regret and opened up on it. I do wonder what the world would have been had we got the buff. How that champ was related to March 2022 remains a mystery.
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    What the hell even is this? Did they really hold up IN GAME STUFF because of REAL WORLD EVENTS?! Wth

    Yes, because the in-game stuff is made by developers that live in the real world, and is created for human players who also live in the real world.
    Obviously Mr eagle has never paid attention to these forum boards during the month of June. Suddenly they get very vocal about real life influencing the game.
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