3rd R4 to become Paragon

Title says it all. I will have the resources and progression.
3rd R4 to become Paragon 112 votes
Black Cat
12 votes
Hit Monkey
14 votes
OG Hulk
50 votes
Immortal Abomination
17 votes
2 votes
OG Scarlet Witch
10 votes
2 votes
Anti Venom
4 votes
Dragon Man
1 vote
OG Hulk, Odin, Mojo and Dragonman are all great champs but since there are 7* versions out there, I will advise you only rank them if it really helps you now.
I’d go with OG Scarlet Witch personally as she’s one of my favourites. However, I think Hit Monkey would be a blast at R4 and the additional health would help out his longevity in a quest
Poll has OG Hulk out front.
I agree with everyones comments here and that is why the choice is difficult. Ruling out Odin, Mojo and Dragon Man due to 7* availability.
Black Cat. Love the bleeds.
Hit Monkey. His damage output is bonkers and R4 would be hilarious.
OG Hulk. Love the update and the herc synergy is nice.
OG SW. She is not max sig and I I might pull her out of the running anyway. Her damage is a bit to RNG for me.
Anti-Venom. The ramp up takes a bit, his immunities are SO helpful.
IBOM. Just pulled him, took him to R3 and he was the reason I was able to 100% the TB EQ this month.
I feel like I am talking myself into either Hit Monkey, OG Hulk or IBOM now. Most of these are going to get the R4 anyways as resources get a bit easier and cheaper once you are Paragon. The champ that has the most sustainability is probably going to win as I have a lot of offensive nukes.
Also why are people hitting the disagree button for a poll lol? Internet forums crack me up somedays.
If you just R4 him, He can slay an entire quest (unless it has Maw in it🤣)