When you lose in war aren’t you supposed to match other losing alliances?

I always thought the general idea was to give everyone a fair chance to win. When you lose you should match other losers winners should match other winners am I wrong?????
Who’d you die to this time?
AW isn't a tournament, winners vs winners, loser vs loser, it's a mode where ratings matter
But seriously, only your AW rating matters in who you face. Not gold 1/2 or plat 3/4... only rating
I have never heard anyone think that you face a losers if you lose
If that were the case... you would never have to worry about facing a winner
Alliance war matches alliances based on war rating. War rating is a variation of ELO. The idea behind ELO is mathematical in nature, but the gist of it is that your rating measures how well you do against opponents of comparable rating. If you win your rating goes up on the assumption you are likely better than your opponent, and if you lose your rating goes down on the assumption that you are probably weaker than your opponent, and over time your rating generally converges on what your actual relative strength is.
When you lose, you will match against opponents that are likely weaker than the one you just faced, but they don't necessarily have to have lost their previous war. The could have won their previous war and moved up to that rating, while you lost your previous war and dropped down to that rating.