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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Unpopular opinion about bgs

Attacker health remaining SHOULDNT COUNT. If you can't take out a defender you should be automatically KO like another game mode. Nothing more annoying than losing when you KO a champ but the opponent doesn't however has enough health left to make up the difference and win.


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    ErosenseiogErosenseiog Posts: 287
    Has anyone ever lost a match when s/he have KOd the opponent but the opponent didn’t? What are you talking about?
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    Jaycray81Jaycray81 Posts: 370 ★★
    I've won 2 matches this season that way. Shouldn't have, but I did. I agree KO should win everytime.
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    Having it not count is silly, it does hold a bit too much weight imo, but not exactly unbalanced.

    I agree with this
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    flapjaxflapjax Posts: 285 ★★★

    Has anyone ever lost a match when s/he have KOd the opponent but the opponent didn’t? What are you talking about?

    Um all the time??

    I've won a few rounds by just keeping my HP high, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to KO the opponent, but that my defender would take a lot of HP from the opponent and take a while to kill.
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