How do I prevent from doing unintentional heavy punches/kicks?

Ever since I started spending hours farming for potions in ROL, I started noticing that I kept on doing heavies unintentionally. I've tried fixing the problem by using different parts of my thumbs on contact and raising my thumbs higher... But, it still happens no matter what. Anyone have any tips on how to fix this?
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I've had this issue for a very long time and I don't think I've even seen a comment from a mod to say it's even being looked into.
I've been testing lately and sometimes it does a heavy when I'm not even touching my phone so I've ruled out pressing the screen on the wrong place.
A heavy is caused when the screen is held for long enough for this to trigger. As it is us (me, you etc) that is placing our thumbs on the device to cause this, how is it a bug?
Seriously is there no-one left that can accept their own actions? We mis-time a hot, Kabams fault. We lose connection because of our device or area, Kabams fault. Our device has a clean function that means I have to download data every time the game is opened, Kabams fault. Now, we hold the screen too long and its Kabams fault?
Im the nasty one for having a different opinion than you, when you are all smiles and nice things, lol. I was only being dismissive that people like you (ie not that clever and very entitled) blame every single problem in the game on Kabam or someone else. It cant be lost connection because of a surge, weather, passing vehicle that blocks signal etc ( there are lierally over 1000 things that cant interrupt a signal, Google it) it must be Kabam every time. You cant have reacted too slow, play poorly, pick the wrong champs and lose a fight, it must be Kabam etc and bloody etc
Now we are saying that when we hold a strike slightly too long (milliseconds) and throw a heavy when we didnt want to, than this is a bug and Kabams fault as well
I am so glad I am not you and your kind, must be a miserable life. You can blame every single thing that is bad in your life on someone or something else as much as you want, but your life is still sad and a failure, and will always be the same
And think I will stay on the forums and do whatever I want DH, but thanks for asking
PS not offence to anyone else or the OP, simply asking for advice. But lots and lots of offence for @Username819273981 please
A heavy attack isn't done just by simply placing your thumb on the device.
If you hold down on the right hand side of the screen you do a heavy, if you hold down on the left hand side of the screen you block.
Several times a day I'm holding block (the left side of the device), my champion is in the block position taking hits and then suddenly performs a heavy without me doing anything.
Lots of times while half way through a combo my champion will randomly perform a heavy attack.
Recently I've been testing, finish a combo and then swipe left to dash backwards, i then let go of my phone and sometimes my champion then starts to do a heavy (while I'm not even touching the screen). As I'm not even touching the screen, the champion sits in the heavy position for as long as it can until it has to release and therefore most of the time I get hit because you can't move when in that position.
When a heavy is done randomly this often, even when only touching the left side of my phone and even when not touching my phone at all MUST be done sort of bug.
How's this dude not banned yet? Lol kabam cmon yo, he's so off topic it's not even funny anymore. It's always the same bs with him or her, whatever they are. So emotional.
Anyway, OP, I don't experience this annoying heavy attack thing as much anymore, but yeah those random hits are a bit more annoying, but thankfully it's less troubling than a heavy attack because the heavy attack gives the enemy more openings.
Apart from the fact you are already on your last warning on the forums how and where did I go off topic? I replied to posts that were meant for me. Please show me one place on this thread where I did what you say mate, if I did I will apologise. If you dont find one an apology would be nice back?
@UnsaferBinkie7 I DID NOT FLAG YOU! Just in case you blame me mate
@Grufty I didnt flag your post either mate, as I will prove by flagging your post as a like, but the spam one is still there as well
@Dave_the_destroyer really?
you instantly started shitting on the OP and grunty up there ^^^
You started saying it's their fault, when you don't know all. You started going on a rant about how everyone blames kabam, now please go back to work or something, or whatever it is you do outside of the forums.
@UnsaferBinkie7 But none off-topic as you say? And please read what I posted mate, not what you think I posted? I have a different opinion, doesnt mean im right, doesnt mean im wrong, just different. Surely im allowed that as well as the rest of the other posters? But I didnt do what you said I did as you can see
Sometimes it is Kabams fault, no problem admitting that at all, but not every time
No need for an apology, I enjoy the discussions on here, but I do try and keep on the threads topic mate
You didn't state it was your opinion, making it look like it was factual, that is one of you're problems m8.
2 mentions of my bars, pretty unecessary, I'd say they fit my style on my profile.
Sorry mate, dont understand the first point? What did I say was factual?
Wont mention your obstructed view again! But, I agree, they actually look cool!
Nothing you said in your first comment implied that was an opinion, you basically ranted about us blaming kabam for everything, and explained the heavy attack mechanic(which we all know what it is and how to do it), and asked how it's a bug. Pretty useless response, when this is a problem for a lot of people.
And thanks again for the unecessary jab right there, still shows you're pretty emotional for a guy who writes stuff on a forum.
The OP and other posters (you included) stated the bug you claimed as fact, is that allowed? I then replied with my opinion, which I apologise for if you thought it was stated as a fact. Plus as far as I can see its a problem for 3 people max out of 50 million, so not "a lot"?
But lets agree to disagree, have a great Christmas and all the best
And thanks for not defending yourself on my previous comment, proves that you not only shitted on the OP, but didn't state it was an opinion. I didn't claim it was fact, I stated that I experience this aswell. You on the other hand said that this us our fault, straight up our fault, we're the ones to blame not the kabams.
And Merry christmas to you aswell.
And sorry @Average_Player for these comments.
Sorry mate, you stated it as a fact, just as much as you say I stated my opinion as a fact. Doesn't make your opinion correct, doesn't make mine wrong. You keep stating it as facts when it isnt. Neither is mine, but stop being so hypercritical
You claim others have your "bug" but all I can see is 3 people, thats actually a FACT
I apologised for you thinking I stated mine as a fact, you must have missed that bit? I never saw a similar apology from you?
I also stated to the OP that I was not having a pop at him, something else you missed
I can see now why you are behind bars and nearly banned. If you dont want people to mention them then dont be a **** on the forums and be put behind them. You can see I was tryin to be diplomatic the last few posts, you just kept attacking and being a ****
By the way there is only person being emotional here, and its not me
Merry Christmas
I'm just stating you keep mentioning my bars, I honestly don't care, but I just like to mention it because it's randomly added in your comments(pretty funny).
We don't need to Apologize to eachother, should apologize to the OP, when there are a bunch of people who comment about this issue or even make threads about it(or make a thread mentioning it), than that should raise some flags, we can't prove either argument, but yes we made it look factual, I just point out that that is one of your problems, you like to **** on posts, just like you did above and for some reason don't like the idea of people being right about blaming kabam on something.
LOL again you state as a FACT that this is Kabams fault! I really really do thank you for proving my point, thanks
And one of your problems is you cant take responsibility at all in any case for anything you don't like in the game. As witness by your many many blame threads, and the fact that you are nearly banned
You have to **** on Kabam to try and make yourself feel better
How is that working out for you?
Mate, all I can suggest is you raise a ticket. They should be able to help you, especially if it is device specific
You **** on people
Obviously since we can't prove our heavy attack argument or your heavy attack argument, they're not factual, but it's weird when this issue comes up a lot in the forums huh?
I'm wasting my battery over here, goodluck with your mindset b, again sorry OP.
But the game does in fact randomly launch heavy attacks. Maybe its a device issue, maybe not.
I have also experienced other issues, for example I dash forward randomly holding block.
Or sometimes it becomes completely unresponsive when I try to evade.
Or what about the little stutter step the AI can do when countering after you perform a 5 hit combo.
I learn to deal.
The state of the game is much better than it has been in prior months, but it still is not perfect. Not that I expect it to be perfect anymore, (which is sad to me that I have just come to accept that) It definitely does not perform or act like it did a year or 2 ago.
ps what happened to you and your post from a few days ago about being nicer to people dave?
I love you
Have a like, merry Christmas.
@Average_Player, I'm sorry to hear about these issues you've been having with your heavy attacks. For situations like this, your best bet would be to get in contact with our support team. You can reach them directly from the game's home screen by clicking on the gear icon in the top-left corner of the screen, and then scrolling down to the button labeled "support".