Champions that should get additional immunities

I personally think that quite a number of champions deserve to have additional immunities based on their physiology or powers. That way some of them can be more relevant. Examples include
Unstoppable Colossus: Bleed, Shock, Coldsnap, Armor Break, Armor Shatter
Psylocke, Phoenix and Captain Britain: Reverse controls
Loki: Poison, Coldsnap and Frostbite
What do you think? Also do you want a champion to have immunity to degen?
Unstoppable Colossus: Bleed, Shock, Coldsnap, Armor Break, Armor Shatter
Psylocke, Phoenix and Captain Britain: Reverse controls
Loki: Poison, Coldsnap and Frostbite
What do you think? Also do you want a champion to have immunity to degen?
Kitty is immune to incinerate because... Lockheed is protecting her? lol.
(Hey don't take it away though I love that she has it!)
Other than that, I 100% agree with the rest. We need some champs to be completely degen immune. COMPLETELY. Not just a certain percent degen immune/resistant, or degen immune when parried, or healing factors to counter degen like what we have in the game so far, or needing calculated skills to trigger a degen immunity, but COMPLETELY DEGEN IMMUNE. In their list of abilities, "Degen Immune" should be one. Simple.
Degen is a huge health killer. Kabam has been hesitant to introduce this because they would lose out on the revive and health potion bottom line. $$$$$
Every psychic based champ should be immune to reverse controls and have falter ability. Period.
I can't understand why Loki, the child of an ICE GIANT, isn't immune to coldsnap and frostbite 😂 But it took Kabam a long time to make Storm---the weather controlling GODDESS--- immune to Shock 😂😂😂
And she's only immune to "real" shocks, not science based little static shock zaps you get from making contact with Electro. Organic shock vs GMO shock...lmfao. Make it make sense.
This is why Kabam should just take a few months and focus on buffing or re-working OG champs, and hold off on introducing a bunch of new ones.
Main focus is balancing and so on. They don’t want to make a single Champ too strong/OP.
The evidence (old but still relevant):
I'm sure it's just strawberry jelly though.
Werewolf should be coldsnap and frostbite immune.
Dormammu should be incinerate and nova flame immune.
Doom should be reverse control immune.
As you were sir 🫡