Bg rant

I hate bgs because there is no player filter you against a thronebreaker player in plat 2 with 8 7* and get demolished and for going against that player and playing through the match you get nothing for the bg solo points it feels like a waist of time because your going against a higher player with a complete roster while your still coming outta UC and struggling to build a roster at plat 2.i know people are gonna hate on this but i do think there needs to be a bonus for facing a higher story player or a filter just to help with wanting to play with bgs ive already talked bout a player filter and people trashed it but. a increased reward in points for the solo event would be nice instead of getting nothin off a lost ofc if you quit out or leave match you get no points but for fully playing a match knowing you have lost and gettin minimal points is so dumb and they will stay in plat 2 and loose over and over to farm points sucks
Also if you're a returning player you'll find that act 6 is way easier than before and act 7 and 8 are easier than the original act 6.
Also being condescending towards others just invites condescension towards yourself. I recommend following the advice you were given to ask nicely and you get nice responses.
(1) easier to get wins in low ranks
(2) there is no incentive going higher rank to play if you just have get points to clock all milestones in bg objectives ( lesser win %, points awarded in higher ranks are the same as lower ranks )