Stream Recap - November 3, 2023

November Content - As Above, So Below/Dark Catacombs
Dark Catacombs is a weekly event that sounds to have some sort of entry cost.Chee'Ilth/Kushala
Chee'ilth is an mcoc original champion that has access to cleanse, and can stack large amounts of high damage bleeds. Her abilities are more potent against Gamma-Infused opponents. She has many standard skill abilities, and she should perform well against Jessica Jones.Kushala has a standard sorcerer 'blessings' ability, and you want multiple stacks of as many as possible. She can nullify buffs for huge incinerates (like longshot) and has access to a soul barb as well. She can place special buffs on the opponent to fuel her rotation more. She gets power when buffs are gained, instead of upon expiry. (Side note: I got to try her in Vancouver and she seems crazy fun)
MCOC on Amazon Prime Gaming
For those with Amazon Prime, you can log into your account, and get some free goodies. It looks like a follow up to Marvel Insider, awarding things like new champions as 3 stars, cav crystals, and energy refills, up to twice a month.Alliance Quest Setup 2.0
The AQ landing page has been updated to have a much more modern feel, similar to the battlegrounds page. AQ has been switched to 4 days a week, customized within a 7 day calendar week. An alliance can individually assign battlegroups, maps, and modifiers, so you could have BG1 running map 4 Sunday through Wednesday, while BG2 runs Map 7 Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. This also sets up for Raids, coming early 2024.AQ Raids
Raids split a battlegroup into sets of 3, each section must defeat several enormous bosses. Each player takes on a specific role, and must alternate attempts on the boss. By playing into the node, you buff up the next player. This creates a feedback loop where your damage scales up and up to crazy levels over your attempts. Raids replace an entire week of AQ, and are available every 4 weeks.Deathless Champions
7* deathless pieces are for endgame players, and will always be accessible through in game content and currencies, and never limited to a cash offer or rank reward. 6* deathless pieces are accessible to late game players and will generally be easier to obtain. if you get the 7* champion, the 6* comes with it. The deathless champions are designed to be a fun questing team, and will likely not be meta in battlegrounds or war, but there may be challenge objectives in the future that require their use. Obtaining all 4 deathless champs will give a special additional deathless champion, that one will be very powerful.The remaining 7* Guillotine pieces are found in Necropolis Completion, a Challenge Objective, and a Banquet milestone. (Note: The banquet milestone it is in can be achieved by simply opening the freely awarded crystals, and spending the units obtained from other milestones)
The remaining 6* pieces can be bought with loyalty, glory, and artifacts later in the year.
The 7* pieces will be purchasable with units later on, but it will be very expensive
Path Rewards:
- 7* crystal
- 6* 4-5 gem
- 200 t2 dust
- 7* crystal
- 6* 4-5 gem
- t2 dust
- Title: Ruler of the Necropolis
- 7* Deathless Guilly piece
- 10k Titan shards
- 6* Relic
- 7* 1-2 gem
- 7* 2-3 crystal
- 2x 7* class crystal selector
- 6* Maestro
- 1 mastery point(!)
- Profile Picture
- 3x 6* Relics
- 1x Titan Crystal
- 7* 1-2 gem
- 7* 2-3 gem
- 7* Maestro
- 7* Launch pool selector
New Progression Title: Valiant
- Complete 8.3 and have 2x r3 7*s
- Upon launch, the only way to be Valiant is to explore Necropolis (unless you're Fintech)
- There will be a SINGLE r3 available from cyber week, combining unit and cash offers
Valiant Perks
- Valiant will launch with better Login Crystals, Calendar, and Holiday Gift.
- Updates to Glory Store and new Challenge Objectives early next year
- Exclusive Content to come
- Upgrades to Daily deals and Preview Bundles coming soon
- A few bonus Cyber Week offers (but no bonus r3 materials)
For context, I have completed neither LoL nor Abyss
We had time and options to achieve the title.
Releasing temporary content for the 0.5% of the players doesn't seem fair, when the only option to get the title was either the newest everest content exploration or your wallet.
If those objectives are like Carina's, and permanent, no worries. But if time-locked, it will be sad.
Paragon players shouldn't still be getting cavalier fragment crystals and I am sure valiant will get everything updated
I wonder if i got one r3 from complete 1st path of Necropolis and then buy the r3 deal from Cyber Weekend. Will i still able to get extra bonus/able to buy extra bonus offers (separately)? Or i have to completely buy all offer again as Valiant to get extra bonus.